- Role(s):
- Abridger, Artist, Attributed name, Author, Commentator, Compiler, Contributor, Editor, Former owner, Inscriber, Scribe, Translator
- Author of:
- "A few pieces in prose and verse"
- "Formula testamentorum duplex"
- (i) Birth-records of the family of Ibrāhīm ibn Samūrwā d. 1727 , ff. 1r-3r; (ii) Medical prescriptions, ff. 3v-6v; (iii) Testimony, dated 1747, of Augustin Zaʻrūr of his examination of a record of baptism in Antioch in 1687 , and other memoranda, ff. 7v-10r.
- (Persian translation of) Bīkat-i Chantāmanī
- (unknown title)
- * Commentary on the ʻAyn al-qawāʻid fī al-manṭiq wa-al-ḥikmah of Qazwīnī, ʻAlī ibn ʻUmar, 1203 or 4-1276 or 7
- * Fragments of a commentary on al-Mukhtaṣar fī al-fiqh , or al-Taqrīb fī al-fiqh , of Abū Shujāʻ al-Iṣfahānī, Aḥmad ibn al-Ḥusayn, b. ca. 1042
- *A commentary on the Risālah (compd. 1484) of Bābā-Ṭāhir, 11th cent.
- *al-Amthāl al-sāʼirah
- *History of Sennar, from 940-1284 / 1533-1867 .
- *Laṭāʼif al-maʻārif limā fīhi min al-akhbār al-gharībah wa-al-ittifāqāt al-ʻajībah
- *Rubrics, jadāwil, of different kinds of astronomy.
- 19th - 20th Century Swahili Popular Verses
- 8 tables entitled al-Firāsah ʻalá aʻḍāʼ al-insān ʻan al-ḥukamā , i. e. on inferring peoplesʼ characters from their physical appearance
- 99 names of God
- ?Ujālah kāfiyah li-wasāʼil al-sāʼilīn li-waẓāʼif al-kalām
- [Adʿīyah]
- [Akhlāq]
- [An Arabic-Persian dictionary]. Vol. II., Continuation of No 218, to letter Ya.
- [A collection of Maghribī historical documents*].
- [Ikhtīyārāt-i ayyām]
- [A mathnawī on Sufism]
- [On the value of rubrics containing names of God and magical numbers]
- [Poems entered on the blank last leaves of the MS. by a later hand]
- [Recipes, etc., attributed to Galen ]
- [Risālah] fī bayān [?al-]ʻālamay al-rūḥānī wa-al-jismānī [attribd. to al-shaikh al-Yūnānī = ? Plato].
- [A short work on the magical properties of the letters of the alphabet]
- [Sīrat Muḥammad al-Muṣṭafá]
- [Sūrat al-vilāyat va al-nūr]
- [A treatise on Sufism]
- [Unidentified poetical fragments]
- [ʾUṣūl-i fiqh]
- [Ḥikmat dar guftār-i Jālīnūs]
- [Ṣarf va Naḥv]
- Abbreviation of al-īḍāḥ fī al-wuqūf wa-al-ibtidāʾ
- Abridgement of 'Amal-i Ṣāliḥ of Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ Kambūh, d. 1674?
- An abridgement of the introduction to the work commented on in the previous treatise.
- An abridgment (on the trisection of the right angle) of part of Abū Jaʻfar Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn ʼs Iṣlāḥ K. al-Makhrūṭāt [of Apollonius, of Perga *]
- An abridgment of the abridgment by Ibn al-Mullā al-Ḥalabī 1560-1602* of the Rawḍat al-manāẓir fī ʻilm al-awāʼil wa-al-awākhir of Ibn al-Shiḥnah, Zayn al-Dīn Abū al-Walīd Muḥammad d. 1412
- An abridgment of the Niẓām al-tavārīkh
- Abstract and Index of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Delhi Collection
- Abunawas na Harun Rashid
- Abyāt al-faraḥ
- al-Abyāt fī al-ism al-aʻẓam
- Abyāt, Duʻā, Tārīkh
- An account [unfinished] of the miʻrāj
- Account of a sea-fight between the Ottomans and the Venetians.
- An account of Burdwān
- Account of Hamadan
- An account of Madhurao Peshwa, comprising the events which took place between A.H. 1174 and 1187.
- An account of the affiliation of 14 dervish orders and the manner in which their Shayks received the khirqah
- Account of the creation and the properties of the heavenly bodies
- Account of the dissasters of the year 582/1196-7, as foretold by the stars
- An account of the early Rajahs of Hastinapur.
- Account of the tribes of Luristan
- Accounts
- Acephalous treatise on medicine
- An adab work dealing with miscellaneous topics and relying largely on quotations
- Adagia Persica, plurimus in locis cum interpretatione Jacobi Golii
- Adat segala Raja-raja Melayu
- Adillat al-firqah fī libās al-khirqah
- Adʻiyah
- Adʻīyāʼ
- Al-Adʻīyah al-sharīfah
- African manuscripts with texts on the names of God and their virtues, magical squares and alchemy
- African prayer-book
- An African prayer-book
- Afterword to the Ḥadīqat al-Ḥaqīqah
- al-Ajwibat al-jalīyah fi al-uṣūl al-naḥwīyah
- Akbarnāma-i Adviyat
- Akhbār fī al-naḥw riwāyat Abī Ṭahir ʻAbd al-Wāḥid ibn ʻUmar ibn Abī Hāshim ʻan shuyūkhihi [fl. c. 1206]
- Akhbār-i darbār-i bādshāh
- Akhbār-i vaqāyiʼ-i Nādir Shāh va Farrukh Siyar
- Akhlāq-i pādshāhī
- Akhlāq-i siyar-i pādshāhān
- An album containing specimens of writing in Arabic and Persian
- An album of 22 calligraphic specimens, Arabic and Persian.
- An album of 6 calligraphic specimens, Arabic.
- An album of calligraphic models
- Album of calligraphic specimens, in different styles of naskh
- Alf laylah wa-laylah
- Alfīyah-ʼi Muʻẓam Shāhī
- Alphabet used by the Inhabitants of the Island Johanna
- Alphabetum Maurorum, sive Arabicum occidentalium - from Dombey's grammar
- Amthilah
- Al-Amthilah al-mukhtalifah
- Amthāl
- Amthāl jāriyah ʻalá alsun al-nās
- An amulet [damaged]
- Amulet containing sūrahs 1,112 and other Qurʼānic quotations, magic letters etc.
- Amulet in leather case
- The amulet of Andarūz
- Amulets and charms from Central Africa .
- Amulets and prayers
- Amulets, a description of the properties of the sun and moon, etc.
- An anatomical treatise with diagrams
- An anecdote about a meeting in Baghdad between a man of Byzantium and Ibn al-Ṭayyib, in the presence of al-Kindī.
- Anecdotes concerning early Islamic tradition
- Anecdotes of Qarā-qūsh
- Angrīznāmah
- Anonymous
- An anonymous account of the Iremlu (Rūmlū) tribe
- anonymous Arabic-Ottoman Turkish glossary
- an anonymous Chaghatay poem
- Anonymous collection of poems
- An anonymous collection of tales and traditions
- Anonymous commentary on Nasafī, ʻUmar ibn Muḥammad, 1068?-1142 ʼs poem on the principles of religion
- An anonymous commentary on the Badīʻ al-Mīzān of al-Ṭulunbī
- Anonymous commentary on the Sī Faṣl of Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī
- An anonymous compendium of the history of Persia
- an anonymous mukhammas in Chaghatay
- anonymous Ottoman Turkish hymns in praise of the Prophet
- anonymous Ottoman Turkish text on magic and alchemy
- An anonymous outline of astronomy
- An anonymous Persian commentary on the Tahdhīb al-manṭiq wa-al-kalām of Taftāzānī, Masʻūd ibn ʻUmar, 1322-1389?
- An anonymous poem in Malay on the Islamic doctrines of sin and its punishment in the afterlife
- anonymous short thematic poems in Ottoman Turkish
- Anonymous untitled commentary on a philosophical work
- An anonymous work on the art of reading the Qurʼān
- Another portion of the same tafsīr as in work 1 of this manuscript
- Ansāb-i Afghānān
- An anthology of anecdotes, poems, apothegms and compositions of various kinds
- An anthology of Arabic poetry
- Anthology of Arabic poetry in the form of a Bayāḍ
- An anthology of Persian poetry
- An anthology of Persian poetry by various authors arranged in alphabetical order of rhymes
- An anthology of poems
- An anthology of poems by various poets
- An anthology of poetry
- An anthology of poetry drawn from Ḥillī, Ṣafī al-Dīn ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz ibn Sarāyā, b. 1278 and others.
- An anthology of short poems in Turkish
- Anthology ∣ Anonymous
- Anwār al-iIlāh fī sharḥ asmāʼ Allāh al-ḥusná
- Anwār al-sarāʼir wa-miṣbāḥ al-zāʼir
- Anwār qudsīyah wa-asrār rūḥīyah
- Anīs al-ʿāshiqīn
- Aphorisms on the virtues and varieties of knowledge
- An apologetic treatise on Islamic doctrines
- Appendix on Arabic grammar
- Appendix on grammar
- Appendix to the Burhān al-maʼās̲ir
- Aqāwīl muntakhabah min aqwāl wa-amthāl wa-naṣḥ wa-irshād
- Arab-Italian vocabulary
- Arabic accounts with Greek letters; Coptic on verso.
- An Arabic alphabet and vocalised syllabary
- An Arabic calendar, with tables
- Arabic commentary on the first poem of the Dīwān of Ḥāfiẓ, 14th cent. , [??], introduced by a letter from a father to his son.
- Arabic du'a with notes in an unidentified language
- Arabic grammar
- Arabic index [Dallāl] to the Gospel lectionary for the year in the Coptic Church
- Arabic poem
- Arabic poem preceding the Burdah of al-Būṣīrī
- Arabic prayer
- Arabic prayers and doxology and instructions in Turkish preceding the Burdat al-Būṣīrī
- Arabic prayers for use in the months of Rajab, Shaʻbān and Ramaḍān, with interlinear Persian translation
- Arabic proverbs with Persian translations
- The Arabic sentences which occur in the Gulistan, with Persian translations.
- An Arabic vocabulary explained in Turkish, arranged not by radicals but by individual forms
- An Arabic vocabulary of common words explained in Persian and Turkish.
- An Arabic vocabulary with explanations in Persian and Turkish
- An Arabic vocabulary with Persian interlinear paraphrase
- Arabic vocabulary ∣ Anonymous
- An Arabic-Latin vocabulary
- An Arabic-Persian lexicon
- An Arabic-Persian vocabulary
- An Arabic-Persian-Urdu vocabulary in the form of an Urdu mathnawī
- Arabic-Turkish vocabulary, with short introduction
- Arbaʻūn ḥadīthan ∣ Jāmī,
- al-Arbaʿīn
- al-Arbaʿūn ḥadīs̱ā ∣ ʿĀmilī
- Ardāvirāfnāmah
- Arithmetical tables in the abjad numeral system reaching the number 60
- Arjun Gītā
- Artistsʼ perforated calligraphic models for ornamental mosque tiles.
- Ashkāl al-raml
- al-Ashʻār al-sitta maʿ sharḥ al-aʿlam
- Asmā᾽ al-kawākib al-thawābit
- Asnād-i munājāt az barā-ʼi bar āmadan-i ḥājāt
- Asr gharīb murattab fī khātim ʻajīb
- Asrār al-ṭilismāt
- An assortment of astronomical notes
- astrological and numerological charts
- Astrological calendar for the year 1055
- Astrological notes
- Astrological tables
- An astrological work on nativities, drawn from Hermes , Abū Maʻshar , Plato , Khattān , Galen and others.
- Astronomical and chronological extracts in the form of a miscellany
- Astronomical tables
- Astronomical tables according to the Arab, Persian and Greek months
- Astronomical tables and explanatory notes as to their use
- Astronomical tables and horoscopes
- Astronomical tables and tables to convert calendaries
- Astronomical tract
- Astronomical tract in three parts
- Asāmī-i davāzdah burūj va baʻz̤ī asāmī-i sitaragān va kavāyif-i ān
- Asāmī-i muftīyān-i Al-i ‘Us̲mān
- Athqal al-suʼāl fī al-bayn li-iṣlāḥ dhāt al-bayn [a theological tract in the form of question and answer; initial fragment only].
- Auṣāf Haḍrat al-muṣṭafá wa-man baʻdahu min al-khulafāʼ
- Awqāt duʻā kardan
- Az sukhan-i ʻārifān
- Aʻmāl al-mubtadī
- Āmadnāmah-i afghānī
- Aḥkām Ziyārat Ḥaḍrat Imām Ḥusayn
- Aḥkām-i davāzdah-i sāl
- Aḥvāl-i khulāṣah-i Bānū Baygum mukhāṭab bih Mumtāz Maḥall
- Aḥvāl-i maḥāṣil-i shish ṣūbah-ʼi Dakan
- Aḥvāl-i Muḥammad Shāh pādshāh-i vālājah-ʼi Hind
- Aḥvāl-i qiyāmah
- Aḥvāl-i Rāja-hā-yi Jaypūr
- Aḥvāl-i ‘Alamgīr Awrangzīb
- Aḥādīth ʻasharah ʻan al-ṣaḥābah al-ʻasharah min ṭarīq al-aʼimmah al-ʻasharah
- Badāyiʿ al-Khalq
- Badāyiʿ al-ʿUqūl (Persian version of the Sanskrit Vetāla-pañchavim gaika or Vetala Pancavimsati or Vaitala Pachisi – 25 tales of a demon told to King Vikramaditya)
- Badīʻīyah fī madḥ al-nabī
- Bahjat al-rawāj
- Bahman′nāmah
- Bakhtyārnāmah
- Bandīkustārī
- Barzūnāmah
- Bashāratnāmah
- Baytarname
- Bayān lughat baʻḍ al-adwiyah
- Bayān maʻānī kayfīyat al-raṣd al-muḥaqqiq [? muḥaqqaq]
- Bayān tawārīkh mukhtaṣirah allādhī ṣārat ʻalá zamānī anā al-faqīr ʻabd ṣaghīr ʻĀzār mabdāhā sanah 2060 yūnānīyah al-muwāfiqah sanah 1749 masīḥīyah
- Bayān-i istiʻmāl-i ḥurūf tahajjī bi-zabān Pārisī
- Bayān-i ramal
- Bayān-i ḥarmat-i muṣābarah
- Bayān-i ṭarīqat-i Naqshbandīyah
- Bayāz̤-i ashʻār
- Bayāż of poetry
- Bayṭarnāmah
- Bazm-Afrūz
- Baʻd fawāʼid min qawl al-ḥakīm Hārūn al-Isrāʼīlī
- Baṣīrat al-abṣār
- The beggining of an account of the Indian saint Rāmchand translated from Sanskrit
- The beginnings of a vocabulary of Hindī words
- Benedictions (Barakāt) to be recited on various occasions. Coptic and Arabic in parallel columns.
- Bin on sekiz tarihinde arzolunup ferman sedir olan araziye mütealliktir
- Biographical notice of the ʻAbbāsid caliph ʻAbd Allāh ibn al-Muʻtazz, followed by verses and a note on Sitt al-Shām, wife of Sultan Nūr al-Dīn.
- A biography of al-Ḥarīrī (1054-1122)
- A book of accounts.
- A book of Arabic prayers
- Book of Arabic prayers with Persian interlinear glosses
- Book of Creeds in Coptic and Arabic
- The Book of Zechariah in Coptic and Arabic
- A booklet containing (i) the tale of the death of Satan (Wafāt Iblīs); (ii) questions and answers on theological subjects, including the chronology of the Prophets; (iii) a poem enumerating the seven Qurʼān readers and their chief transmitters
- Botanicum antiquum Graecum-Hebraeum-Arabicum-Turcicum
- Brief account of the wrongs suffered by Muḥammad ʻAlī at the hands of his brother ʻAbbās Efendi ʻAbd al-Bahāʼ
- A Brief Biography of Hakīm Sanā'ī and His Impact
- A brief history of the Mughal Empire, from the birth of Aurangzib to the reign of Muhammad Shah.
- Brief note on Sulaimān ibn ʻAlī al-Dailamī, with other historical matter.
- Brief note on ʻAbd al-Qāhir al-Jurjānī, with two lines of his poetry, followed, ff. 177v-180v, by a short tale and a poem.
- Brief notes on points of logic
- Brief tract on the method and benefits of reciting certain Sūras
- A brief treatise on ʻilm al-raml (geomancy) [headed "27th maqāmah": an extract from some larger work?]
- Bu kitap haccın farzlarını ve vaciblerini ve sünnetlerini ve müstehaplarını beyan eder
- Bu risal ayların nahs günlerin bayan eder
- Bulbul-i būstān
- al-Bulghah al-bahīyah fī al-lughat al-turkīyah
- Bulūgh al-arab fī ʻilm al-adab
- Bulūgh al-marām fī taʼrīkh dawlat mawlānā al-Bāshā Bahrām
- Bulūgh al-minan bi-maqāl al-farighah al-ṣabbūrah
- al-Burhān fī al-ṣarf al-ʻarabī
- Burhān mā qālahu Baṭlamiyūs fī al-shakl al-rābiʻ min al-maqālah al-thāniyah ʻashar [of the Almagest].
- Burūz al-kanz min al-ishārah wa’l-ramz
- Bāb dar bayān-i qiyāfah va ṣūrat-i ẓāhir-i insān va shakl va shamāʻil-ʼi aʻz̤ā va javāriḥ
- Bāb davyam dar bayān-i faḍīlat-i muhtar-i Ibrāhīm
- Bāb fī faḍāʼil sūrat al-qadr
- Bāb fī madkhal al-sanah al-ʻarabīyah
- Bāb maʻrifat mānāzil al-qamar al-nujūm
- Bāb shurūṭ al-ṣalāt
- Bāb waqf Ḥamzah
- Bāb ḥadīth al-miʻrāj
- Bāb-i Dānistān-i bīmārī-ʼi rūz va shab
- Bāznāmah
- Bāznāmah ∣ Anonymous
- Bāznāmah-i mukhtaṣar
- Calendar for the year 1303/1885
- A calendar of saints of the Coptic church
- Calendar-tables [headed "15th maqāmah: an extract from some larger work ?].
- A calligrapher's manual in Persian, incomplete at the beginning and end and with numerous lacunae
- Canons de l'Empire ottoman
- Cases referred from Native Courts in Northern Nigeria to the Resident Magistrate.
- Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the Nawab of Rampur
- Cedvel-i ma‘rūfeti l-eyyām īnest
- Census of all the houses and buildings in Tehran
- Cetveli fal
- Cevami ül-kavaid ve zübdet ül-fevaid fi cemi kavaid issarf veʼn-nahiv ve sair il-fünun
- Chaghatay explication of sūrah Āl ‘Imrān, āyah 33 of the Qur'ān
- a Chaghatay record of the deaths of various sufis
- Chaknāmah-i arāz̤ī
- Chandī dar vaqāyiʻah-i ʻĀlamgīr and other events in the history of Ahmadnagar
- Chapters dealing chiefly with charms, including the evocation of demons
- Chapters of the Qur’ān
- Chapters on magic
- Characters used by the Persians in dating and accounts, and the form and application of the marks for the short vowels
- Charms, talismans, magical formulae and prescriptions
- Chihil Ḥadīs̲
- Christian prayers in Syriac-script Ottoman Turkish
- A Christian treatise in parable form on the value of a monastic life
- Chronicle of the reigns of the first eight Ottoman Sulṭān
- A chronicle on Indian history.
