Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

ms. 26376 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)

Special Collections


1 copy of Sharḥ al-wiqāyah by Maḥbūbī, ʻUbayd Allāh ibn Masʻūd, d. 1346 or 7

Undated. ff.190-193 supplied in a later hand. Preceded by fihrist

Incipit: الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلوة على خير خلقه اجمعين يقول المتوسل الى الله تعالى باقوى الذريعة عبيد الله بن مسعود بن تاج الشريعة ... هذا حل المواضع المغلقة من وقاية الرواية من مسايل الهداية التى الفها جدي واستاذي ... برهان الشريعة والحق والدين محمود بن صدر الشريعة ... كتاب الطهارة ش اكتفى بلفظ الواحد مع كثرة الطهارات لان الاصل ان المصدر لا يثنى ولا يجمع ... لكونها اسم جنس

Language(s): Arabic


Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: (2) 193 f.
Dimensions (leaf): 21 × 15 cm.
Dimensions (written): 15 × 10 cm.



Small neat naskhi hand

Record Sources

"Manuscript description based on Adam Gacek : Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1981".


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card for admissions procedures contact SOAS Archives and Special Collections Admissions. Contact docenquiry@soas.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript. Microfiche copy available for purchase from : Brill - IDC Publishers.

Funding of Cataloguing



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