Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

ms. 48137 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)

Special Collections


1 copy of Kanz al-daqāʼiq by Nasafī, ʻAbd Allāh ibn Aḥmad, d. 1310

Second half of a compendium of Hanafi law. Lacking end. Numerous marginal and interlinear glosses. Badly water-stained. Undated

Incipit: كتاب البيوع هو مبادلة المال بالمال بالتراضى ... ويلزم بايجاب وقبول وبتعاط

Language(s): Arabic


Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 77 f.
Dimensions (leaf): 23.5 × 17.5 cm.
Dimensions (written): 13 × 11 cm.




Record Sources

"Manuscript description based on Adam Gacek : Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1981".


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Funding of Cataloguing



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