Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

MS. Ind. Inst. Arab. 20 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)

Oriental Manuscripts


Summary of Contents: 18 works by 10 authors on the subjects of Philosophy, Koran, Aphorisms and apothegms, Mysticism, and Logic
1. ff. 34r-39v
Language(s): Arabic


GAL I 212
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (3)]
2. f. 40r, v

Said to be an extract from his al-ʻAqd al-ṭahmās (?)

*where the ref. Suppl. ii. 575 should read Suppl. ii. 595

**Father of ʻĀmilī, Bahāʼ al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Ḥusayn, 1547-1621

Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Theology
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (4)]*
3. f. 41r

f. 41v contains a note "on the number of the prophets" by ? Jamāl al-Dīn Abū ʻAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Makkī al-ʻĀmilī, called al-Shahīd al-Awwal [Beeston Pers. 2830 (6)]

Language(s): Arabic


GAL II 414, 415
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (5)]
4. ff. 42r-53r
Author: Plato

ff. 53r-55r contain various short notes in Arabic and Persian [Beeston Pers. 2830 (8)]

Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Ethics
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (7)]
5. ff. 56v-59r

Ascribed also to Suyūṭī, 1445-1505 and others

*where for GAL ii. 798 read GAL Suppl. i. 798 f. 59v contains brief notes in Arabic [Beeston Pers. 2830 (11) [part]]

Language(s): Arabic


GAL I 446
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (10)]*
6. ff. 60r-63r

Extract only

folld., on the rest of f. 63r and 63v by shorter extracts from the same author

Language(s): Arabic


GAL II 413
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (12)]
7. ff. 64r-65v

Miftāḥ 14 only

f. 66r is blank

Language(s): Arabic


GAL II 413
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (13)]
8. ff. 66v-67r
Language(s): Arabic


GAL II 413
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (14)]
10. f. 76r
Author: Plato
Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Ethics
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (16)]
11. ff. 76v-85r

In 4 chapters

*who, in finding "no other mention of this work", seems to have overlooked the entry in Brock.

Language(s): Arabic


GAL II 413
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (17)]*
12. f. 85r
Author: Plato
Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Ethics
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (18)]
13. ff. 85r-86r

Extract only, fī bayān al-ḥikām al-khamsah

Language(s): Arabic


GAL II 413
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (19)]
14. ff. 86r-91r

Arabic and Persian extracts only

Language(s): Arabic


GAL II 413
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (20)]
15. f. 91v
Language(s): Arabic


GAL I 211-213
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (21) [part]]
16. ff. 93r-94r
Author: Anonymous
Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Theology
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (23)]
17. ff. 94v-103r

*Brock. ʻan ff. 103v and 104r are blank

Language(s): Arabic


GAL I 425
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (24)]
18. ff. 104v-130v

*lacks title, but incipit corresponds to the B. M. copy of this work (see Cureton and Rieu 978 (44))

Language(s): Arabic


GAL I 456
[Beeston Pers. 2830 (25)]

Physical Description

Form: codex
6 ff. 1 f. 1 f. 12 ff. 4 ff. 4 ff. 2 ff. 2 ff. 9 ff. 1 f. 10 ff. 1 f. 2 ff. 6 ff. 1 f. 2 ff. 10 ff. 27 ff.


Origin: 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE 1674 CE

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on the Bodleian Library's public card index of Arabic manuscripts with additional enhancements by the OCIMCO project team.


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions).

Funding of Cataloguing



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