Averroës, 1126-1198
- Role(s):
- Author, Bibliographic antecedent, Commentator
- External links:
- Author of:
- Commentary on Avicenna, 980-1037 ʼs al-Manẓūmah [al-urjūzah] fī al-ṭibb
- Comms. on Aristotle : - (i) paraphrase of De coelo (ii) intermediate commentary on De generatione et corruptione (iii) commentary on De meteoris
- Sharḥ al-urjūzah fī al-ṭibb
- Tahāfut al-tahāfut
- Untitled work by Averroës, 1126-1198
- An untitled work, or extract, on ceremonial purification [ farāʼiḍ al-wuḍūʼ ].
- Contributed to:
- Fragment of the Arabic commentary of Averroës, 1126-1198 on Aristotle ʼs work against the Sophists — Bibliographic antecedent
- Manẓūmah fī al-ṭibb — Commentator
- Sharḥ al-urjūzah fī al-ṭibb — Commentator
- Manuscripts:
- King's Pote 232 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- MS Arabic 421 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS. Bodl. Or. 478 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bodl. Or. 828 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Hatton Or. 34 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Heb. d. 48 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 502 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 5 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- Or. 165 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1012 (University Library, Cambridge University)
The above references reflect only the current coverage of the online catalogue and may not be comprehensive.