Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

ms. 27471 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)

Special Collections


1 copy of Khalā al-rāhibāt by Ḥātim, Būlus d. 1885

Refutation of the errors of the Maronite nun Margharita Bāṭishtā who followed the teachings of Hindīyah ʻAjīmī, foundress of the Order of the Sacred Heart

Incipit: المقدمة فى غاية هذا المولف وضرورته من ذا يعطى لراس نداء ولعينى ينابيع الدموع لا ندب شقا ... البعض من بنين بل من بنات شعب مدينة حلب المسكينة
Colophon: قد نقلت هذاالكتاب بخط يدي عن نسخته الاصلية...فی سنه 1845 فتح الله بن بن عبد الله

Language(s): Arabic


Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 155 f.
Dimensions (leaf): 20.5 × 15 cm.
Dimensions (written): 17 × 10.5 cm.



Clear naskhi hand


Origin: 1845 CE

Record Sources

"Manuscript description based on Adam Gacek : Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1981".


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Funding of Cataloguing



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