- Chronological and genealogical tables
- Clavis linguae Arabicae et Persicae
- Collectanea on astrology and magic
- A collection (made not earlier than 1730) including frags. of a magical nature, recipes and charms; among other subjects discussed are tobacco, marriage, calendar matters etc.
- A collection of 11 works or parts of works*, consisting of prayers, astronomy, talismans, Qurʼān-reading, divination, magic etc.
- A collection of 22 letters and documents
- A collection of 400 verses in quatrains
- A collection of 56 short anecdotes
- A collection of amulets and prayers from Central Africa , in a kind of Maghribī script.
- A collection of amulets and prayers.*
- Collection of amulets including two sūrahs, prayers, and the merits of praying to the Prophet and others
- A collection of anecdotes
- Collection of anecdotes
- A collection of anecdotes of a moral nature
- Collection of anecdotes, poems, etc.
- A collection of apophthegms of ‘Alī with a Persian verse paraphrase
- A collection of Arabic poetry
- A collection of astronomical tables, without title or text
- Collection of dicta
- Collection of dicta etc. [ Majmūʻ min qawl al-qiddīsīn ʻalá taqwīm al-faḍāʼil ], assembled by the [?] scribe or compiler of the MS.
- A collection of different fragments all dealing with magic
- A collection of directives etc. by Antony of Egypt d. 356 and others, assembled by the [?] scribe or compiler of the MS.
- Collection of directives etc. on the salvation of the soul, assembled by the [?] scribe or compiler of the MS.
- Collection of Druze tracts
- A collection of extracts from various works, beg. with a treatise on horoscopes, but containing also sections on pure astronomy
- Collection of hadith with translation into Hindustani
- A collection of Hindoo "Popular Tales" translated from the original (in the Mahrattee language) into Hindoosthanee
- A collection of incantations and magical recipes generally
- A collection of incantations, amulets, and verses of the Qurʼān with magical properties
- Collection of inshās
- Collection of medical prescriptions
- Collection of medical prescriptions and culinary recipies
- Collection of medical recipes deriving from various sources
- A collection of miscellaneous apothegms, with Persian interlinear translation
- A collection of model letters
- Collection of moral maxims
- Collection of Muslim litanies and prayers
- A collection of opinions of Christian teachers concerning the Trinity
- Collection of Persian letters
- A collection of Persian poems and letters
- A collection of Persian poems in a variety of forms and by many different authors, followed on ff. 145-164 by a number of short prose pieces, anecdotes etc.
- A collection of pieces in various hands on law, traditions, theology, ethics
- Collection of poems and a copy of a farmān addressed to ʻAlī Mardān Khān by Shāh Jahān
- A collection of poems by various authors*
- A collection of poems by various authors, starting with Shams al-Dīn ibn al-Wafāʼ
- Collection of poems for recitation during the Muḥarram taʻziyas and describing the main episodes of Shiʻite martyrology
- Collection of poems made by a Moroccan ʻālim
- A collection of poems.*
- Collection of prayers
- A collection of prayers
- Collection of prayers and charms
- A collection of prayers and invocations
- Collection of prayers and traditions
- Collection of prayers, chanrs, homilies, etc.
- Collection of prayers, including passages from the Qurʼān.
- Collection of prayers, magical formulae, talismans, etc.
- A collection of quotations from ancient authors, Greek and Arab
- A collection of quotations from Sufi authors
- Collection of rules for those entering the order, by one [??] .
- A collection of seven short treatises on various subjects
- A collection of short mystical poems [lacking end]
- A collection of short passages and tables for making calendar and astronomical calculations
- A collection of short poems in praise of the Prophet Muhammad
- A collection of short tales, some taken from the Mustaṭraf of Ibshīhī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, 1388-ca. 1446 , others from the Sulwān al-muṭāʻ of Ibn Ẓafar, Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh, 1104-1169
- A collection of sixty fantastic alphabets
- A collection of some 76 fragments brought from W. Africa, dealing with Qurʼān, ḥadīth , fiqh , medicine, astrology, magic etc.
- A collection of tales
- A collection of tales and traditions of the Prophet
- A collection of talismans, charms and incantations
- Collection of traditions ∣ Anonymous
- A collection of twenty-four letters
- A collection of two treatises
- Collection of ḥadīths with Turkish translation
- Colletion of Persian and Turkish apophthegms, proverbs, etc.
- The colloquy of Moses with God on Sinai , followed by prayers
- A coloured portrait of Farīd al-Dīn ‘Aṭṭār
- Comentary of a gramatical work
- Commentaries on poetry and grammar
- A commentary (of which this is the autograph) on an original text discussing the meaning of the word Qurʼān [the title Asrār al-Qurʼān is a later addition to the book].
- A commentary in Arabic on surah 23 of the Koran, surat al-mu'minun
- Commentary of Exodus
- Commentary of Genesis
- Commentary of the Qurʼān, sūras xxxviii-xcv
- Commentary of thirty ḥadīths (from the previous work)
- A commentary on a collection of proverbs
- Commentary on a prayer, followed by the prayer itself
- Commentary on a takhmīs (probably that by Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz al-Warrāq al-Lakhmī al-Qurṭubī d. 1281 ) of al-Qaṣāʼid al-Witrīyah of Witrī, Muḥammad ibn Rashīd, d. 1263 or 4
- Commentary on a takhmīs in praise of Yūsuf Maẓhar Pāshā
- A commentary on a work on Islamic law
- Commentary on a work on the unity of God
- Commentary on al-Mukhtaṣar fī al-fiqh of Ibn ʻArafah al-Warghamī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1316-1401
- Commentary on al-Mukhtaṣar fī ʻilm al-tanjīm wa-maʻrifat al-taqwīm of Ṭūsī, Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1201-1274
- Commentary on al-Qaṣīdah al-Khazrajīyah of Khazrajī, ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻUthmān, 12th/13th cent.
- Commentary on al-Wāḍiḥah fī tajwīd al-Fātiḥah of Jaʻbarī, Ibrāhīm ibn ʻUmar, 1242 or 3-1331 or 2
- A commentary on Book II of the Mathnawī
- Commentary on certain verses of the Dīwān ʻUmar ibn al-Fāriḍ
- Commentary on Farāʼid al-fawāʼid li-taḥqīq maʻānī al-istiʻārah or al-Risālah al-Samarqandīyah , of Samarqandī, Abū al-Qāsim ibn Abī Bakr, 15th cent.
- A commentary on fiqh
- Commentary on Injīl al-ṭufūlīyah
- Commentary on Isaiahʼs vision of the Seraphim
- Commentary on Islamic law
- A commentary on Islamic law
- Commentary on Kitāb al-ʻArūḍ al-Andalusī of Abū al-Jaysh ∣ Anonymous
- Commentary on part of the Qurʼān, from sūrah xxxviii to the end
- Commentary on Qurʼān
- Commentary on Risālah fī al-munāẓarah wa-al-ādāb
- Commentary on the al-Hāwī al-ṣaghīr fī al-fatāwá of Qazwīnī, ʻAbd al-Ghaffār ibn ʻAbd al-Karīm, d. 1266 or 7
- Commentary on the anonymous "Amthilah"
- Commentary on the Basmalah
- Commentary on the Irshād al-ghāwī of Ibn al-Muqrī, Ismāʻīl ibn Abī Bakr, 1354-1433 or 4
- Commentary on the Kitāb al-Muḥarrar of Rāfiʻī, ʻAbd al-Karīm ibn Muḥammad, 1162-1226
- A commentary on the Koran in verse.
- Commentary on the Lāmīyat al-ʻajam of Ṭughrāʼī, al-Ḥusayn ibn ʻAlī, 1061 or 2-1121 ?
- Commentary on the Nukhbat al-luṭafāʼ fī taʼrīkh al-khulafā
- Commentary on the precedent Matn al-farāʼiḍ
- Commentary on the Qaṣīdah al-mīmīyah al-khamrīyah of Ibn al-Fāriḍ ∣ Anonymous
- Commentary on the qaṣīdah of Ibn al-Fāriḍ known as al-Ṭāʼīyah al-kubrá or Naẓm al-durar ∣ Anonymous
- Commentary on the Qaṣīdah Ḥimyarīyah
- Commentary on the Qaṣīdat al-nafsīyah [or al-ʻaynīyah ] of Avicenna ∣ Anonymous
- Commentary on the Qurʼān
- A commentary on the Qur’ān
- A commentary on the Revelation of St John
- A commentary on the Risālat al-Zawrāʼ of Dawwānī, Muḥammad ibn Asʻad, 1426 or 7-1512 or 13
- Commentary on the Sharḥ al-Maʿānī
- Commentary on the Sūrat al-Fātiḥah
- Commentary on the Tajrīd al-ʻaqāʼid of Ṭūsī, Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1201-1274
- Commentary on the Waṣīyah of al-Matbūlī
- Commentary on the ʻAqīdat ahl al-tawḥīd al-ṣughrá of Sanūsī, Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf, ca. 1427-ca. 1490
- Commentary* [different from MS. Bodl. Or. 581] on al-Sullam al-murawnaq of Akhḍarī, ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad, 1512 or 13-1575 or 6
- Commentary* on the Kāfiyah of Ibn al-Ḥājib, ʻUthmān ibn ʻUmar, 1175-1249
- Comments on the sūrat al-Qāf
- Common-place book with selected passages of Persian poetry
- A common-place book, containing a number of poems and verses in Arabic and a few in Turkish
- Compendium Cosmographicum Turcice conscriptum
- A compendium of history from Adam to the caliphs
- A compendium of Islamic theology
- Compendium of Kutub al-Tavārīkh
- A compendium of medicine, in ten sections
- a compendium of the commentary Fatḥ al-ʻazīz of Rāfiʻī, ʻAbd al-Karīm ibn Muḥammad, 1162-1226 on the Kitāb al-Wajīz of Ghazzālī, 1058-1111
- A compendium of the history of the Caliphate [ Tawārīkh al-khulafā ] down to al-Mustanjid billāh al-ʻAbbāsī
- A compendium of Ḥanafite law
- Compilation of Persian and Indian works on astronomy
- Comprehensive genealogy [ Ittiṣāl kitāb al-nisbah ] from the Creation to the coming of Christ
- The concluding volume on a work on Ḥanafī law, beginning with the section on sales.
- Conclusion of a grammatical work
- Conclusions drawn from the information in the horoscope and astronomical tables relating to Fath Ali Shah
- A conspectus of the various dynasties which flourished during the rise of Islam
- Continuation of the history of Kashmir from A.H. 995/A.D. 1587 to A.H. 1262/A.D. 1846
- Copies of two treaties in Persian
- Coptic prayer book
- Coptic-Arabic fragments of liturgical works
- Copy of a letter written by the Head Custodian of Qum to Mīrzā Mūsá on the Baḥāʼi-Azalī controversy
- Copy of a parvānah
- Cāmāspnāme
- Dah Majlis
- Daily prayers
- Dalah Mukhtār
- Dalāʾil al-muʿāmil bi-rubʿ al-maqtūʿ al-shamālī al-muwwaṣil ilá mīqāt wa-ḥarakāt al-samawāt wa-al-sāʿāt al-zamānī
- Dar bayān-i intikhāb-i Mas̲navī-i Mawlavī
- Dar bayān-i āfāq-i anfusī-ʼi Ḥaz̤rat-i Mawlānā
- Dar bayān-i ḥurūf-i tahajjī va maʻānī-i ān
- Dar baʻz̤ī az muʻālajāt-i mujarrab ast
- Dar khavāṣṣ-i ḥayvānāt-i charandah va parandah va ghayruh
- Dar qāʻidah-ʼi kitābat-i jafr-i jāmiʻ
- Dar sharḥ va Khavāṣṣ-i bism Allāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm
- Dastān-i amīr Qaʻqāʻ
- Dastūr al-ʻamal
- Dastūr al-‘Amal-i Tūdarmal
- Dastūr-nāmah Kisrá
- Dates of birth and death of a number of famous men.
- Dawlatnāmah
- Daʻwah al-burhatīyah
- Daʻā mubārak jalīl al-miqdār
- Dāstān-i Amīr Ḥamzah (Pashto)
- Dāstān-i Amīr Ḥamzah (Urdu)
- Definitions of love by ʻAbd Allāh ibn Ṭāhir, Ḥammad al-Rāwiya, ans Muʻādh ibn Jabal
- A description of Makkah
- Description of Prophet in verse
- A description of the physical appearance and character of Amir Timur, d. 1336-1405 .
- A description of the Prophet
- A description of the Prophetʼs head-dress
- Detached pieces of neatly copied Persian and Arabic MSS.
- Detached verses
- Devotional tract written in Persian but consisting almost entirely of Arabic prayers
- Devotions in Arabic with Malay instructions
- Dhakhīrat al-Fiqh
- Dhayl taʼrīkh Baghdād
- Dhikr asāmī al-Qurrāʼ wa-Rāwīyān
- Dhikr maʻārif al-imām
- Dhikr Munzalāt al-Qurʼān
- Dhikr wafāt rasūl Allāh
- Dhurtasamayana Natak
- A diagram showing the compass points of various places in the Ottoman Empire
- A diagram with notes in Javanese
- Diagrams of pulleys... etc.
- Dialogue between a physician and a grammarian ill from over-eating
- A dictionary of Arabic and Persian explained in Urdu
- Dictionary of Arabic and Turkish words with explanations in Latin
- A dictionary of Arabic names with an interlinear Turkish explanation
- Digna ari (?)
- Directions for finding the Laylat al-Qadr
- Directions for magical incantations
- Directions for the performance of certain prayers
- Disarranged fragments of prayers or homilies
- Discourses on oratory, the resurrection, and repentance
- Discourses on the Cross, followed by passages from the Psalms and the New Testament
- Discussion of a question of Mufīd, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, d. 1022
- A discussion of doubtful points in the Tauḍīḥ of Maḥbūbī, Maḥmūd ibn ʻUbayd Allāh, d. 1344 or 5 , itself a commentary on Maḥbūbīʼs own work Tanqīḥ al-usūl
- Discussion of shades of meaning of several pairs of words
- A discussion of the question whether the Prophetʼs parents died as infidels
- A discussion regarding oneʼs right to retain things found and entitlement to zakāt
- Disputation of the monk George ( beg. of 13th cent.? ) with three Muslims
- Divine Names
- Dogmata ecclesiae Coptorum
- Drill book
- Druze tracts
- al-Durar al-nafīsah fī al-ḥikmah al-ṭabīʻīyah
- Durar maqālāt Bābā Ṭāhir
- Durūd-i akbar
- Dustūr Jahāngushāy
- Duʻā-i kīmiyā-i saʻādah
- Duʻāʼ al-masjūn
- Duʻāʼ khatm al-Qurʼān
- Duʻāʼ khatm al-Qurʼān
- Duʻāʼ mubārak
- Duʻāʼīyah
- Du‘ā
- Dāstān-i Burzu pisar-i Suhrāb
- Dāstān-i Sayyid Maḥmūd
- Dībāchah
- Dībājah
- Dīvān ∣ Shams-i Tabrīzī
- Dīvān-i Fāris
- Dīvān-i Muḥammadīyah
- Dīwān mawāʻiẓ wa-zuhdīyāt fī al-thanāʼ ʻalá Allāh
- Dīwān salāṭīn Barnū
- Dīwān ∣ Anonymous
- Eight poems, of which nos. 1-4 begin as follows: (1)(2)(3)(4)and 5-8 are short
- Eighteen leaves from a Moorish prayer-book
- el-Ilm ül-nafe'
- eleven Old Anatolian Turkish bayts on the subject of Fāṭimah
- Encyclopedic work, containg sections on mountains, rivers, towns, plants, herbs, seeds, kings, names of the last day, etc.
- End fragment of a maqālah on mathematical and physical subjects, in three faṣls and based chiefly on Aristotle.
- English notes
- English-Brahui vocabulary
- Epistolary manual
- An erotic work arranged in 6 bābs on positions for coitus, abridged, according to the introduction from a work entitled k. al-Anyāk . [Maghribi script.]
- Eulogy in verse.
- excerpt from a Chaghatay prose work
- Excerpts and notes on the Umayyad caliphs and the house of Marwān.
- Excerpts from the Pentateuch and some prayers
- Excerpts relating to geomancy, divination and the prediction of storms
- Excerpts relating to the history of the Arabs drawn from the Masālik al-abṣār fī mamālik al-amṣār of Ibn Faḍl Allāh al-ʻUmarī, Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyá, 1301-1349
- Exhortations and counsels addressed by the Prophet to ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib
- Explanations of the meanings of the abjad letters
- An exposition and refutation of the tenets of the 72 sects
- An extensive anthology of Persian poetry
- Extract concerning prayer in the Place of blood (Mauḍiʻ al-dam) on Mount Qāsiyūn, nr. Damascus.
- Extract from a larger work on astronomy
- Extract from an anonymous Arabic version of Simpliciusʼ commentary on the premises to bk.1 of Euclidʼs Elements.**
- An extract from an unidentified work entitled Rāḥat al-qulūb wa-kashshāf al-kurūb
- Extract from the commentary by Ibn al-Mullā al-Ḥalabī 1560-1602* on a poem about the Prophet entitled al-Mughnī li-khātimat al-mutaʼakhkhirīn
- An extract giving twelve verses said by Kaʻb al-Aḥbār, d. 655 or 6 to be of magic and prophylactic properties
- An extract on the qualities in women which recommend them for marriage, etc.
- Extracts
- Extracts from different works
- Extracts from the diwāns of Rīkhtah poets
- Extracts on the duties of patriarchs, bishops and priests
- Extracts taken from a work entitled al-Asʼilah wa-al-ajwibat al-mahdīyah wa-al-ʻallāmīyah , and from elsewhere
- Extraneous leaf containing part of the story of al-Miqdād and al-Mayyāsah
- Fables of Aesop
- Fables of Luqmān
- Facsimile of the Bodleian Ms. 398 containing Druze tracts.
- al-Falak al-dāʼir
- Faqrnāmah
- Faras nāmah-i naghz va mumtāz
- Farasnāmah ∣ Anonymous
- Farhang [A large Arabic-Persian dictionary]. Vol. I, From letter Alif to letter Sin.
- Farhang-i Briggsī
- Farhang-i Gulistān
- Al-farāsah fī ʿilm al-siyāsah wa-mudāwāt al-khayl wa-maʿrifat al-āṣāl al-māḥ [sic] min al-khayl
- al-Farīdah al-mubtalijah
- Al-Faṣl al-ḥādīwa-l-ṯalaṯūna. Waṣiyat fī 'Inna-nā bi-ayal-Mu`āliǧāt nabtadī
- fatvā
- Fatāva-i ʿĀlamgīrī
- Fawā'id ∣ Anonymous
- Fawāʼid al-ṣamādīyah
- Fawāʾid al-Akhyār
- Fawā᾽id
- Faʼidah Jalīlah li-Abī Nuʻaym
- al-Faḍl al-maʼthūr min sīrat al-sulṭān al-malik al-manṣūr Sayf al-Dīn Abū al-Fatḥ Qalāwūn al-Ṣāliḥī r. 1279-90
- Faḍāʼil al-Shām
- Faḍāʼil Bayt al-Muqaddas wa-al-Shām
- Faḍāʼil Miṣr
- Faḍāʼil Rajab wa-faṣl fī faḍl sūrat al-Wāqiʻah
- Faṣl al-khiṭāb fī tarjamat aḥwāl al-Bāb
- Faṣl dar faz̤īlat-i namāz va duʻā-yi ʻĀshūrah
- Faṣl fī al-iktiḥāl
- Faṣl fī al-ālāt
- Faṣl fī al-ṭibb ṣifah sharāb mufarriḥ muʻtadil
- Faṣl fī alfāẓ al-kufr
- Faṣl fī jumal min al-ẓulm
- Faṣl fī kullīyāt al-lughah.
