MS. Bodl. Or. 317 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
Oriental Manuscripts
Summary of Contents: 5 works by 5 authors on the subjects of Islamic architecture, Natural history, Geography, and Names
1. ff. 1r-73v
Excerpts transcribed by J. Gagnier from MS. Pococke 394 and MS. Marsh 149
Language(s): Arabic
[NAM. 131 (1)]
2. ff. 75r-96v
Title: Tuḥfat al-mulūk
Excerpts transcribed from MS. Huntington 189 by J. Gagnier, with a Latin version of most added by him
f. 97 is blank
Language(s): Arabic
GAL II 298
[NAM. 131 (2)]
3. ff. 98r-108v
Excerpts transcribed by J. Gagnier from MS. Pococke 375, with a Latin version and notes, parallel citations etc.]
Language(s): Arabic, Latin
GAL I 477
[NAM. 131 (3)]
4. ff. 110r-153v
Extracts transcribed by J. Gagnier from MS. Huntington 2
Language(s): Arabic
GAL II 132
[NAM. 131 (4)]
5. ff. 154r-182v
Title: Muʻjam al-buldān
Excerpts transcribed in alphabetical order by J. Gagnier
Language(s): Arabic
GAL I 480
[NAM. 131 (5)]
Physical Description
Form: codex
73 ff. 22 ff. 11 ff. 44 ff. 29 ff.
Origin: early 18th cent. CE 17th cent. CE 18th cent. CE 18th cent. CE 17th cent. CE
Record Sources
Manuscript description based on the Bodleian Library's public card index of Arabic manuscripts with additional enhancements by the OCIMCO project team.
Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions).
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