- Fethi Belgrad
- Fetḥnāme-yi Rodos berā-yı ‘Īsā Beg bin İbrahīm Pāşā ki mīr-i Ḥaleb būd
- A few Arabic poems in the zajal style
- A few astrological notes
- A few leaves of a book on the science of the proper reading of the Qurʼān
- A few lines from a treatise on astronomy
- A few poems
- Fihrist
- Fihrist asmāʼ muʼallafāt al-Suyūṭī
- Fihrist āyāt al-bāhirah fī madḥ al-aʼimmah al-ṭāhirah
- Fihrist-i Kutub-i Kitabkhanah-i Sarkar.
- Fiqh dar maz̲hab shīʻah
- A firman bearing the tughra of Sultan Mustafa III, issued in 1179 A.H./1765 A.D. ordering the payment of the artillerists of the fortress of Koron from certain texes levies in the Morea.
- Firman issued in the name of Sultan Mehmed IV from the Ottoman camp at Bursa in the ten day period 11th - 20th Dhu'l-Qa'da 1069 (31 July - 9 August 1659) and addressed to the qadi of Izmir (Smyrna)
- Fisānah-i Bahrām Shāh va Bānū-yi Ḥusn-i Parī
- A form of humiliation and prayer
- Form of visitation of Imam Ḥusayn prescribed by Jaʻfar al-Ṣādiq
- Formulae for imprecations and amulets.
- Formulae of indemnity, burial, and truce
- Formulae used by the contracting parties in a temporary marriage or ṣīghah صيغه
- Four anonymous treatises on Arabic grammar
- Four Arabic-Persian vocabularies
- Four charts, one showing the position of Islamic towns in relation to Mecca
- Four short disconnected pieces of an Arabic commentary on ghazals of Ḥāfiẓ, 14th cent. .
- Four tracts on calligraphy
- Frag. of a letter; on verso traces of Arabic
- Fragment
- Fragment (lacking beginning) of a work on the statutes of Islamic law
- Fragment (second part) of a large grammatical glossary dealing with Arabic verbs
- Fragment (six lines only) of the end of a philosophical work.
- Fragment [lacking beg. and end] containing a collection of historical and legendary anecdotes not arranged in any particular order
- Fragment [lacking beg. and end] of a commentary on an unidentified philosophical work
- Fragment [lacking beginning and end] of a Shīʻite work on ḥadīth
- A fragment [lacking beginning and end] on astronomical and calendar matters
- A fragment about the debate of Saint Anbabula [sic] with the devil
- Fragment containing about 20 stanzas of a poems on the Last Judgment
- A fragment containing only notes and scribblings
- Fragment containing the end of a biography of Najm al-Dīn Ayyūb , father of Saladin d. 1173 , and the beginning of one of Sulṭān al-Malik al-Ṣāliḥ Najm al-Dīn ibn al-Kāmil Muḥammad (1206-49)
- Fragment containing vocabulary in groups of related words and phrases for the use of children, with a Persian translation
- Fragment from the middle of a work on the duties of a Christian
- Fragment from the Qurʼān and a leaf or two from some other Arabic book
- Fragment of [?] a protocol on verso
- Fragment of a biography of the Prophet
- Fragment of a book on law, dealing with the rights of inheritance of the hermaphrodite (khunthá)
- Fragment of a Christian Homily
- Fragment of a Christian Martyrology
- Fragment of a chronicle of the beginnings of Islam
- Fragment of a collection of "contemplations" [taʼāmulāt] on Passion Week, containing the end of the fifth and the whole of the sixth taʼāmul
- Fragment of a collection of proverbs
- Fragment of a collection of rasāʼil
- Fragment of a commentary
- Fragment of a commentary on a compendium of Shafiʻite law
- Fragment of a commentary on a short treatise on dogmatics
- Fragment of a commentary on a versified treatise on Arabic grammar
- Fragment of a commentary on a work on dogmatics
- Fragment of a commentary on a work on the law of inheritance
- Fragment of a commentary on an unidentified compendium of practical theology
- Fragment of a commentary on an urjūzah (?) on grammar
- Fragment of a commentary on the book of Joshua
- Fragment of a commentary on the Kitāb al-īsāghūjī of Athīr al-Dīn al-Abharī, al-Mufaḍḍal ibn ʻUmar, d. 1265
- Fragment of a commentary on the principles of civil law
- Fragment of a commentary on the Qurʼān
- Fragment of a compendium of Islamic law, probably Shāfiʻite, with a commentary.
- Fragment of a devotional work from Africa
- A fragment of a general history of the Moghul dynasty
- Fragment of a ghazal (love song).
- Fragment of a gloss on a short treatise dealing with the most important duties of Shāfiʻite law
- Fragment of a gloss on a work on Muslim eschatology
- Fragment of a grammatical compendium
- A fragment of a grammatical work [dealing with the conjugation of the verb*]
- Fragment of a grammatical work entitled Kitāb al-ʻIlal wa-al taṣrīf
- Fragment of a grammatical work on the pronunciation of yāʼ
- Fragment of a grammatical work, with commentary
- Fragment of a historical compendium
- A fragment of a historical work on the governors of Bangālah
- Fragment of a historical work, containing the portion on events connected with the Ḥajj
- A fragment of a history of Khurāsān and Transoxiana
- A fragment of a history of the Mughals
- Fragment of a legal compendium
- Fragment of a panegyrical poem
- Fragment of a Persian manuscript
- Fragment of a Persian masnavi poem.
- Fragment of a Persian translation and commentary on the Qur’an (from Q16:104 to Q17:98)
- Fragment of a philosophical treatise on problems of metaphysics
- Fragment of a philosophical work containing discussion of " ʻaql "
- Fragment of a poem concerning the Āl al-Muhallab.
- Fragment of a poetical anthology
- Fragment of a prayer or homily
- Fragment of a religious treatise
- Fragment of a tale?
- Fragment of a theological work [" multa ibi de Paradiso et Dei nominibus "]
- A fragment of a treatise on astrology
- Fragment of a treatise on magic
- Fragment of a treatise on medicine
- Fragment of a Turkish tezkirah
- Fragment of a work comprising a comparison of various lines of poetry with shawāhid from other poets, followed by a commentary
- Fragment of a work containing a discussion on various points of Shāfiʻite law.
- Fragment of a work containing epistles in verse and sajʼ. Composed 16th cent.
- Fragment of a work containing formulae to recite in the case of certain disabilities, preceded by a fragment [in another hand] of mystical verse dialogue
- Fragment of a work of an ethico-religious nature.
- Fragment of a work on botany.
- Fragment of a work on cosmetics, dealing with the care of the hair; written in archaistic hand
- A fragment of a work on ecclesiastical law
- Fragment of a work on fiqh, being the beginning of the Kitāb al-jirāḥ
- Fragment of a work on geometry.
- Fragment of a work on Islamic law
- Fragment of a work on logic with commentary
- Fragment of a work on magic
- Fragment of a work on prayer
- Fragment of a work on problems of Arabic grammar
- Fragment of a work on style (badīʻ), with poetical examples.
- Fragment of a work on the indications (dalālat) of the planets in the various signs of the Zodiac.
- Fragment of a work on those words in the Qurʼān, traditions, and poetry which differ by a single letter or which by transposition or other change can give a different sense
- Fragment of a work on Tradition
- Fragment of a work on traditions
- Fragment of a work on ʻilm al-raml
- Fragment of an adab work, containing tales and verses
- Fragment of an anonymous astronomical work* consisting of a muqaddimah and 3 maqālahs
- Fragment of an anonymous ʻAlīnāmah
- Fragment of an anthology, mostly of verse, selected to illustrate the various kinds of composition
- Fragment of an Arabic Bible commentary
- Fragment of an Arabic religious work transcribed in a Magribi hand
- Fragment of an Arabic-Turkish vocabulary
- Fragment of an astrological work
- Fragment of an astrological work in which are adduced various opinions on military matters
- Fragment of an inshāʼ work containing the duʻāʼ for amīrs, qāḍīs, ʻālims and kabīrs, followed by a prayer for the dead [lacking end].
- Fragment of an unidentified commentary on the Minhāj al-ṭālibīn of Nawawī, 1233-1277
- Fragment of an urjūzah on law
- Fragment of an urjūzah on medicine rhyming in ah/ā
- Fragment of Munājāt and miscellaneous poems
- Fragment of the covenant made by Muhammad with the Christians
- A fragment on determining the time for evening prayer by the sine of the quadrant
- Fragment on Fāṭimah bint Usāmah ibn Zaid ibn Ḥārithah.
- Fragment on magical prayers and charms
- A fragment on Materia Medica
- A fragment on the Cross, the priesthood, almsgiving, fasting and prayer etc.
- Fragment on the seven climes
- Fragment, lacking beg. and end, containing tales of various important mystics
- fragmentary moral and religious exhortations in Chaghatay
- fragmentary poetry, ownership statements, and notes on scripture in late Eastern Chaghatay
- Fragments (totally disconnected) of one or more books on Islamic law
- Fragments [not continuous] of a work on Arabic grammar
- Fragments dealing with Jewish history
- Fragments from a medical work
- Fragments from a Persian work on Indian history
- Fragments from a Persian work on Indian history dealing with Shāh ʻĀlam and Bīdār Bakht
- Fragments from Turkish mas̲navī poetry
- fragments in Chaghatay and Persian
- Fragments in various hands on law, ethics and medicine, together with chapters from the Qurʼān
- Fragments in verse and prose
- Fragments of 15 leaves of a work on Zaidite law.
- Fragments of a commentary on a poem in basīṭ metre, rhyming in --īlu.
- Fragments of a commentary on a work dealing with differences of Muʻtazilite and Shiʻite dogma
- Fragments of a commentary on a work on furūʻ al-fiqh [containing kurrāsahs 6 and 7* of the work (each of 10 leaves), with the first and last leaves of kurrāsah 5].
- Fragments of a commentary on a work on rhetoric*.
- Fragments of a commentary on a work on tawḥīd [the commentary not earlier than 17th cent.]
- Fragments of a commentary on the Qurʼān containing parts of Sūrahs 3, 4 and 6.
- Fragments of a grammatical work
- Fragments of a philosophical work, based chiefly upon Greek philosophers.
- Fragments of a treatise
- Fragments of a work on Shāfiʻite law, with a commentary and marginal glosses
- Fragments of a work on ḥadīth
- Fragments of an anonymous general history
- Fragments of an Arabic translation of the Samaritan chronicle entitled el-Tholidoth
- Fragments of an early work on prayer
- Fragments of biographical works
- Fragments of different calendars (Arab, Syrian, Greek, etc.)
- Fragments of five treatises. (i) ff. 1-63 An introduction to the Sacraments (ii) ff. 64-87 The nature of the Sacraments (iii) ff. 87v-89 The sinners in hell (iv) ff. 90r-111r Short commentary on the Churchʼs rules concerning orders (v) ff. 112-116 Short commentary on the Churchʼs rules concerning confession. [Karshuni.]
- Fragments of papyrus with Arabic characters
- Fragments of several amulets.
- Fragments of several short (?mystical) poems
- Fragments of three grammatical and lexicographical works:-
- Fragments of two separate works
- Fragments on medical matters, including soporifics, and an anecdote concerning Solomon
- Frags. of letters andc. (paper)
- A funeral prayer, preceded by a ḥadīth of the Prophet
- al-Furūḍ wa-al-farāʾid wa-al-sihām fī ʿilm al-farāʾid
- Futuvvatnāmah dar ṭālib-i Ḥaqq
- Futūḥ al-Shām
- Futūḥ Ifrīqīyah
- Futūḥ Makka
- Futūḥnāmah-ʼi Ṣāḥib Qirānī
- Fuyūḍ al-itqān fī wujūh al-Qurʾān
- Fuṣūl min al-anājīl
- Fuṣūl-i Akbarī
- Fāl-i manẓūm
- Fāl-i raml ∣ Chaghatay
- Fālnāma-yi qurʿa
- Fālnāmah ∣ Anonymous
- Fāʼidah fī bayān al-barīd wa-al-farsakh wa-al-mīl
- Fāʼidah fī kayfīyat ikhrāj al-qīrāṭ min al-ʻadad alladhī ṣaḥḥat minhu al-masʼalah min ayy ʻadad kāna
- A fāʼidah purporting to have been transmitted by Ṭūsī, who discovered it written on a copy of ?al-Zīj al-ʻalāʼī, with (below) a note from ?Zīj al-iqbāl.
- Fī al-awqāf al-lāzimah bi-muʼminīn
- Fī al-iṣṭilāḥāt al-Ṣūfīyah
- Fī al-ḥikāyāt al-jalīlah wa al-nukat al-ẓarīfah
- Fī bayān al-mustaẓraf wa-al-mustaẓrif
- Fī bayān tafṣīl al-sāʿāt fī al-jumʿah (on the astrological and talismanic significance of each hour of the week)
- Fī baʻḍ manāqib al-walī al-ṣāliḥ Abī al-ʻAbbās Aḥmad ibn Jaʻfar al-Sabtī
- Fī faḍl al-Qurʼān wa-faḍl man ʻallama waladahu al-Qurʼān
- Fī Ḥadd al-Ǧirāḥat wa-Ḏikr al-Aẖlāṭ
- Fī iʻtiqād al-naṣārá fī aḥkām al-nujūm
- Fī maʻrifat al-nafs
- Fī muḥāsabāt
- Fī taḥqīq maʻná al-īmān wa-al-islām wa-al-ikhtilāf fīhi
- Gawhar-i Ābdār
- Genealogical roll of Arab tribes
- Genealogical tables
- Genesis
- Geographical extracts related to the foundation of Alexandria, the towns of Sarūj and Ṣanʻa, and the town of Hamadān
- Geometrical problem entitled “Faṣl fī burhān masqaṭ al-ḥajar fī al-muthallathāt al-ḥāddat al-zawāyā.” [Transcribed from MS. Thurston 3, f. 56v]
- Geometrical problem entitled “Masʼalah handasīyah”, beginning “Kull muthallath musāwī al-aḍlāʼ maʻlūm al-misāḥah”. [Transcribed from MS. Thurston 3, f. 55r l. xviii - f. 55v l. xvii.]
- Ghazal
- Ghazal ∣ Anonymous
- Ghazawāt afḍal al-anbiyāʾ wasarāyā amthal al-atqiyāʾ
- Ghunyat al-auḍāʿ fī ḥisāb al-muqanṭarāt wa-rasm al-arbāʿ
- Ghurrah nāmah
- Ghāyat tahdhīb al-kalām
- Gloss on the preface to an anonymous commentary on al-Risālah al-Shamsīyah of Qazwīnī, ʻAlī ibn ʻUmar, 1203 or 4-1276 or 7
- Gloss to the commentary by Taftāzānī on al-ʻAqāʼid of Nasafī ∣ Anonymous
- Gloss to the commentary of Qūshjī, ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad, d. 1474 or 5 on the Risālat al-Waḍʻīyah al-ʻAḍudīyah of Ījī, ʻAḍud al-Dīn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Aḥmad, d. 1355 ?
- A glossary of difficult Arabic and Persian words explained in Persian
- Glossary of Persian herb names, with explanations in Arabic and Turkish
- Glossary of terms in the Bahār-i Dānish
- A glossary to the Qurʼān
- Glossary ∣ Pahlavī
- Glosses
- Glosses on the K. al-Ishārāt wa-al-tanbīhāt of Avicenna, 980-1037
- Glosses to the commentary of al-Kātī on the Kitāb al-īsāghūjī ∣ Abharī; Kātī; Anonymous
- Glosses to the commentary of Taftāzānī, Masʻūd ibn ʻUmar, 1322-1389? on the Taṣrīf al-Zanjānī of Zanjānī, ʻAbd al-Wahhāb ibn Ibrāhīm, fl. 1257
- A grammatical fragment, with explaination in Turkish
- Grammatical treatise on the tanwin
- A grammatical work
- A grammatical work on the laws of nunation, etc.
- Gulshan-i khayāl
- Gun Sāgar
- Gushāyish'nāmah
- Ǧāmi` al-Qawānīn
- Hadithi
- Hadithi ya Dobi
- Hadithi ya Liyongo na Nduguyakwe Mdogo
- Hadithi ya Maskini na Mtoto wake
- Hadithi ya Mgala na Mwanawe
- Hadithi ya qiyama
- Hadithi ya Sheikh Ali
- Hadithi ya Sultani Aliyekuwa na Ziwa
- Hadithi ya Vijana Viwili
- Al-Hadiyat li’l-akhyār
- Haft haykal
- Haft Risalah Taqvīm al-Baladīn (?)
- Hakikat i bina wa 'uruj i firqah i Sikhan.
- Hand-list of certain manuscripts in the Damascus Public Library
- Hand-list of the Urdu, etc., manuscripts in the Delhi Collection
- Handbook of magic, containing incantations, talismans, conjurations andc.*
- A handbook of the Qādirī Sufi order containing praise for the founder ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī, d.1166, and excerpts from his writings
- Haqiqat i bina wa 'uruj i daulat i Rajah-ha yi Satarah.
- Haqiqat i Rajah-hai Ujjain.
- Hazar u Yak Shab.
- Hazār Gīsū
- Hidāyat al-naḥw
- Hidāyatnāmah ∣ Anonymous
- Hidāyāt al-ṣarf
- Hikayat Maharaja Marakarma
- Hindustani stories in the Persic and Nagaree characters, from Gilchrist's Britain Indian Monitor, written according to Shakespeare's application of those characters
- Historical notice of ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib.
- A historical religious handbook
- Historical, geographical and statistical datum of Kashmir
- History of Bangālah
- A history of Bangālah
- History of Farghānah
- A history of Muḥammad and Early Islam down to the battle of Kerbala
- History of Muḥammad and of the first four caliphs
- A history of Qāyitbāy
- History of the Byzantine Empire and the reing of Sultan Murād IV
- A history of the Caliphs
- A history of the Catholic Church, especially of the Church Councils
- The history of the Church Councils
- A history of the Egyptian campaign of Napoleon during the years 1798-1801 A.D. / 1213-1216 A.H.
- History of the emperor Akbar
- A History of the Shaybānīyah and Astarkhānīyah Sulṭāns of Transoxiana
- Hizār lughāt
- Homily
- A homily against fornication.
- Homily for the feast of S. Michael the Archangel
- A homily for the first week in Advent, followed (f. 245r) by a table of unlucky days in the Coptic year.
- A homily in explanation of the Liturgy and on the necessity of preparation before Communion.**
- Homily on Sunday, in Karshuni.
- A hotch-potch of prayers, cabbalistic and Qurʼānic materials, talismans and the like, partly in Arabic and partly in Turkish, including an extract on the mystical properties of the Arabic letters attributed to Ghazzālī, 1058-1111 (f. 8v)
- Hukum kanun Melaka
- Humāyūnʹnāmah
- Hādhihi al-asmāʼ al--ḥusna wa-hiya tisʻ wa-tisʻīn isman
- Hādhihi kitāb ʻaqīdah
- Hādhā kitāb al-ithnayn wa-sabʻīn ṭāriq alladhīna dakhalu li-majis Sulaymān Abī Dāʼūd
- Hādī al-muz̤illīn
- Ḥadīs̲-i sittatu ashyā
- al-Ibrāhīmīyah fī sharḥ al-alfīyah fī al-farāʼiḍ
- al-ifṣāḥ
- Ikhtiyārāt az qawl-i amīr al-mu’minīn ‘Alī
- al-Ikhtiyārāt fī al-fiqh
- Ikhtiyārāt-i dīdan-i māh dar burūj-i davāzdahum
- Ikhtiṣār al-ḥanafīyah lil-minhāj ʿalá ḥal al-matn
- In defence of Islam against the criticisms of Henry Martyn (1781-1812)
- In kitab babat-i muhr u dastkhatt u dabitah-i 'alam u qurs-i khass wa ahl-i khidmat dar khizanah-i sarkar-i khudadadi dashtani ast.
- An incantation
- An incomplete commentary on the Qurʼān
- Indexes and tables of the 16 celestial position (al-buyūt al-sittah ʿashara)
- Injīl al-ṭufūlīyah
- Inshā’-i Munshi-yi Shāh Abbās
- Instructions for prayer
- Instructions on washing the body with water mixed with the powder of certain plants, followed (ff. 4r-5r) by a treatise on stones, followed (f. 5v) by instructions for writing an amulet, followed (f. 6r) by a magic square
- Intelligence 1784
- interlinear gloss
- Intikhāb al-iqtiḍāb
- Intikhāb-i akhbār-i Nawwāb Vazīr al-Mamālik Bahādur va intikhāb-i akhbār darbār-i muʻallá va aṭrāf
- Intikhāb-i Shāhnāmah
- Intiqāl al-nūr min Ādam ilá Muhammad
- An introduction to astronomy containing a preface and two discourses
- Introduction to logic
- Irshād al-ṭālibīn ∣ Anonymous
- Ishrāq al-budūr ʻalá khafāyā al-ṣudūr
- Iskandarʹnāmah
- Isnād-i munājāt
- al-Istighāthah
- Istikhrāj madkhal al-sanah al-ʿarabīyah
- Istructions given by Aristotle to Alexander on the way of knowing what will befall in a battle trough the value of the letters of the names
- An Italian-Arabic-Turkish-Persian vocabulary
- Ithbāt wājib al-wujūd
- al-Iʻdhār wa-al-indhār
- Iʻlām al-ʻibād iʻlām al-bilād
- Iʻlāmnāmah ∣ Anonymous
- Al-Iʿrāb fī al-iʿrāb
- İbret name
- İnşā on Arabic letter-writing
- İnşā'-i marġūb ve maṭlūb
- İskendernāme ∣ anonymous, 17 c. CE Ottoman
- Iṭā‘atnāmah
- Jadwal faḍl al-dāʼir
- Al-Jafr al-jāmiʻ wa-al-nūr al-lāmiʻ al-akbar al-aḥmar wa-al-sirr al-aʻẓam allādhī shārakha fīhi al-Shaykh Muḥyī al-Dīn
- Jafr ∣ Anonymous
- Jahān al-ramal
- Jalāʼ al-ṣadá fī sīrat Imām al-Hudá
- Jamiʻ al-mukhtaṣarāt fī al-fiqh al-Shāfiʻī
- Jamʻ bayna al-akhbār
- Jangnāmah ∣ Anonymous
- Javābnāmah
- Javāhir al-‘uqūd
- Jawāb shakk fī ikhtilāf manẓar al-qamar min shukūk Abī al-Qāsim ibn Maʻdān. [Transcribed from MS. Thurston 3, f. 101r l. xxxii - f. 101v l. xvii.]
- Jawāhir al-anfas fī akhbār Banī ʻAbbās
- Jawāhir al-ādāb wa-nuzhat al-albāb
- al-Jawāhir wa-al-durar al-kubrá
- al-Jawāmiʻ
- Jawāmiʻ al-ḥikāyāt wa-lawāmiʻ al-riwāyāt
- Jawāmiʻ mā qāla Jālīnūs fī al-bawl
- A jimat
- Jottings, including verses, by the owner of the MS.
- Judāʼī kardan miyān-i dūstān
- Jumlat khawāṣṣ mufīdah
- Jung
- Al-Jāmiʻ bi-anwār al-durar al-lāmiʻ al-ḥāwī min al-ashʻār wa-al-qaṣāʼid mimmā yuṭribu al-sāmiʻ
- al-Jāmiʻ fī al-adwīyah
- al-Jāmiʻ fī dhikr qirāʼāt al-qurrāʼ al-ʻasharah
- Jāmiʿ al-Alfāẓ
- Jāmiʿ taʿlīlāt
- Jūg bashisht
- Kabūtarnāmah
- Kak-i Kūhzād′nāmah
- Kalimāt-i Ṣarīḥat al-Dalālāt
- Kalām li-baʻd al-ābāʼ al-fuḍalāʼ fī aṣnāf siyāsat al-Bārī [on the varieties of Godʼs providence].
- Kalīlah wa-Dimnah ∣ Anonymous
- Kanz al-durar
- Kanz al-fawāʼid fī tanwīʻ al-mawāʼid
- Kanz al-fawāʼid ʻan sharḥ al-ʻaqāʼid
- Kanz al-fawā᾽id fī tanwīʿ al-mawā᾽id
- Kanz al-Muṣallī
- Kanz al-ʻārifīn
- Karamanar (?)
- Karm-Vipāk
- al-Kashf fī ʿilm al-ḥarf
- Kashf kanz al-asrār
- Kashmiri, Persian and Arabic wordbook.
- Kavāyif-i shish ṣūbah-ʼi Dakhan
- Kawkab al-mulk wa-mawkab al-Turk
- Kawn u fasād
- A Kedah court terasul or guide to letter writing
- Kedah laws of court etiquette at the time of Marhum Naga
- Kedah port and other laws of the time of Sultan Rijalu'ddin Muhammad Shah (Marhum Naga)
- Key to the abbreviations in Jāvīdān-i kabīr
- Khabar Faythāghūrath al-faylasūf al-mutaʼallih
- Khadīm al-ẓurafāʼ wa-nadīm al-luṭafāʼ
- Khavāṣṣ-i Nād ʻAlī
- Khavāṣṣ-i Sūrah-i Yūsuf
- Khawāṣṣ al-āyyāt
- Khawāṣṣ al-ḥayawān
- Khayāl
- Khiṭāb-i qalandarān va javāb
- Khulāsat al-mustakhlaṣ
- Khulāṣah-ʼi paymāyish-i rawz̤ah…
- Khulāṣah-ʼi tawārīkh-i ʻabbāsīyah
- Khulāṣat al-afkār fī bayān zubdat al-asrār
- Khulāṣat al-ash‘ār
- Khulāṣat al-taʼrīkh
- Khulāṣat al-ʻārifīn
- Khusraw va-Shīrīn ∣ Anonymous
- A Khuṭbah
- Khuṭbat ʻīd al-fiṭr
- Khuṭbat ʻīd al-uḍḥīyah
- Khwābnāmah
- Khwān-i Niʿmat
- Khānnāmah
- Khāṣiyat al-abwāb
- Kikulacho ni Nguoni Mwako
- Kisa cha Kijana aliyekufiwa ni Mamaye
- Kisa cha Kijana na Babaye
- Kisa cha Mwinda na Nyuni
- Kitab Iskandar Dhu 'l-Qarnain. Or Tarikh Iskandar Dhu 'l-Qarnain.
- Kitab-i Haqiqat-i Chihrah-i Raudah-i Muqaddasah-i Mutahharah. (So at end)
- Kitabu cha Ndwele
- Kitāb al-Sabʻīyāt fī mawāʻiẓ al-barīyāt
- Kitāb al-Adhkār fī aḥkām al-sanah wa-al-ikhtiyār
- Kitāb al-ajnas
- Kitāb al-Aksīmāris
- Kitāb al-amthilah
- Kitāb al-Arbaʻīn min aḥādīth al-rasūl
- Kitāb al-asrār ʿan al-thiqāt al-akhyār
- Kitāb al-Azraq fī al-ṭibb fī dhikr shayʼ min aḍrār baʻḍ al-maʼkūlāt wa-al-mashrūbāt
- Kitāb al-Bayṭarah
- Kitāb al-Birāʻah fī al-filāḥah wa-al-zirāʻah
- Kitāb al-Buldān wa-al-miyāh wa-al-ahwīyah li-Ibuqrāṭ
- Kitāb al-Durar wa-al-wuqūf ʻalá al-aʻyān wa-al-ṣuwar
- Kitāb al-faraḥ
- Kitāb al-farāʾiḍ ∣ Anonymous
- Kitāb al-fatḥ al-ṣamadānī fī manāqib al-quṭb al-kabīr al-shaykh Ḥasan al-Rāʿī al-Rifāʿī al-Quṭnānī
- Kitāb al-fawāʼid al-miskīyah wa-al-naḍāʼiḥ al-mulkīyah
- Kitāb al-fawāʼid wa-al-udʻīyah
- Kitāb al-Firdaws al-ʻaqlī wa-īḍāḥ al-nabāt allatī naṣabahā Allāh fīhi
- Kitāb al-furūsīyah
- Kitāb al-ikhtilājāt
- Kitāb al-Isʻād wa-al-imdād bi-maṣāliḥ al-anfus wa-al-ajsād
- Kitāb al-Isṭumākhis
- Kitāb al-Lughāt al-sharīfah
- Kitāb al-Madīṭīs () * fī sarāʼir al-khalīqah
- Kitāb al-majdal
- Kitāb al-Manṭiq
- Kitāb al-masālik fī al-manāsik
- Kitāb al-Maʻād
- Kitāb al-Maḥāḍir wa-al-sijillāt
- Kitāb al-Miʻrāj al-mubārak
- Kitāb al-miḥan
- Kitāb al-munsha‘ib
- Kitāb al-muqaddimah al-muṭarrizīyah fī al-naḥw wa-al-ʿarabīyah
- Kitāb al-Murāsalah fī al-jabr wa-al-muqābalah
- Kitāb al-muḥākamāt
- Kitāb al-Mīzān fī ʻilm al-adwār wa-al-awzān
- Kitāb al-nafaqah
- Kitāb al-najāt
- Kitāb al-Natāʼij li-qaḍāʼ al-ḥawāʼij
- Kitāb al-nawādir
- Kitāb al-nikāḥ
- Kitāb al-nisba al-sittīnīya ʿala al-tamām wa al-kamāl
- Kitāb al-nujūm
- Kitāb al-Qanāʻah fī man ittafaqa ʻalá riwāyatihi al-jamāʻah
- Kitāb al-Qawānīn al-muqaddasah
- Kitāb al-Qaṭʻ wa-al-jazm fī akhbār ūlī al-ʻazm
- Kitāb al-Raml
- Kitāb al-rijāl
- Kitāb al-Saʻādah wa-al-iqbāl
- Kitāb al-siyāsah fī ʻilm al-firāsah
- Kitāb al-sulwa fī akhbār Kulwa
- Kitāb al-sumūt fī al-mīqāt ʿalā al-tamām wa al-kamāl
- Kitāb al-Tahdhīb ʻalá maʻrifat adillat al-qiblah wa-naṣb al-maḥārīb
- Kitāb al-taṣrīf
- Kitāb al-Uṣūl
- Kitāb al-zirāʻat
- Kitāb al-Īdāḥ fī al-fiqh
- Kitāb al-īmān
- Kitāb al-ʻAmal bi-al-kurah
- Kitāb al-ʻAmal bil-usṭurlāb ʻalá ṭarīq al-masʼalah wa-al-jawāb
- Kitāb al-ʻazīz al-muḥallá bi-al-dhahab
- Kitāb al-ʻAẓamah
- Kitāb al-ʻiqd
- Kitāb al-Ḥikmah min qawl baʻḍ al-ḥukamā
- Kitāb al-ḥudūd al-fiqhīyah wa-uṣūl dīn al-ḥanafīyah
- Kitāb al-Ṭaʿām (Book of Food)
- Kitāb Ashraf al-Munsha'āt
- Kitāb ashʻār al-ʻārifīn min ādāb al-ʻulamāʼ al-fāḍilīn
- Kitāb Bulūqiyā wa-Jahān Shāh wa-Jāmāsp wa-malikat al-ḥayāt Yamlīkhā
- Kitāb Dāniyāl al-ḥakīm
- Kitāb fī al-alfāẓ al-manṭiqīyah wa-al ārāʾ al-falsafīyah li-Arisṭū wa-al-Mutanabbī
- Kitāb fī al-fiqh
- Kitāb fī al-fiqh ʻalá al-madhāhib al-arbaʻah
- Kitāb fī al-firāsah wa-al-bayṭarah
- Kitāb fī al-firāsah wa-amrāḍ al-khayl
- Kitāb fī al-miʻrāj al-mubārak
- Kitāb fī al-taṣawwuf nāfiʻ in shāʼa Allāh lil-ʻāmil bi-mā fīhā
- Kitāb fī al-ʻaqāʼid fī maʻrifat al-ṣāniʻ
- Kitāb fī awwal waḍʻ bayt Allāh al-ḥarām
- Kitāb fī siyāsat al-khayl
- Kitāb fī ʻaqāʼid al-Durūz
- Kitāb fīhi mawlid al-nabī
- Kitāb fīhi min lahāʾiq al-anbiyāʾ waʾakhbār al-atqīyah
- Kitāb fīhi qiṣṣah ḥadīth al-miʻrāj
- Kitāb Gharāʼib al-funūn wa-mulaḥ al-ʻuyūn
- Kitāb ishrāsīm al-Hindīyah
- Kitāb kalām al-mulūk
- Kitāb kanz al-adīb wa-sulāfat al-labīb
- Kitāb majmūʻ yashtamil ʻalá mawālīd al-nisā wa-al-rijāl
- Kitāb Mawlid al-nabī
- Kitāb mawḍūʿ al-manṭiq
- Kitāb Maʻājīn
- Kitāb mujarrabāt min al-falāsifah wa-al-aṭibbāʾ wa-al-muʿlimīn
- Kitāb Mukhtaṣar Jālīnūs
- Kitāb Muntakhab fī ʻilm al-raml
- Kitāb sirāj fī darajāt al-shams
- Kitāb tāʼrīkh min ibtidāʼ al-zamān
- Kitāb uṣūl al-malāḥim
- Kitāb yataʻallaq bi-al-bayṭarah wa-amrāḍ al-khayl
- Kitāb Zayarjāsabtī
- Kitāb ʿaqāʾid
- Kitāb Ḥall al-rumūz fī iẓhār mā akhfāhu al-malik Fīrūz wa-mā iddakharahu min al-kunūz
- Kitāb ṭibb fī ʿilm al-ḥubūb
- Kitāb-i Alfāẓ
- Kitāb-i Asbnāmah
- Kitāb-i Dāstān
- Kitāb-i farhang-i fārsī
- Kitāb-i Irshād
- Kitāb-i Jang′nāmah-i Dakhan
- Kitāb-i khayālāt-i zamānī
- Kitāb-i mukhtaṣar-i fārsī dar ʻarūẓ
- Kitāb-i mullā Parīshān
- Kitāb-i Mūsīqī Majmūʿah (?)
- Kitāb-i paymāyish va tavārīkh-i rawz̤ah-ʼi munavvarah
- Kitāb-i rāḥat al-insān
- Kitāb-i Sajāvandī
- Kitāb-i Shaykh Ṣanʻān va-Tarsā
- Kitāb-i Shāh Manṣūr
- Kitāb-i taqarrur dar māyah-i ʻalaqah-ʼi haft firqah-ʼi riyāsat…
- Kitāb-i tashrīḥ
- Kitāb-i Zaqqūm
- Kitāb-i Ḍarīrī
- Kitāb-i Ḥusayn va-Ḥasan
- Kitāb-i Ṭilsamāt
- Kitāb-i ‘ilm-i ṭibb-i ghāyat al-bayān va mufradāt-i ‘ilm-i ṭibb dar bayān-i asmā’-i ‘ilal
- Kitāb-ı Temīm Dārī
- Kitābü'l-ferec ba‘d eş-şiddet
- Kiyaza fī Si am (?) Nikāt Taḥrīr Ingrīzī va Fārsī (?)
- Kulāṣat al-tavārīkh
- Al-Kāmil fī al-ṣināʿah
- Kīmiyāʿ Basīlīqā (al-malakīyah)
- Kītāb al-tavārīkh
- Kūshnāmah
- Lacunose manuscript containing traditions of the Prophet
- Lacunose work on jurisprudence
- Ladhdhat al-samʻ fī al-mufākharah bayn al-mudām wa-al-shamʻ
- Lama‘āt
- Lament on the death of Malum Abdu
- A large fragment of a history of the Mughals
- A large roll containing short prayers and invocations
- The last sixteen leaves of a work on the pronunciation of the Qurʼān
- Latin translation of the Koran
- Latter portion of the treaty of Muhammad with the Christians
- Lavāzimāt-i mardumān-i ʻaskar va jaysh va ghayruh-i mutaʻalliqah- qalʻahjāt-i sarkār-i khudādād
- Laws of Sultan Muhammad Jiwa Zain al-'Abidin of Kedah
- Laṭāʼif al-abrār
- Laṭāʼif al-akhbār
- Laṭāʼif al-imām al-aʻẓam
- Laṭāʼif al-ẓarāʼif
- Laẕẕat al-Nisā’ ∣ Jāmī; Anonymous
- Leaf of Coptic text with Arabic gloss
- Lectionary according to the usage of the Church of Rome
- A legal work on fasting, prayer, purchase and sale, etc.
- A legend concerning Hammām , a companion of ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib, Caliph, ca. 600-661
- Legend of a son of Abraham travelling in search of the Nileʼs source
- Legends of the Persian Poets
- A letter addressed in 1774 to Hunt, Thomas, 1696-1774 , Regius Prof. of Hebrew at Oxford, by a Christian in Jerusalem
- A letter addressed to an unknown high official which mentions that a letter to Maharaja Gurdas, the son of Maharaja Nand Kumar, is ready for despatch
- A letter book of Persian correspondence
- A letter from a group of Kurdish nobles to the British government asking to remain in the jurisdiction of Sulaimaniyah
- A letter in Arabic written on the blank space of a parchment sheet which originally formed (before it was cut to its present size) two conjugate leaves of a Hebrew MS. dealing with legal problems of lease
- A letter in Persian
- A letter in Urdu
- A letter of appointment from Sultan Muhiyu'din Mansur Shah of Kedah
- A letter of recommendation ( khulūṣīyah ) to one of the chief āghās in Tripoli ( Syria ) in favour of a member of the British envoy's staff, dated 16 Sept. 1761
- Letter to an unnamed person
- Letter to Khwājah Muḥammad Pārsā
- A letter to the Caliph on food and drinks
- Letters ∣ Anonymous
- A lexicographical note on the meaning of the words ḥamd and shukr
- Libās-i taqwā
- Life and miracles of Barṣawmah al-ʻUryān , called Ibn al-Tabbān d. 1317
- Life of Takla Haimanot the Abyssinian
- A list of assorted recipes
- A list of books on medical science
- List of contents of a medical work, maqālahs 7-10 only.
- List of contents of an unidentified Christian lectionary here called al-Mukhtaṣar al-nāfiʻ
- List of dates of birth and death of famous poets.
- A list of ikhtiyārāt or activities for which each day of the year is propitious
- A list of mainly* Arabic book titles, some relating to Christian authors, arranged under 14 subject headings
- A list of plant names and flowers
- A list of plant-names, with explanations
- List of simples taken from Avicenna, 980-1037 , with Latin equivalents
- list of spices, seeds, and vegetables
- List of the descendants of Mīrzā Buzurg
- List of the Moghul emperors
- List of the seventy-two Muslim sects
- A list of traditionists
- Lists of an assortment of books with their tables of contents and chapter headings and in some cases with indications of the numbers of pages per book. In a purpose made leather folder
- Little slips with notes, containing recipes, prayers etc.
- A long letter, written on both sides of the paper
- A long poem in Ottoman Turkish without a title.
- A long slip of paper of 45 x 17.4 c. and 21 ll. containing magical formulae and a magic square.
- Lubāb al-ḥiṣāb fī ʻilm al-turāb
- Lughat inshā makātīb al-mufīd; Kitāb lughat dānistan
- Lughat-i alsinah-’i Farānsah Inglīsī Namsā Fārsī
- Lughat-i niʻmat Allah
- Lughāt-i Būstān-i Shaykh Saʻdī
- Lughāt-i Qurʼānī
- Luqaṭ al-manāfiʻ *fī al-ṭibb.
- al-Luʼluʼ al-manthūr fī naṣīḥat wulāt al-umūr
- M.S. on Rhetoric (Arabic) Copied by Student in the American Seminary Abeiyh Lebanon
- al-Mabāhij al-zahīyah wa-al-manāhij al-murḍīʼah fī al-aḥkām al-falakīyah
- Madkhal al-kavākib
- Madkhal manẓūm
- Madkhal-i manẓūm fī al-nujūm
- Madkhal-i manẓūm-i naṣīr dar ‘ilm-i nujūm
- Madrasas, mosques and tombs named after pious women in Damascus.
- Madīḥah li-tabkīt al-nafs
- Mafhūm-i ʻawāmil-i ʻatīq
- Mafātīḥ al-ṣalāh
- Maghānī al-maqāmāt fī maʻānī al-maqāmāt
- Magic square for recovering a run-away slave
- Magical prescriptions
- Magical procedures and talismanic designs
- A magical work containing 16 lucky sayings in Arabic, with explanations as to their use in Persian
- A magical work on the use of the names of God
- Mahleta sege
- Mahābhārata
- Maikadah-i Makhdumi.
- Majalis al-imamiyah. (So in the colophon, f152a.)
- al-Majisṭī
- Majmaʻ al-amthāl
- Majmūʻ min aqwāl Jālīnūs wa-Ibuqrāṭ fī tadbīr al-nāqá wa-man shābahahu min al-mahzūlīn
- Majmūʻ ālāt wa-ḥiyal
- Majmūʻ ḥikāyāt wa-nawādir
- Majmūʻah
- Majmūʻah az Awliyā-yi Muḥaqqiqīn va tabarrukī az Akmal al-Kāmilīn dar bayān sulūk al-sālikīn va maʻrifat-i ʻĀrifīn
- A majmūʻah of prose and verse
- Majmūʻah-i shuʻarāʼ wa ʻurafāʼ
- Majmūʻah-ʼi munshaʼāt va asnād
- Majmūʻah-ʼi Quṭshāhī
- Majmūʻat al-ṣanāʼiʻ
- Majmūʿ jumlat fawāʾid
- Majmūʿah… wa Ṣarf Majd Miṣbāh (?)
- Majmū‘ah-’i ashʻār
- Malay fragments and Arabic traditions with interlinear translations in Malay and (the last part) in Javanese
- Malay text on ablutions before the salah with some words Romanised between the lines
- Malay tract with some words in an unidentified language on the Angel Gabriel's message to Muhammad
- Malḥamah
- Malḥamat-i Dāniyāl
- Manba` al-Ḥayūt fī-ṭ-Ṭibb
- Al-manqūl min kitāb ʿuyūn al-ḥaqā᾽iq wa-īḍāḥ al-ṭarā᾽iq
- A manual for Aḥmadīyah dervishes
- Manual of constructive geometry
- A manual of cookery in Persian lacking the beginning and the end, of Indian origin with a fragment of an Urdu title on the spine کهانا پکانی
- A manual of devotion for Ṣūfīs
- Manual of law
- Manual of Nuṣayrī Shaykhs
- Al-manāfiʿ al-bayyinah
- Manāqib al-Jīlī
- Manāqib al-ṣaḥābah
- Manāqib Manṣūr Ḥallāj min al-taṣavvuf
- Manāqib-i Mašrab
- Manāsik al-ḥājj
- Manṣūrnāme
- Manẓūmah-ʼi taʻrif-i Kashmīr va Lāhūr
- Map
- Maqālah fī dhikr ʻalāmāt al-bawl wa-ṣifātihi
- Maqālāt al-hukm mawwān [sic*] al-Shaykh Aḥmad al-ʻAbdullāwī al-Mahallāwī
- Maqālāt al-Sharīf ʻAlī al-Dimashqī
- Maqālāt fī al-Ṭibb
- Maqālāt Jālīnūs al-ḥakīm
- Maqāmāt ∣ Anonymous
- Maqāmāt-i awliyāʼ
- al-Maqāṣid al-mujarradah fī al-adwiyah al-mufradah.
- Al-Maqṣūd fī al-taṣrīf
- Maritime laws
- A Maronite liturgy.
- Marthiyah′nāmah
- Martyrdom and miracles of SS. Abshāy and Peter followed by several epistles in Coptic with Arabic commentary
- Martyrdom of S. Pesurus, S. Peter of Alexandria and S. Mercurius of Rome
- Martyrdom of SS. Peter and Paul
- Martyrdom* of SS. Cosmas and Damian, their brothers Anthimus, Leontius and Euprepius, and their mother Theodora, under Diocletian
- Mashairi na Historia
- Mashairi ya Siu
- Mashairi ya zamani
- A masnavi without beginning or end
- al-Masāʼil al-imtiḥānīyah allatī tajrī majrá al-mujāwarāt ?
- Masāʼil handasīyah mutarjamah bil-Muhdāt wa-hiya muqaddimāt li-masāʼil jabrīyah ustukhrijat bil-handasah. [Transcribed from MS. Thurston 3, ff. 137v-138r.]
- Masāʼil manthūrah fī al-farāʼid al-munāsakhāt wa-ghairihi
- Masāʼil uṣūl al-dīn
- Masʻūd′nāmah
- Masʼalah fī maʻná ayyām al-ʻālam. [Transcribed from MS. Thurston 3, f. 75r ll.i-xix.]
- Mathematical tables of the versed-sine function (al-sahm al-maḥkūl)
- Mathnawī poem
- Mawwālāt
- Mawāliyāt and other poems
- Mawḍiʻ al-adillah li-maʻrifat ruʼyat al-ahillah
- Maymar min naʻt faḍāʼil abīnā Yuḥannā Qalīmaqus
- Mazār-i Jāmi‘
- Maʻdin al-inshāʼ
- al-Maʻrifah al-ḥaqīqīyah
- Maʻrifat taqvīm va asṭarlāb
- Maʻāl-i ʻawāmil
- Maʻārij al-wuṣūl bi-al-ṣalawāt ‘alā akram Nabī wa-Rasūl
- Maḥmūd va-Ayāz
- Maḳtel-i Ḥüseyn
- Maṣdar ism ast kih būd rawshan Ākhir fārsī'st dan yā tan
- al-Maṣābīḥ al-sulṭānīyah fī al-abʻād al-nujūmīyah wa-al-ajrām al-basīṭah
- Maṭla‘-i Davāzdahum
- Medical dictionary of diseases, their symptoms and treatment
- Medical prescriptions
- The medical properties of various plants
- Medical treatise
- Medical treatise ∣ Anonymous
- The meeting of ʻAbdishoʼ the Nestorian muṭrān, Abū Qurrah the Melchite bishop, and Abū Rābiṭah the Jacobite, in the presence of an Eastern vizier, who asked each for a non-polemical statement of his beliefs.
- Memoranda
- Memoranda of birthdays, from A.H. 1066 to 1076
- Menaḳıbü'l-evliyā
- Miftāh-i bīst bāb
- Miftāḥ ∣ Anonymous
- Mihr u Māh ∣ Anonymous
- Min el-leṭā'if
- Min el-nevā'ib
- Min el-nevādir
- Min kalām Ḥabīb al-Maṣrī
- Min khuṭab Amīr al-Muʼminīn ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib
- Minhāj al-karāmah fī maʻrifat al-imāmah
- Minhāj al-mutaʻallim
- Minhāj al-ʻābidīn ∣ Ghazzālī; Yūsuf Būdh Īrichī
- Minḥāj al-ṣiḥḥah
- A miracle [unspecified] of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Mirqāt al-lughah
- Mirāt al-muḥaqqiqīn
- Mirʼāt al-arwāḥ
- Mirʼāt al-qulūb
- Miscellaneous accounts
- Miscellaneous astrological notes and tables
- A miscellaneous collection of popular stories, riddles, rhymes etc.
- Miscellaneous excerpts dealing with ḥadīth and fiqh
- Miscellaneous fragments
- Miscellaneous fragments from a treatise on coinage
- Miscellaneous jottings in Turkish and Arabic
- Miscellaneous note-book
- Miscellaneous poems, beginning with one attributed to Abū Yazīd Bisṭāmī, Ṭayfūr ibn ʻĪsá, d. 874?
- Miscellaneous prayers
- Miscellany
- A miscellany of ethical and proverbial extracts
- A miscellany of poems and prayers
- Miscellany of poetry
- A miscellany of tales
- A miscellany on philosophical and religious subjects
- A miscellany, mainly of poems
- Mitralābha
- Miz̤mārnāmah
- Miʻrājnāmah ∣ Anonymous
- Miʻrājnāmah ∣ Gagyāṇī; Anonymous
- Miṣbāḥ al-hidāyah fī ṭarīq al-imāmah
- al-Miṣbāḥ fī al-adwiyah al-mujarrabah al-ṣiḥāḥ
- Mi‘rāc-ı Muḥammed Muṣṭafā
- Modern Colloquial Persian
- Modern geographical dictionary
- Modern mashairi
- moral counsels
- Moral sentiments drawn from the story-writers and poets
- More prayers
- Mufradāt ∣ Anonymous
- Muftāf al-kunūz
- Muhimmāt al-Muslimīn
- Muhimmāt al-ṣibyān
- Muhimmāt-i muslimīn
- Muhimmāt-i muslimīn
- Mujmal al-ḥikmah
- Mujmūʻa-ʼi dīvānhā-yi qadīm
- Mukhtasar al-Tadhkirah lil-Qurṭubī
- Mukhtaṣar
- Mukhtaṣar al-taḥrīr
- Mukhtaṣar dar maʻrifat-i taqwīm
- Mukhtaṣar dar ṭibb
- Mukhtaṣar fī al-ṭibb
- Mukhtaṣar fī aḥkām al-nikāḥ
- Mukhtaṣar fī ʿilm al-raqm wal-ḥisāb
- Mukhtaṣar ghāyat al-itqān ʿalá qadr al-imkān
- Mukhtaṣar kitāb al-aghānī
- Mukhtaṣar muḥtawī ash‘ār
- Mukhtaṣar nuzhat al-mishtāq fī dhikr ikhtirāq al-āfāq
- Mukhtār'nāmah
- al-Muktasab fī ʻilm al-kāf
- Muktaṣar mushtamal ʿalā zubda mā yajib istiḥḍāruhu min ṣanāʿat al--ṭibb
- Mukātabat ilá ahl Khadhyat al-Bayḍāʼ
- Multaqaṭāt [a fragm. containing part of a collection of sayings of a philosopher].
- Munsha’at-i Abu Bakr ibn Maḥmud
- Muntakhab
- Muntakhab al-ashʻār al-ʻarabīyah
- al-Muntakhab bi-fawāʼid wa-ḥikāyāt wa-luʻab
- Muntakhab-i Jāmiʻ al-Ḥikāyāt
- Muntakhabāt-i ashʻār-i fārisīyah
- Munājāt Mūsā
- Munājāt walī al-ḥaqq
- Munājāt ∣ Anonymous
- Munājāt-i ghazāʼī
- Munājāt-i Ḥaz̤rat-i Ghawth al-thaqalayn
- Munāẓarat Rukn al-Dawlah maʻ al-Ṣadūq
- Muqaddimah ... fī bayān aḥkām al-tajwīd wa-al-nūn al-sākinah wa-al-tanwīn
- al-Muqaddimah al-Ḥāshimiyyah fīmā yataʻallaqu bi-al-lughah al-fārisīyah
- Muqaddimah fī al-adab
- Murghi Zarīn
- Murshid al-mubtadiʼ
- Murāsalāt-i shawqī
- Mushkilāt inshāyāt wa-barāt wa-ḥukm sharīf wa-daftar munīf
- Mushkilāt-i Shāhnāmah
- Muslim prayers
- al-Mustajād fī taʼrīkh al-ʻAbbāsīyah
- Muʻizz al-ansāb fī shajarat al-ansāb
- al-Muʻrib
- Muʻāhadat al-ḥimāyah wa-al-mawaddah
- Muḥammadshāh-nāmah
- Muṣarriḥat al-asmāʼ maʻ qaṣd al-taʼrīkh fī al-ismāʼ
- Muṣḥaf Hirmis al-harāmisah
- Mu‘jizāt
- A mystical account of the creation of the world and the birth of Muḥammad, etc., with interlinear Persian trans.
- Mystical homily
- A mystical interpretation of the Greek alphabet as referring to the creation, government and redemption of the world
- Mystical tract
- Mā nuqila min sharḥ al-mūjiz
- Māhā Shīvah Pūrān-i Samaskarti
- Mīkā u Manūhar
- Mīr shikār nāmah
- Mīzān
- Mīzān al-khaṭṭ
- Mīzān fī ʻilm al-ṣarf
- Al-najāt min (ʿan) ḥujub al-ishtibāh
- Nameh
- Names of the nineteen Bābī months
- Naqliyāt-i Hindī
- Narratives of the martyrdom of the imams
- Nasab al-ansāb
- Nathr al-laʼālī
- Natīǧat al-Maṭlūbāt fī Ma`rifat al-Ḥumayyāt
- Nawādir al-amthāl
- Nawādir al-milaḥ wa-al-akhbār wa-farāʼiḍ al-ḥikam wa-al-ashʻār
- Naẓm-i Ḥāsim
- al-Naṣr al-mumtadd fī fatḥ Tihāmah wa-Najd
- Naṣreddīn Ḫvāceniñ ba‘żı laṭīf-i menāḳıbları
- Naṣāʼiḥ
- Naṣīḥah malīḥah
- Naṣīḥat al-mulūk ∣ Anonymous
- Nigāristān ∣ Anonymous
- Nihāyat al-arab fī akhbār al-Furs wa-al-Arab ilá akhdh al-muslimīn Fārs
- Nine sections of a Persian mystical poem
- Nisbat al-anbiyāʼ [?]
- Niṣāb
- Niṣāb al-Badāyi‘
- Niṣāb dar ‘Arabī va Turkī dar Naẓm-i Fārsī
- Niṣāb-i mus̲allas̲
- Ni‘mat-i Dildār
- No title given
- Nomenclature des villages de toutes les provinces de l'Egypte
- A note (fāʼidah) de Horologiis Declinantibus [?]
- A note on a saying of ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib, Caliph, ca. 600-661
- A note on ritual prayer (salah) in Arabic with Javanese translation
- Note on the college in Damascus called al-Maqdamīyah (?Muqaddamīyah) al-Ḥanafīyah al-Juwānīyah.
- A note on the distinction between the adjective (ṣifah) and the noun (ism)
- A note on the number of verses, letters of the alphabet, diacritical points etc. in the Qurʼān , with the name of a copyist*. At the foot of the recto side, and in the margin, some lines of poetry by Dhū al-Nūn al-Miṣrī, Thawbān ibn Ibrāhīm, d. ca. 861
- Note-book with paradigms of Arabic verbs and list of words
- A notebook containing some Arabic verse including a long poem by al-Khurayyif al-Tūnisī and another one by al-Sayyid Saʻīd al-Tilmasānī. With a note Granville T. Temple. Constantine Oct 13th 1837. Found in the Bey's Harem.
- Notebook containing the Ten Commandments in Persian
- notes and poetic excerpts in Ottoman Turkish and Persian
- notes in Chaghatay
- Notes in Ottoman Turkish in Syriac script and Arabic
- Notes of an Egyptian
- Notes on Algerian affairs during the Turkish administration, covering c. 1802-1839 ; no title.
- Notes on certain traditions
- Notes on geomancy, a list of the unlucky days in each month, tables with the numerical value of the letters, etc.
- Notes on the interpretation of dreams and the microcosm
- Notes on the planets
- Notes on the post-Apostolic history of the Church
- Notes on the prescribed abolutions, etc.
- A notice of the life and writings of Subkī, Tāj al-Dīn ʻAbd al-Wahhāb ibn ʻAlī, ca. 1327-1370
- Notification of the virtues of certain formulae of praise prescribed by Shaykh Ādam Banūnī
- Nubdhah fī taʼrīkh Shām wa-man banāhā wa-ʻaddat abwābihā wa-dhikr qalʻatihā
- Nubdhah min kitāb al-Durūz.
- Nubdhah muntakhaba min al-durrah al-muntakhabah fī al-adwiyah
- Nuh Manẓar
- Nukhbat al-luṭafāʼ fī taʼrīkh al-khulafāʼ
- Nuktah laṭīfah jamīʻah ẓarīfah
- A number of Khuṭbahs for different ocasions interspersed with Persian and Arabic
- A number of legal questions and answers
- A number of prayers
- A number of prayers and devotions in mixed Arabic and Persian
- Nuskhah-i munshaʻab
- Nuskhah-i ṣughrā dar fann-i muʻammā
- Nuskhah-ʼi Mīzān dar ʻilm-i ṣarf
- Nuskhahʻhā-yi Kīmīyā
- Nuskhat sijl al-mujtabah
- Nuskhat-i Sālūtar
- Nuzhat al-abṣār wa-al-istimāʻ fī akhbār dhawāt al-qināʻ
- Nuzhat al-musāmir wa-anīs al-muqīm wa-al-ḥāḍir
- Nuzhat al-nufūs wa-al-afkār fī khawāṣṣ al-mawālīd al-thalāth al-maʻādīn wa-al-nabāt wa-al-ḥijār
- Nuzhat al-ʻushshāq wa-salāt al-mushtāq
- Nuṣḥ al-dīn lil-mulūk wa al-salāṭīn
- Nāmhā-yi pādshāhān-i pīsh-i dādbān
- Nān va namak
- Nūr-nāmah ∣ Anonymous
- Nūr-nāmah ∣ Kākaṛ; Anonymous
- Old Anatolian Turkish mes̠nevī on the lives of the Prophet Muḥammad and ‘Alī
- On a method of estimating the weight and cubic capacity of heaps of grain*
- On the days of the week on which the festival of Nawruz falls with six tables and one chart
- On the divisions of the habitable world into zones
- On the Roman months and the times of the risings of the sun and constellations
- One leaf from an Arabic religious work
- One prayer ∣ Anonymous
- Orientalische Redensarten
- An Ottoman chancery manual from Istanbul
- Padmāvat
- A page containing Arabic and Persian words with English rendering
- Page from a Turkish epistolary manual containing two letters
- A page from a work on astronomy
- A page on the Roman names of the months, with their Syrian equivalents.
- Panjʻganj fī ʻilm al-ṣarf
- Papyrus fragments. of Arabic protocols and letters
- A paradigm of the triliteral stem naṣara, with interlinear explanations in Turkish and Italian
- A paradigm of the verb naṣara
- A paradigm of the verb naṣara , with explanation in Turkish
- A paraphrase of a religious poem
- Part of a chronology of Egypt, from 664-665 A.H.
- Part of a commentary
- Part of a commentary on prescriptions concerning purification and prayer
- Part of a general history
- Part of a letter book ∣ Anonymous
- Part of a Persian commentary on the Koran
- Part of a treatise on alchemy
- Part of a treatise on tajwīd
- Part of a work on miscellaneous topics
- Part of a work on Natural Philosophy
- Part of a work on the physical defects of riding-beasts, and their treatment
- Part of a Ḥanbalī legal treatise
- Part of an acrostic qaṣīdah
- Part of an anonymous and acephalous work on Ḥanafī law
- Part of an anonymous and untitled Persian dictionary arranged in babs under the last letter and in fasls under the first, with poetical quotations arranged both by alphabet and by subject
- Particularum exempla
- Parts of a collection of ḥadīth
- A Pashto-Persian dictionary
- Passages from an unidentified history of early Islam
- Passages in praise of God and the Prophet
- A Pathan-Persian-Arabic-Urdu-Turkish vocabulary, with explanatory text in Persian*.
- Pentateuch
- A perpetual Arabic calendar, beginning with Jumādá II and ending with Jumādá I
- Persian Almanac with astrological tables
- A Persian almanack for A.H. 1195 = 1780-81, composed in India
- A Persian anthology
- Persian astrological calendar composed in India for the solar year A.H 1198-1199/A.D. 1784-1785
- Persian commentary on al-Khuṭbat al-gharrāʼ of Ibn Sīnā.
- Persian commentary on the Akhlāq-i Nasirī of Ṭūsī, Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1201-1274
- Persian Ephemerides
- Persian Gazeteer
- A Persian geographical work, without title or name of author.
- Persian Grammar for Natives of Hindustan
- A Persian Khuṭbah, prayers and devotions
- Persian letter
- A Persian ode in praise of the Prophet
- Persian Poem
- Persian poems by various poets
- Persian religious tract
- Persian supercommentary on the commentary of Ghulām Naqshband al-Shīʻī on al-Qaṣīdah al-Khazrajīyah of Khazrajī, ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻUthmān, 12th/13th cent.
- A Persian tafsīr
- Persian tales
- A Persian tract
- Persian translation of the Vishnu-purana
- Persian version of the Gospels
- A Persian-Malay vocabulary list
- A Persian-Pashto glossary
- Persian-Turkish lexicon
- Persian-Turkish vocabulary
- Petition addressed to Wilfred Scawen Blunt (1840-1922) from the Muslims of Allahabad
- Pharmaceutical dictionary
- Philosophical treatise
- Photograph of Ṣubḥ-i Azal autograph of a passage mentioned in one of the letters
- Phrases in English, Hindustani, and Persian
- A picture-book of the signs of the Zodiac
- A piece concerning farāʼiḍ *, probably an extract from a larger work.
- Pieces in prose and verse intended for recitation in the month of Muḥarram
- Pieces in Turkish prose and verse, in which are some short Arabic prose pieces
- A piyyut in honour of Purim, with alternating strophes in Hebrew and Judaeo-Persian
- Poem (arabic) ∣ Anonymous
- Poem (persian) ∣ Anonymous
- Poem addressed to Daʼūd ibn ʻĪsá ibn Mūsá , governor of Mecca and Medina, from the people of Medina, persuading him to transfer his residence thither
- Poem beginning Yā mūliʻan bil-ghaḍab wa-al-hajr wa-al-tajannub
- Poem commemorating the exploits of Riḍwān Pāshā
- Poem containing precepts of the old Persian kings
- A poem dealing with the mystical meaning of letters of the alphabet, with a fairly detailed commentary, and ending with a short prayer
- A poem in 162 verses on the three parts of speech (nouns, verbs and particles)
- A poem in 22 verses
- A poem in 23 [unnumbered] sections rhyming in -lā on the mystical properties of the Arabic letters
- A poem in Arabic
- A poem in praise of ʻAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī
- A poem in the form of an amulet
- A poem on medicine, in 65 couplets
- poem on the life of the Prophet Muḥammad in Old Anatolian Turkish
- A poem on the Prophet
- Poem rhyming in dāl beginning “qalbī ka-khaddiki jamrah yatawaqqadu ...”
- Poems ∣ Ṭālib Āmlī
- Poetic anthology including Kalīm Hamadānī, Sarwar, Hilālī Hamadānī, Ṣabūḥ, DarwīshʻAbd al-Majīd, Muḥammad Ḥusayn Rafīq Iṣfahānī, Abū al-Qāsim Tafrishī, Hātif, etc.
- Poetic fragments
- Poetical fragments and prayers
- A popular calendar
- Popular exegesis, in the form of question and answer, on Biblical matters and words from O. T. and N. T.
- A popular history of the imams and the Shiites
- A popular treatise divided into shakl , various human conditions characterized as auspicious or inauspicious, with medical prognostications drawn with reference to the Qurʼān and the stars
- Portion of an unidentified Dīwān
- Portions of the Qurʼān and magical scraps
- Portions of the Qurʼān, including sūras xxxvi and xlviii and a number of prayers, spells and similar formulae.
- Practical notes on astrology and magic
- Praise of effort and blame of indolence
- A prayer
- A prayer book
- A prayer followed by a few traditions
- A prayer in Arabic
- prayer in English, possibly a translation of the preceding or following Ottoman Turkish
- Prayer sheet for illnesses
- A prayer to be used on completing the reading of the Qurʼān
- A prayer whose use was prescribed to a saint called Muḥyī al-Dīn
- A prayer, followed by scribbled notes
- Prayer-book
- A prayer-book and manual of devotion
- A prayer-book arranged according to the days of the week, including passages from and adaptations of the Qurʼān
- Prayers and amulets from Central Africa
- Prayers and charms in Turkish
- Prayers and devotional instructions
- Prayers and devotions in mixed Arabic and Persian
- Prayers and ghazals
- Prayers and incantations for alleviating various ailments and misfortunes
- Prayers and invocations
- Prayers and invocations to God
- Prayers and Koranic passages for use as an amulet
- Prayers and religious formulae in Arabic, with explanations in Turkish and Persian
- Prayers and talismans
- Prayers concerning the names of God and prayers for specific purposes, such as the removal of diseases
- Prayers for the pilgrimage (ziyārāt) to the Shiʿite shrines and the tombs of the Prophets
- Prayers for the Prophet ∣ Anonymous
- Prayers for various occasions
- Prayers in Arabic with some lines in Turkish
- Prayers in Arabic with Turkish explanations and some magic squares
- Prayers ∣ Islam
- Prayers, calligraphically written
- Prayers, charms and amulets
- Prayers, collected from the Qurʼān and elsewhere
- Prayers, etc.
- Prayers, followed by a collection of single leaves containing recipes for charms, prayers, etc., by different hands
- Prayers, followed by a medical prescription
- Prayers, from the Qurʼān and elsewhere, some in Turkish
- Prayers, in Arabic and Turkish
- Prayers, including sūrahs of the Qurʼān commonly used as such
- Prayers, invocatory and deprecatory
- Prayers, mainly superstitious
- Prayers, pious meditations, and Qurʼānic praises of God
- Prayers, talismans and charms
- Prayers, with a version in Turkish
- Precepts for kings and rulers, drawn from traditions of the Prophet
- Preface to the Shahnamah of Firdausi.
- Prescription for making the preparation called 'barsh' used by dervishes
- Prescriptions for compounding certain electuaries (maʿjūn)
- Principles of civil and canon law
- A problem of [stellar?] geometry
- A problem of stellar geometry
- A proclamation or sermon about 200 years old
- prognosis for the days of the month
- Proof of being
- Prophetic traditions ∣ prayer
- Prose preface
- A prose tract on Arabic grammar
- Proverbs arranged in alphabetical order
- Qala Shairi
- Qarābādīn
- Qarārpattah
- A Qasidah in praise of the Governor General of India, the Marquess of Hastings.
- al-Qawl ʻalá al-ṭarīqat al-tasāʻīyah fī ʻilm al-zāʼirjat al-ḥarfīyah
- Qawānīn al-rusul
- Qawāʻid al-furs
- Qays wa-Lubnā
- Qaz̤ā va qadar ∣ Anonymous
- Qaṣidas of a religious character
- Qaṣāʼid ∣ Anonymous
- Qaṣīdah mukhammasāt
- Qaṣīdah naḍīdah
- Qaṣīdah waʻẓīyah
- Qaṣīdah ∣ Anonymous
- Qaṣīdah-i suryānī
- Qiblat al-āfāq
- Qissa-yi Hamrāh wa Ḥūr-liqā
- Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʼ ∣ Anonymous
- Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʼ ∣ Kisāʼī; Anonymous
- Qiṣṣah Yūsuf al-Yahūdī [whom his father threw into the furnace, and the miracle of Saints Gurias, Samonas and Abib]
- Qiṣṣah-i Bahrām u Gulandām
- Qiṣṣah-i Fīrūz Shāh
- Qiṣṣah-i jawhar
- Qiṣṣah-i jumjumah
- Qiṣṣah-i Khvājah Ja‘far
- Qiṣṣah-i Shams, Pādishāhzadah va Zuhrih Bānu
- Qiṣṣah-i Sikandar-i Z̲u al-Qarnayn
- Qiṣṣah-i Sulṭān Maḥmūd-i Ghaznavī
- Qiṣṣah-ʼi Badīʻ al-Jamāl u Sayf al-Mulūk
- Qiṣṣah-ʼi Bahrāmʹshāh
- Qiṣṣah-ʼi Bānū Gushasp
- Qiṣṣah-ʼi Duzd u Qāḍī
- Qiṣṣah-ʼi ibtidā-yi Nādir Shāh tā āmadanish bi-Hind
- Qiṣṣah-ʼi Khiz̤r Khān va Duval Rānī
- Qiṣṣah-ʼi Khāvar Shāh
- Qiṣṣah-ʼi Manṣūr Shāh Akar va gul
- Qiṣṣah-ʼi Mūrchah va Sulaymān ʻalayhi al-salām
- Qiṣṣah-ʼi Sayf al-Mulk
- Qiṣṣah-ʼi Ḥaydar va-dukhtar-i qāḍī-ʼi Kashmīr
- Qiṣṣah-ʼi Ḥātim Ṭāʼī
- Qiṣṣah-’i Sayf al-Mulūk va Badī‘ al-Jamāl
- Qiṣṣat Abī Zayd al-Hilālī
- Qiṣṣat al-Hayfāʼ wa-Yūsuf
- Qiṣṣat al-jamal wa-al-ghazālah wa-mā jará la-humā maʻ al-nabī
- Qiṣṣat al-malik al-Mahīb wa-wuldihi Kamāl wa-Dalāl
- Qiṣṣat al-malik Kālʻād wa-mā jará lahu maʻ wazīrihi Shīmās
- Qiṣṣat al-rajā li-sittinā Fāṭimah
- Qiṣṣat Anas al-wujūd
- Qiṣṣat Barṣīṣā
- Qiṣṣat Dhī al-Qarnayn
- Qiṣṣat Fars al-ʻAqīlī wa-mā jará lahā maʻ al-amīr Abī Zayd
- Qiṣṣat Ibn Salāmah wa-mā jará lahu maʻa Durrat al-Ghawāṣṣ
- Qiṣṣat Iskandar al-Rūmī
- Qiṣṣat madīnat al-naḥās wa-al-qamāqim al-sulaymānīyah allādhī maḥbūs bihā al-maradah
- Qiṣṣat Muʻāwiyah wa-mā waqaʻa baynahu wa-bayna al-Imām ʻAlī
- Qiṣṣat Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh al-Hamadānī wa-mā jará lahu min al-ʻajāʼib wa-al-gharāʼib fī bilād Madḥij
- Qiṣṣat Muṣṭafá Beg-Zādah
- Qiṣṣat nabīnā Muḥammad maʻ Abī Jahl
- Qiṣṣat Tamīm al-Dārī
- Qiṣṣat tuḥfat al-ṣudūr maʻ al-khalīfah
- Qiṣṣat yasurr Diyāb
- Qiṣṣat Yūnus al-Ṣiddīq
- Qiṣṣat Yūsuf wa-mā jará lahu maʻ al-malik wa-maʻ Zulaykhā
- Qiṣṣat Zayd wa-Kaḥlā
- Qiṣṣat ʻAṭṭāf
- Qiṣṣat ʻĪsá ibn Maryam
- Qiṣṣat Ṭawq ibn al-Ṣabāḥ
- Qiṣṣāh-yi Kāmrūp ∣ Anonymous
- Questions and answers on points of law
- Questions and answers on some novel theories in Islam, by a group of Muslims
- Questions and answers on various subjects and some anecdotes
- Questions on juridical matters addressed to Shāfiʻī, Muḥammad ibn Idrīs, 767 or 8-820 , with the answers thereto
- Questions on law (incl. murder, theft, inheritance andc.).
- Quotations in Persian verse consisting of moral maxims
- al-Qurʼān
- Qurʼānic quotations exemplifying the formula lā ilāha illā Allāh , and prayers for warding off evil
- Qïrq farżnïng bayānï
- Li-Qādirī Chalabī al-marḥum al-Qādī ʻaskar
- Qānūn al-fars ʻalā uslūb qānūn al-adab
- Qānūn al-ḥikmat wa-dastūr
- al-Qānūn fī dīwān al-rasāʼil
- Qāʻidah-ʼi shanākhtan-i shānah
- Qāʻidah-ʼi zubān-i Fārsī
- R. fī al-asṭurlāb al-shimālī dhāt al-ṣafāʼiḥ
- R. fī al-ʻamal bil-kurah
- al-Radd ʻalá al-wahhābīyah
- Raddulmubtadiʻīn
- Raf‘i Ghubār
- Rawz̤at al-munajjimīn
- Rawḍat al-shuhadāʼ
- Rawḍat al-ʿulamāʾ
- Rawḍāt landanī wa-fawḥāt anjumanī
- Raḍāʿat al-Nabī
- Raḥmat al-raḥmān fī tilāwat al-Qurʾān
- Receipts for making ink and fees charged by certain celebrated caligraphers
- A recipe for dyeing the beard
- Recipe for making mucilaginous drinks.
- A refutation of various opinions of the philosophers
- Religious meditations
- Religious poem
- A religious poem in Arabic in sixteen verses
- A religious poem in Arabic in thirty verses with a Persian translation
- Religious poems
- Religious qaṣīdah
- A religious tract
- Religious tracts
- Religious treatise ∣ Anonymous
- Reply to Mullā Zayn al-ʻAbidīn
- A report on Muḥammad, Prophet, d. 632 ʼs night-journey and miʼrāj
- Rifsālah fī al-tavārīkh
- Risalah dar bayan-i at'imah wa aghdhiyah-i ladhidhah.
- Risalah dar ‘ilm-i ṣarf
- Risalah-i 'ilm-i musiqi. So in colophon.
- Risalah-i Nishat-ara.
- Risalah-ʼi tafsīr-i lā ikrāh fī al-dīn va-risālah-ʼi dīgar malakah Muḥammad ibn Sinān
- Rishi-namah (?).
- Risāla dar Istikhrāj-i Taqvīm al-Zīj-i Muntakhab
- Risāla-i Muʿarrabāt
- Risāla-i Muḥammad Shāh va Khāndawrān
- Risālah [al-]Rubʻ al-mujannaḥ
- Al-Risālah al-munfadhah ilá al-qāḍī
- al-Risālah al-muʻīnīyah
- Risālah al-Qawāʻid
- Risālah al-ʻAmal bil-ṣafīḥat al-āfāqīyah
- Al-risālah al-ʿIzzīyah fī qawāʿid ʿilm al-ʿarabīyah
- Risālah dar aʻazz awqāt
- Risālah dar aḥkām-i-ghālib wa-maghlūb
- Risālah dar bayān-i arkān-i īmān
- Risālah dar bayān-i faqr
- Risālah dar bayān-i ānkih zan bachih hā biyāvarad
- Risālah dar bihisht va dūzakh
- Risālah dar hunar-i tīr′andāzī va khanjar′guzārī
- Risālah dar masāḥah ve-jughāfīyah ve-hayʼah
- Risālah dar qirāʻāt
- Risālah dar qiyāfa
- Risālah dar taqsīm-i mafhūm
- Risālah dar tartīb-i bāgh va ashjār
- Risālah dar taẕkirah-i Imām Ḥusayn
- Risālah dar tīr andākhtan va qabḍah giriftan
- Risālah dar ʻilm-i qavāfī
- Risālah dar ʻilm-i-masāḥat
- Risālah dar ṭibb
- Risālah fī al-dhikr ∣ Anonymous
- Risālah fī al-farāʼiḍ wa al-ādāb al-dīnīyah
- Risālah fī al-jumlah
- Risālah fī al-kalām ʿalá al-ḥurūf
- Risālah fī al-manṭiq ∣ Anonymous
- Risālah fī al-naḥw
- Risālah fī al-rimāyah
- Risālah fī al-rubʻ
- Risālah fī al-tawḥīd
- Risālah fī al-ʻamal bil-rubʻ al-jāmiʻ
- Risālah fī al-ʻillah wa-al-maʻlūl
- Risālah fī al-ʿamal bi-al-rubʿ al-mujayyab
- Risālah fī al-ḥurūf al-muqaṭaʻah
- Risālah fī aʻmāl al-awqāt fī istikhrāj al-sumūt wa-al-jihāt
- Risālah fī aḥkām al-nujūm
- Risālah fī dhikr waṣf al-ʻālam wa-takawwunihi [in the form of question and answer].
- Risālah fī faḍāʿil sūrah al-ikhlāṣ
- Risālah fī ikhtilāf al-āyāt
- Risālah fī istikhrāj al-tārīkh
- Risālah fī istikhrāj daqāʼiq ḥudūd ikhtilāf manẓar al-qamar al-mustaʻmalah fī al-Majisṭī. [Transcribed from MS. Thurston 3, f. 93v l. xviii - f. 94r l. xii.]
- Risālah fī kaifīyah waḍʿ al-rubʿ al-maqṭūʿ
- Risālah fī manāfiʿ al-adwiyah al-mufradah wa-al-murakkabah
- Risālah fī manāqib al-ṣaḥābah
- Risālah fī maʻrifah waḍʻ inṣāf aqṭār
- Risālah fī maʻrifat al-ahillah
- Risālah fī maʻrifat manāzil al-nujūm
- Risālah fī maʿrifat al-khalwa
- Risālah fī ma’rifat al-ghurrah
- Risālah fī ādāb al-baḥth
- Risālah fī ālāt al-falakīyah wa-al-jayb
- Risālah fī ʻilm al-asṭurlāb
- Risālah fī ʻilm al-hayʼah
- Risālah fī ʻilm al-kalām
- Risālah fī ʻilm al-ramal
- Risālah fī ʻilm al-raml
- Risālah fī ʻilm al-sadhāb
- Risālah fī ʿilm al-zaman
- Al-Risālah ilá walī al-ʻahd
- Risālah kibrīt aḥmar
- Risālah laṭīfah badīʿah fī al-ʿamal bi-al-rubʿ al-mujayyab
- Risālah laṭīfah bāhirah ka-al-sharḥ fī tawḍīḥ mā fī hādhihi al-ḍāʼirah
- Risālah majmūʿah min kalām al-mashāyīkh ʿalá al-rubʿ al-mujayyab
- Risālah mukhtaṣarah fī bayān mā ishtamala ʻalayhi al-asṭurlāb
- Risālah mutaʻalliqah bi-al-tajwīd
- Risālah ∣ Anonymous
- Risālah-i chirāgh al-‘āshiqīn
- Risālah-i farāyiz̲-i manẓūmah
- Risālah-i irshādīyah
- Risālah-i mazrū‘āt
- Risālah-i mukhtaṣarah-ʼi ʻarabīyah dar qāfiyah
- Risālah-i Muḥammad Shāh
- Risālah-ʼi Jihādīyah
- Risālah-ʼi khuṭūṭ
- Risālah-ʼi kirāmīyah
- Risālah-ʼi Kursīnāmah-ʼi Mahāvutgarī
- Risālah-ʼi mukhtaṣar az ḥikmat
- Risālah-ʼi muʻammā ∣ Anonymous
- Risālah-ʼi muʻāljāt-i afyāl
- Risālah-ʼi Nayrang
- Risālah-ʼi nuqṭat al-bayān
- Risālah-ʼi sad u sih masʻalah
- Risālah-ʼi tajvīz-i Imām ‘Alī
- Risālah-ʼi Taṣawwuf
- Risālah-ʼi ʻAjāʼib al-makhlūqāt
- Risālah-ʼi ʻaqāʼd-i Ṣūfīyah
- Risālah-ʼi ʻilmīyah-ʼi fiqhīyah
- Risālah-ʼi ṭabābat
- Risālah-‘i naṣā’iḥ-i ḥukamā’
- Risālah-‘i taʻbīr-i khvāb
- Risālah-’i Nujūm
- Risālah-’i qiyāfat nāmah-i tafṣīl
- Risālah-’i ḥūsh dar dam
- Risālat al-anṣināʼ
- Risālat al-dāmighah
- Risālat al-ghaybah
- Risālat al-irshād fī al-uṣturlāb
- Risālat al-nisāʼ al-kabīrah
- Risālat al-shamʻah
- Risālat al-tanzīh
- Risālat al-taḥdhīr wa-al-tanbīh
- Risālat al-Zinād
- Risālat al-ʻubūdīyah ʻalá muṭābaʻat al-sunnah
- Risālat al-ḥudūd al-fiqhīyah
- Risālat darajat kayfīyyat al-adwiyah al-mufradah
- Risālat fī ādāb al-ṣuḥbah
- Risālat Khumār ibn Jaysh
- Risālat silk al-zāhir fī ʿilm al-awāʾil wa-al-awākhir
- Risālat tuḥfat al-faqīr fī al-nujūm wa al-taqwīm
- Ritual for marriages
- Ritual for the three prostrations at Pentecost
- Ritual prayers ∣ Islam
- Riżwān Šāh wa Rūḥ-afzā
- al-Riḍā wa-al-taslīm
- A rough sort of a Turkish album
- A royal marriage contract of Moghul India
- Rubāʻī
- Rubbing of a Persian inscription dated 856/1452 recording the restauration of a mosque at Hangchow in China
- Rubāʻīyāt ∣ Ibn Abī al-Khayr
- Rubāʻīyāt and mufradāt ∣ Anonymous
- Rubā‘īyāt ∣ Anonymous
- Rumūz al-ḥaqīqah fī bāb al-ṭarīqah fī ʻilm al-taṣawwuf
- Rumūz al-Ṭāhirīn
- Ruqa‘āt- Ibrāhīm ∣ Anonymous
- Ruqʻa
- Ruqʻāt-i majīd
- al-Rushd wa-al-hidāyah
- Rāg va Rāgnī hāʾī Hind
- Rāmāyana
- Rātib al-Mahdī ʻalayhi al-salām
- Rāḥat al-firās
- Rūznāmah ∣ Anonymous
- Saki gun (?)
- The same text as above in Romanised text.
- Savāṭiʻ al-anvār
- sayings and advice of the Prophet
- Sayings of the imam Ṣadr al-Dīn Sulaymān al-Ḥanafī
- Sayings of the Prophet, the divine names, and a prayer taken from the Qurʼān
- Saʻd u Humāyūn
- A scrapbook
- Scrapbook
- The second half [maqālahs 5-10] of a medical work
- Second half of a commentary on the Qurʾān
- The second, third and fourth Discourses (Maqālāt) of an Arabic work on Medicine. The second Discourse is on fevers (26 chapters), the third is on diseases of the different organs (108 chapters) and the fourth is on drugs (arranged alphabetically) and diet.
- Selected panegyrics and odes
- Selection from the tafsīr of Ibn al-Khaṭīb
- A selection of short stories
- Selection of traditions
- Selection of verses by Niẓāmī and Hātifī, collected to illustrate a number of ethical principles
- Selections comprising proverbs and verses
- Selections of poetry containing astonomical allusions.
- A series of astronomical tables
- A series of khuṭbahs, etc.
- A series of mystical meditations and anecdotes
- A series of short vocabularies of Arabic words
- Sermons ∣ Anonymous
- Seven folios from a Coptic Liturgy
- seven short anonymous mes̠nevī in Ottoman Turkish
- Several Arabic proverbs.
- Several Bābī poems
- Several excerpts and notes on the Umayyad caliphs, followed by letters.
- Several extracts from a historical work
- Several faṣl [perhaps extracts from a larger work ?] on calendars
- Several fāʼidahs on Kūshyār ibn Labbānʼs al-Zīj al-jāmiʻ. [Transcribed from MS. Thurston 3, f. 117r, v.]
- several short prose pieces in Archaic Ottoman Turkish
- Seyret-i Seyyid Baṭṭāl
- Shabistān
- Shammah-ʼi az qāʻidah-ʼi naḥw zabān-i Pahlavī
- Shamāʼil al-Nabī
- Shamāʼil-i atqiyā
- Sharafnāmah-ʼi nubūvat
- Sharh Ṭulūʻ al-shiʻrá al-yamānīyah bi-al-burūj wa-mā la-hā min al-bilād wa-al-mudun wa-ghayirhā
- Sharḥ al-ʻaqīdat al-kubrá
- Sharḥ-i Būstān ∣ Saʻdī; Anonymous
- Sharḥ-i Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī
- Sharāʼiʻ al-Islām ∣ Anonymous
- Sharḥ abyāt Gulistān
- Sharḥ al-amānāt al-urtuduksīyah
- Sharḥ al-faṣṣ al-karīm wa-mā fīhi min al-asrār wa-al-muʻjizāt*
- Sharḥ al-Īsāghūjī ∣ Anonymous
- Sharḥ al-lubāb
- Sharḥ al-Muʻarrabāt
- Sharḥ al-qānūn
- Sharḥ al-Shāfiyah
- Sharḥ al-Ājurrūmīyah ∣ Ibn Ājurrūm; Anonymous
- Sharḥ al-ʻawāmil al-miʼah
- Sharḥ al-ʿawāmil al-māʾat fī al-naḥv
- Sharḥ firaq al-shīʻah
- Sharḥ khulāṣat al-ḥisāb
- Sharḥ khātim Muqātil ibn Sulaymān al-Balkhī, d. 767
- Sharḥ kitāb al-taṣrīf
- Sharḥ miʼat ʻāmil
- Sharḥ mulakhkhaṣ al-Jighmīnī
- Sharḥ muqaddimat al-Anṣārī ʻalá al-bismillāh
- Sharḥ nasab Ardalān kih jadd wālīhā-yi Kurdistān ast
- Sharḥ niṣāb al-ṣibyān ∣ Anonymous
- Sharḥ qaṣīdat Bānat Suʻād
- Sharḥ Shamā’il al-Nabī
- Sharḥ talkhīṣ al-miftāḥ
- Sharḥ tuḥfat al-mawdūd ∣ Anonymous
- Sharḥ ādāb al-Ḥanafīya
- Sharḥ-i amthila
- Sharḥ-i Asmāʼ Allāh al-Ḥusnà
- Sharḥ-i Gulshan-i rāz ∣ Anonymous
- Sharḥ-i jāvidān-i kabīr
- Sharḥ-i Mas̲navī-i maʻnavī
- Sharḥ-i Muqaṭṭaʻāt-i Anvarī
- Sharḥ-i mu‘ammà
- Sharḥ-i qaṣāyid va ghazalīyāt-i Khāqānī
- Sharḥ-i qaṣīdah-i munfarijah
- Sharḥ-i rūznāmah-’i asāmī
- Sharḥ-i Tārīkh-i Vaṣṣāf
- Sharḥ-i zubdat al-ṣarf
- Sharṭ al-imām
- Shash kalimah
- Shawāhid ʻujāb wa-nawādir ghurāb
- Shiʻr al-nafs
- A short account of a conversation between Abū Ḥanīfah and a materialist
- Short account of a discussion between Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Khābūrī and ʻAlāʼ al-Dīn ibn al-Turkmānī
- A short account of all the rulers of India from the early Rājahs down to Muḥammadshāh (1131-1161)
- A short account of the 12 maqāms and 24 shuʻbahs in music
- Short account of the unlucky year 1212/1826-7
- A short account of the war and negotiations between Muḥammad Shāh and Nādir Shāh in 1739
- A short Arabic-Persian glossary of terms used in chemistry and alchemy
- A short Arabic-Persian vocabulary explaining common words and forms used in Persian
- Short astrological notes
- A short astronomical tract
- A short chronological account of the Creation and the Prophets
- A short collection of riddles
- Short collection of various mystical tracts ∣ Anonymous
- Short commentary or glossary to the Maqāmāt of Ḥarīrī, 1054-1122
- A short compendium of the law of inheritance and succession
- Short epistle
- A short explanation of how to determine in which signs of the zodiac the various planets etc. are to be found
- A short exposition of Islamic doctrine ∣ Anonymous
- Short extract of Akhbār al-rusul wa-al-mulūk by Ṭabarī, ca. 838-923
- Short extract on the virtues of Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal.
- A short fragment of Indian history (947-1036 A.H.)
- Short general astronomical work in 16 faṣls beginning “al-Faṣl al-awwal fī rusūm al-kurah.”
- A short geographical tract on deserts
- A short grammatical work in 3 chapters (fī al-ʻāmil, fī al-maʻmūl, fī al-iʻrāb)
- A short history of Sufism
- A short history of the Mahrattas
- A short legal handbook, possibly a selection from a larger work [t.-p. has "Mukhtār" ], beg. with K. al-Ṭahārah
- A short mas̲navī
- Short medical extract and a poem on diet
- A short medical fragment
- A short moral tale about a wise vizier
- A short note on the varying local values of the raṭl weight
- short Old Anatolian Turkish mes̠nevī in praise of Muḥammad
- A short philosophical tract
- Short poem in praise of a [?17th cent.] physician, referred to as "Muḥammad al-Miṣrī" .
- A short poem on the various occasions on which Gabriel is said to have visited mortals
- Short poem on tobacco-smoking
- short prayers in Archaic Ottoman Turkish
- short prose tract in Old Anatolian Turkish on the Prophet Muḥammad
- A short religious qaṣīdah, preceded by a brief introduction on the same theme
- A short risālah explaining the symbols used to mark the Qur'anic text for purposes of correct recitation.
- A short scholastic treatise on the origins of knowledge etc.
- Short tract on companionship
- A short tract on the evils of over-eating, the ten gifts which the faithful should take with them at death, etc.
- A short tract on the sayings of Sa‘d al-Dīn Kāshgarī
- A short tract on the twelve fuyūz̤āt
- A short tractate on the properties of Sūrahs 112-114 of the Qurʼān and those of the Qurʼān in general, mainly from a statistical point of view
- A short treatise based on Qurʾānic quotations
- Short treatise on divination from the throbbing of various parts of the body
- A short treatise on the jayb al-thumn (sine of the octant ?)
- A short treatise on the law of buying and selling
- Short treatise on the medicinal value of certain plants
- A short treatise on tradition
- Short work of a liturgical nature [scored through], with rhyme in English
- Short work on geometry
- A short work on the solar calendar
- A short work on the weather and its causes
- A short work on words used in a literal and a metaphorical sense
- Shurūṭ al-imāmah wa-siyāsat al-mamlakah
- Shuʻarāʼ
- al-Shuʻāʻ al-shāʼiʻ bi-al-lamʻān fī dhikr asmāʼ aʼimmat ʻUmān wa-mā lahum fī al-ʻadl min al-shaʼn
- Shu‘lah-yi Āh
- Shādidī Sharḥī
- al-Shāmil fī al-fiqh ʻalá al-madhāhib al-arbaʻah
- A Shīʻah prayer-book
- Shīʻite treatise
- al-Silk al-nāẓim fī ʻilm al-awwal wal-ākhir
- Silsilah keturunan Raja-raja Brunei
- A similar collection to Nas̲r al-la’ālī
- Singhāsan battīsī
- A single leaf with grammatical notes
- Single leaf with paragraphs of Syriac and Arabic
- Sirāj-i munīr
- Sirr al-asrār ∣ Dārā Shikūh
- Sirr al-mufradāt
- Sirr al-thālūth fī khidmat al-kahanūt.
- Sirr rabbānī daqāʼiq al-mīzān kashf al-asrār
- Sirāj al-muṣallī wa-badr al-mubtadī wa-al-muntahī
- Al-sirāj fī ʿilm al-falak wa-al-abrāj
- Siyar al-Nabī
- Siyāhah-i yāddāsht-i vāqiʻah
- A sketch of the history of the port of Broach
- Small collection of Arabic proverbs
- A small collection of poems
- A small collection of verses by fifteen or more Arab poets
- A small selection of poems by various authors
- a small work in Hindustani
- Some notes on the science of geomancy
- Some predictions of the Prophet concerning Abū Ḥanīfa, letters, verses, chronograms, etc.
- Some prescriptions (mostly for aphrodisiacs) and a few other notes
- Some Qurʼānic suras and Arabic prayers with Turkish translation
- Some remarks about wine-drinking, attribd. to Solomon Ben Sirach and a certain father نريبون.
- Some remarks on the time of the sun's rising.
- Some verses and a prescription for making maʻjūn
- Some verses from a poem rhyming in jīm
- Songs
- The soreh of horses
- A Spanish-Arabic vocabulary, with an Arabic syllabary
- Specimens of Arabic and Persian calligraphy [f. 8r is Koranic]*
- Specimens of Arabic writings in prose and verse intermixed with a large collection mainly in Persian
- Specimens of calligraphy
- Specimens of the Arabic verb conjugation (paradigm ḍaraba), with English paraphrase
- Specimens of the Gīlakī dialect spoken in Gīlān
- Specimens of the various Arabic metres
- Statute on apostates
- Stories and anecdotes in prose
- Story (qiṣṣat) of Abū Ṭālib
- Story of a shaykh of Kufa whi reviled the Umayyads in the presence of the caliph Hishām ibn ʻAbd al-Malik
- The story of Amīr Ḥamzah
- The story of Bakhtyār
- Story of Balūqiyā
- Story of Ins al-wujūd and Ward al-akmām
- Story of Job [the Patient]
- Story of John, the Apostle, Saint
- The story of Joseph
- Story of Joseph (son of Jacob) *
- The Story of Masʻūd son of Saʻīd, a merchant of Samarqand
- The story of Secundus and his vow of silence
- The story of the city of bronze
- Story of the King's daughther and the female intendant and interpreter, and how the King's son answered all their questions, etc.
- Story of the poet Abū al-Ḥasan Naṣr Allāh ibn ʻUnayn
- Story of the sage Hiqār
- Story of the three women in the time of Constantine
- Story of three merchants
- A Sufi tract
- A Sufi tract composed by a Sunni, possibly in India
- Sufi treatise on dhikr, fikr, simāʿ, the ṭarīq and the shaykh
- Sufi treatises
- A sufic ode
- Sukhun-i rāst
- Sukkarnāmah
- Sulaimān nāmah
- Sultan Süleyman Han merhumun padışahlığı zamanında vakı olan bazı şeyler Süleymanın vefatı ve hayratı beyanında dır
- Sulūknāmah
- Summary and continuation (down to A. H. 628/A. D. 1231) of the ʻUyūn al-maʻārif or al-Inbāʼ ʻalá al-anbiyāʼ of Quḍāʻī, Muḥammad ibn Salāmah, d. 1062
- Superscription of a Letter from the Island of Sada, on the coast of Madagascar, dated 23 May 1617
- Supplement to chapter four of al-Anṭakī's work, continuing from the letter ṭāʾ to the end of the alphabet
- al-Suyūf al-muʻaddāt
- Suʼāl va javāb dar bārah-ʼi Ḥadīs̲-i Kuntu kanzan makhfīyan
- Suʼāl-i Jallā al-Dīn (sic) va javāb-i ʻIzz al-Dīn
- Swahili letters
- Syair Selindung Delima
- A syllabary for the use of those learning to read
- Synaxarium for use in Melchite churches
- Synopsis of the Wafayāt al-aʼyān of Ibn Khallikān, 1211-1282
- Syriac-Arabic dictionary
- Sāqīʻnāmah ∣ Anonymous
- Al-Sīrah al-jillīyah al-musammāh saʻd al-saʻūd al-būsaʻīdīyah
- al-Sīrah al-ʿajībah
- Sīrah wa-madīḥ Muḥammad al-Nabī
- Sīrat al-amīr Ẓāhir al-ʻUmr
- Sīrat al-mujāhidīn
- Sīrat al-nabī
- Sīrat al-Raqqāsh wa-al-Ghanlarjah maʻa al-Imām ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib wa-maʻa Ṭarghamah
- Sīrat Sindbād al-baḥrī wa-Sindbād al-ḥammāl
- Sīrat ʻAntar
- Sīrat ʻAntarah ibn Shaddād, 6th cent.
- Sīrat-i Fīrūzshāhī
- S̲amarat al-Falāsifah
- Ta'rīḫ-i köşk-i Sinān Paşa
- A table of classification of the various types of pronoun (ḍamīr)
- Table of the motions of the sun, moon and planets
- Table with important historical events from the fall of Adam to the year 1066/1655
- Tables (with numerical notes in Turkish ff. 1r-2r; 69r-70v), whose purpose is not apparent
- Tables Astronomique en Persan
- Tables dealing with astrological predictions
- Tables of cypher called raqam and some verses of poetry
- Tables of the stars, giving rising, distance, direction, strength, etc., folld. by three notes referring to the tables.
- Tables relating to various Christian feasts etc. and other calendar matters, preceded (f. 108v), and followed (f. 116), by explanatory notes
- Tabṣirat al-Ḥisāb
- al-Tadhkirah fī tafṣīl aḥwāl al-amrāḍ
- Tadhkirah-ʼi mutaʼakhkhirīn shuʻarāʼ Fars
- Tadhkirah-ʼi Uwaysīyah
- Tadhkirat al-awliyāʾ ∣ Anonymous
- Tadhkirat al-ghāfilīn
- Tadhkirat al-Hidāyat
- Tafsīr
- Tafsīr al-buqūl ʻalá ikhtilāf al-ṭabāʼiʻ wa-al-azminah
- Tafsīr al-Qurʼān ∣ Anonymous
- Tafsīr sūrat al-fātiḥah wa-sūrat al-baqarah
- Tafsīr wa-tartīb kibār al-iʻtirāf
- Tafsīr-i abjad ḥurūf-i ajrāʼī
- Tafsīr-i Qurʼān
- Tafsīr-i Sūrah-i Yā-Sīn
- Tafsīr-i Sūrah-i Yūsuf ∣ Anonymous
- Tafsīr-i tawz̤īḥ
- Tafāwut-i nuskhatayn
- Tafāʼul-i ʻaṭsah
- Tafṣīl sikkah
- Tahlīl al-Qurʼān
- Tajwīd ḥifẓ al-Qurʾān
- Takhmīs al-burdah
- A takhmīs* on the Qaṣīdat al-Burdah of Būṣīrī, Sharaf al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Saʻīd, 1213?-1296?
- Takmilat al-Muḥīṭ
- al-Takmīl fi qirāʼah al-tanzīl
- A tale
- Tales
- Tales (Maʻasiyot) in prose
- A talisman ascribed to ʻAlī
- Talıname
- Al-Tamhīd fī ʻilm al-tawḥīd
- Tamḥīṣ al-talkhīṣ
- Tanwīr Saqṭ al-Zand
- al-Taqdīs, duʻāʼ al-ṣādiqīn
- Taqlīd al-muqtaná
- Taqlīd al-riḍā
- Taqrīʻz̤-i nuzhat
- Taqsīm al-ʻulūm
- Taqwīm
- Taqwīm al-buldān al-miṣrīyah fī al-aʻmāl al-sulṭānīyah
- Tarjamah va tafsīr-i Qurʼān
- Tarjamah-ʼi bīrāta parba az kitāb-i mahābhārata
- Tarjamah-ʼi kitāb-i mahābhārata
- Tarjumah-i Nād Purān
- Tarjumah-i tārīkh-i Shākyamūnī
- Tarjumah-ʼi Nuskhah-ʼi Siyar al-Nabī
- Tarjumah-ʼi Shīv Pūrān
- Tarjumah-’i mukhtaṣar al-viqāyat
- Tarjumah-’i siyar al-Nabī
- Tarjumha-ʼi lughat-i Fārsī bah Turkī
- Tarjumān al-Ṣiḥāḥ
- Tarjumān ʻalá al-lughah al-ʻarabīyah wa-maʻrifatihā ʻalá ṭarīqat al-naḥwīyah
- Tarjumān-i Qurʼān ∣ Anonymous
- Tarkib-band
- Tartīb ʻashā al-rabb ilá al-sharikah al-muqaddasah
- Tarāshnāmah
- Tarāsul-i Shihābī
- Tarṣīʻ va tasjīʻ-i Bakhtyār′nāmah
- Tasbīʻ on the Qaṣīdat al-Burdah of Būṣīrī, Sharaf al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Saʻīd, 1213?-1296?
- Tashīl al-maṭālib fī taʿdīl al-kawākib
- Tashīl al-ʻibārah fī takmīl mā naqaṣa min al-Yasārah
- Taskhīr al-kavākib
- Tathqīf al-taʻrīf bil-muṣṭalaḥ al-sharīf
- al-Tatimmah li-kalimāt lam yadhkaruhā al-nāẓim
- Tavārīkh-i haft
- Tavārīkh-i Nafāʼis-i akhbār
- Tavārīkh-i Quṭbshāhī
- Tavārīkh-i shāhān-i pīshīn va awliyā-’i guzīn
- Tavārīkh-i shāhān-i pīshīn va mulūk-i mutaqaddimīn alqāb-i salāṭīn
- Tavārīkh-i vaqāyiʻ-i Niẓāmshāhīyah
- Tawallud ∣ Anonymous; Sayyid Ḥusayn
- Tawarikh az Khurasan wa HIndustan wa Sindh az aghaz-i 'ahd-i Timur Shah ta bih 'ahd-i waqt-i amirayan-i Tapuran (for Talpuran). So on recto of folio preceding introduction.
- Tawārīkh al-mulūk wa-al-salāṭīn
- Tawārīkh fatḥ al-Sulṭān Salīm bi-Miṣr
- Tawārīkh Miṣr fī waqt al-dawlah al-ʻuthmānīyah
- Tawārīkh Miṣr wa-al-Shām wa-al-Ḥalab wa-al-Quds wa-Baghdād wa-al-Yaman wa-sāʼir bilad al-ʻibād
- Tawṭiyah[?]* yuʻrafu bi–hā mā–taḥaṣṣal fī al-sanah idhā nazalat al-nuqṭah fī laylah min layālī al-usbūʻ
- Tazkirah-i Asar-i Sang-i Mazar. (So on f1a)
- Taz̲kirah-i hamīshah bahār
- Taz̲kirat al-mulūk
- Taʻarruf al-arwāḥ fī mashāhid al-ashbāḥ
- Taʻbīr al-Ruʼyā
- al-Taʻlīq min kitāb al-ʻumda fī maḥāsin al-shiʻr wa-ādābihi li-Abī ʻAlī Ḥasan ibn Rashīq
- Al-Taʻrīf bimā ansabat al-hijrah min maʻālim dār al-hijrah
- Taʻrīfāt al-ʻulūm wa-taḥqīqāt al-rusūm
- Taʻziyahhā-yi Muḥarram
- Taʻālim rūḥānīyah wa-aqwāl falsafīyah
- Taʼrīkh al-dawlah al-turkīyah
- Taʼrīkh al-khulafā al-rāshidīn
- Taʼrīkh al-Quds wa-al-Khalīl
- Taʼrīkh al-Yaman
- Taʼrīkh Dunqulā
- Taʼrīkh jazīrat Ṣiqilīyah
- Taʼrīkh Miṣr
- Taʼrīkh mulūk al-daulat al-Funjīyah bi-madīnat Sinnār ... baʻd al-mamlakat al-Nūbīyah
- Taʼrīkh ʻammā kāna li-al-Jazzār
- Taʼrīkh ʻumūmī
- Taʼrīkh ∣ Anonymous
- Taʼrīkh-i Kashmīr ∣ ʻAjīz
- Taʼrīkh-i Sulṭān Muḥammad Quṭbshāhī
- Taʾrīkh al-ʿĀlī fī Silk al-Laʾālī
- Taḥqīq-i haft iqlīm
- Taḥqīqnāmah
- Taḥrīr Ingrīzī Fārsī Nikāt (?)
- Taḳvīm
- Taẕkirat al-salāṭīn
- Ta‘bīr dar faṣl-i mah
- Ta‘rīf-i shahr va dargāh-i Ajmīr
- Ten folios of astronomical tables
- Ten Persian letters of various sizes
- Ten questions and answers between teacher and pupil furnishing instruction on religion [current by mid-15th cent.]
- Testament of the Prophet to ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib
- A testament of ʿAlī (Turkish)
- Tevārīḫ-i Nesl-i Āl-i ʻOs̱mān Ġāzī
- Text of an inscription purportedly found in Alexander, the Great, 356-323 B.C. ʼs treasury, beginning "al-dahr ajwar wa-al-falak ajwar"
- Theological and legal definitions, together with a tract on the tenets of Islam
- A theological work in Turkish that appears to be based on a work by Ghazzālī, 1058-1111, entitled Dāʼirah-i sharīfah or al-Dāʼirah al-sharīfah
- Thirty-six questions about the Nuṣayrīs
- Three calligraphic sheets
- Three large fragments of an Arabic-Latin lexicon
- Three medical charts
- Three memoranda
- Three muqaddimahs on the circle. [Transcribed from MS. Thurston 3, f. 110v.]
- Three short fragments consisting of a philosophical tract a work on a case of Arabic tautology, and a fāʼidah
- Three short notes [probably extracts from larger works]
- Three short prayers
- Three untitled treatises
- Tract composed at the request of a physician named Miīrzā ʻAlī Akbar Khān
- Tract in 12 bābs in each of which two opposite qualities are compared
- Tract in 8 bābs on the advantage to be gained by displaying certain qualities
- A tract in Persian on ‘ibādat
- Tract in Sindhi
- A tract in the form of question and answer on the rites of worship, inclination and prostration
- A tract in verse
- A tract on ablution before prayer, with some marginal notes
- Tract on courtly etiquette
- Tract on ethics
- A tract on geodesy and the instruments associated with it
- A tract on horsemanship and archery
- Tract on materia medica
- A tract on physiognomy ascribed to Aflāṭūn
- A tract on the conjugation of the Arabic verb
- A tract on the divine names, with commentary
- A tract on the existence, the unity and the Trinity etc. of the Creator
- Tract on the healing powers, etc., of certain formulae
- Tract on the Mahratta army
- A tract on the manner in which heretics (Armenians, jacobites, Nestorians etc.) are to be received into the Holy Catholic Church
- Tract on the mystical life
- Tract on the Names of God from alif to yāʼ
- A tract on the Roman months.
- Tract on the seven evil consequences of eating hot food
- Tract on the ṣūfī ṭarīqah
- Tract on theological and legal topics
- A tradition regarding truth of the Prophet Muḥammad
- Traditions
- Traditions relating to the Miʻrāj of Muḥammad, Prophet, d. 632
- Traditions, miracles wrought by the prophets, and Mosesʼ colloquy with God
- Transcripts from Bodleian manuscripts respecting the history of Abyssinia
- Translation into Persian, in prose, of the Bhāgavad-Gītā
- A treatise in 10 bābs on every aspect of childbirth from the semen down to childrenʼs maladies
- A treatise in Persian in seven sections on the medical properties of china-root
- Treatise on Arabic grammar ∣ Anonymous
- Treatise on Arabic grammar, in verse
- Treatise on Arabic particles
- A treatise on Archery
- Treatise on arithmetic
- A treatise on arithmetic
- A treatise on astronomy
- Treatise on Astronomy
- Treatise on astronomy
- Treatise on falconry in 63 chapters
- A treatise on farriery possibly based on the Sālihotra
- Treatise on geomancy
- Treatise on geometry
- A treatise on hunting
- A Treatise on Hygiene
- Treatise on Indian music.
- Treatise on Islamic law
- Treatise on judicial astrology
- Treatise on logic
- A treatise on logic
- Treatise on lucky and unlucky days
- Treatise on medicine
- A treatise on medicine composed for Sulṭān Bāyezīd ibn Muḥammad Khān (1481-1512)
- Treatise on oneiromancy
- A treatise on oratory and purification
- Treatise on parallel lines
- Treatise on physiognomy
- A treatise on prayer
- Treatise on prayers
- Treatise on Precious Stones
- Treatise on precious stones, inks, decoration, fireworks, etc.
- Treatise on prophetic traditions
- A treatise on prosody
- Treatise on prosody ∣ Anonymous
- A treatise on smallpox
- Treatise on the abrogated and abrogating verses of the Koran
- Treatise on the apogee and perigee of Mars. [Transcribed from MS. Thurston 3, f. 146r - f. 147r.]
- Treatise on the Astrolabe
- Treatise on the bridged quadrant (rubʿ al-muqanṭarah)
- A treatise on the diseases of the horse
- A treatise on the elements (ʻanāṣir) and natures (ṭabāʼiʻ) of which man is composed, and the means for maintaining them in health
- Treatise on the horse ∣ Anonymous
- Treatise on the medical virtues of various animals and plants
- Treatise on the merits of the visitation of the tomb of the Imam ʻAlī al-Riḍá at Mashhad and on how the visitation should be performed
- Treatise on the phonetics of the Qur’ān
- Treatise on the reading of the Koran
- Treatise on the rules governing Persian and Indian musical modes.
- Treatise on the science of breath
- A treatise on the special virtues of the Bismiʼllāh, the Fātiḥah, etc.
- A treatise on the writing-pen
- A treatise on the zodiacal signs Aries and Mars, etc.
- Treatise on thought-reading and some other tracts
- Treatise on various wounds, injuries and diseases
- A treatise without title on Neo-Platonic philosophy
- A treatise without title on theological questions
- Treatises on Taskhīr
- Triadica and Photogogika
- Triodion
- Tuḥfat al-mulūk
- Turkish names of persons etc. etc. in "Anastasius".
- Turkish-French-Armenian vocabulary
- Tuḥfah Jāmī
- Tuḥfat al-aḥbāb
- Tuḥfat al-gharā’ib
- Tuḥfat al-mulūk, mukhtaṣar fī ʻilm al-fiqh
- Tuḥfat al-naṣāʼiḥ
- Tuḥfat al-salāṭīn
- Tuḥfat al-vuzarā ∣ Anonymous
- al-Tuḥfat al-ʻīdīyah ilá al-ḥaḍrat al-ʻAmīdīyah
- Tuḥfat al-ṭullāb bi-sharḥ taḥrīr tanqīḥ al-lubāb ∣ Ibn al-ʻIrāqī; Anṣārī; Anonymous
- Tuḥfat al-ṭullāb fī maftūḥ al-ḥisāb
- Tuḥfat ʻayn al-ḥayāt
- Twenty sayings of the Prophet
- Two anonymous qaṣīdahs
- Two Arabic invocations
- Two Arabic prayers
- Two astronomical works on the sun, the first entitled “Faṣl fī kaifīyah raṣd al-shams”, the second “Mauḍiʻ al-auj al-shams [sic].”
- Two astronomical works, the first being several muqaddimahs on rujūʼ, the second entitled “Masʼalah fī al-rujūʻ wa-al-istiqāmah”. [Transcribed from MS. Thurston 3, ff. 109r-110r.]
- Two calligraphic panels
- Two folios of a Coptic manucript with Arabic gloss
- Two fragments [not continuous] of a work on ʻilm al-raml or geomancy.
- Two fragments of a commentary on the Qurʼān
- Two fragments of an adab treatise composed c. 1200 .
- Two leaves of an Armenian manuscript with a curse in Arabic
- Two leaves of vellum with Syriac and Arabic words.
- Two leaves with Coptic and Arabic text
- Two letters from Kirmān to Shaykh Muḥammad Mahdī, the latter of which includes several verses
- Two narrations about the Prophet Muḥammad
- Two non-consecutive leaves from a legal work, one leaf containing various legal opinions, the other the citation of several cases. [Maghribī hand.]
- Two non-consecutive leaves from a legal work, the first containing the start of a faṣl entitled "fī tawqīʻāt al-nāẓir fī al-maẓālim"; preceded by a fragment from a religious work containing a bāb entitled "taʼwīl al-danānīr".
- Two official documents, one written in diwani script and the other in the siyakat script
- Two poems in praise of the Prophet
- Two poems ∣ Anonymous
- Two prayers
- Two problema on the circle.
- Two quatrains
- Two riddles on the names "Masʼūd" and "Jawzahr", with interlinear and marginal annotations; preceded and followed by two parts of a letter concerning the sale of books.
- Two short extracts on problems of astrology, the second said to be from a work entitled al-Tafhīm fī al-nujūm
- Two short notes on (i) measurement of the Nile in cubits (ii) a geometrical question
- Two similar rolls, intended as amulets, filled with incantations and texts of obscure, probably magical, significance
- Two Tales
- Two tales (ḥadīth), the second entitled Ḥadīth al-samakah.
- Two unconnected leaves of an historical work, relating to the contest between Muḥammad Shāh and the two Sayyids, Ḥusayn ʻAlī and ʻAbd Allāh Khān
- Two works of Muslim piety, followed by briefer pieces of a similar nature, with various other notes.
- Türkçe tekellümāt
- Tāj al-asāmī
- tārīkh al-ḥukamā
- Tārīkh-i Alfī
- Tārīkh-i Bukhārā
- Tārīkh-i dunyā-yi naw
- Tārīkh-i Firishtah
- Tārīkh-i jadīd
- Tārīkh-i Maḥmūd Shāh Bādashā-i Gujarāt
- Tārīkh-i Maḥmūd Shāhī
- Tārīkh-i Maḥābat Jang
- Tārīkh-i pādishāhān-i ‘Ajam
- Tārīkh-i rājahā-yi hindī
- Tārīkh-i Sindh
- Tārīkh-i ‘Alamgīr-i S̲ānī
- Ukuti wa Arafaji
- Umm al-kitāb
- An unidentified chronicle of early Islamic history in Persian and evidently compiled from Arabic sources
- An unidentified collection of canons (pseudo-Apostolic) in 43 chapters*
- Unidentified Collection of Persian Tales
- An unidentified commentary in Turkish on the Koran
- An unidentified commentary on the Muqaddimah fī al-ṣalāt of Abū al-Layth al-Samarqandī d. c. 990
- Unidentified Dictionary or Lexical Text
- An unidentified fragment
- Unidentified fragment of a grammatical work
- Unidentified fragment, with rubric Fāʼidah sharīfah imāmīyah
- Unidentified fragments
- An unidentified history of the Caliphs from Mu'awiyah to Sulayman (A.H. 40-100) lacking beginning and end. First chapter: Bayʽat Muʽāwiyah li-Yazīd bi-al-Shām wa-akhdh ahl al-Madīnah bi-al-bayʽah. Last chapter: Mā qāla Abū Ḥāzim li-Sulayman wa-mā jará baynahumā min al-kalām.
- An unidentified medical fragment, dealing with various maladies in the format al-sabab, al-maraḍ, al-ʻilāj
- Unidentified Persian Miscellany
- Unidentified Persian Text
- An unidentified poem
- Unidentified prose text in Arabic on metaphysics
- An unidentified prose work
- Unidentified text
- Unidentified text on Sufism
- An unidentified treatise in Persian on a point in Arabic grammar
- Unidentified verse in Urdu
- An unidentified work apparently on horoscopes
- An unidentified work apparently on sufism
- An unidentified work on aspects of Sufism
- Unidentified Ḥijrah Text
- An unidentified Ṣufī work
- Unidentified* commentary on al-Muqaddimah al-Ājurrūmīyah of Ibn Ājurrūm, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1273 or 4-1323
- A universal history
- unknown
- untitled
- Untitled
- Untitled chapter on propitious hours for writing talismans
- Untitled chapter on women not bearing children, its causes and its (magical) cures
- Untitled collection of stories
- Untitled collection of tales
- Untitled dictionary of medicine
- Untitled first leaf of a work in 12 bābs in which Arabic nouns are grouped according to meaning and given their Persian equivalents
- Untitled illustrated treatise providing magical procedures and ‘binding’ instructions
- Untitled love poems
- Untitled Persian Verses on Knowledge of God
- An untitled text on chemistry followed by
- An untitled tract
- An untitled tract on talismans, with diagrams
- An untitled treatiseon geometry
- Untitled work by Anonymous
- Untitled work by anonymous
- An untitled work on the calendars of various Eastern peoples
- An untitled Ḥurūfī tract
- Untitled ∣ Anonymous
- Untitled ∣ Anonymous
- Untitled ∣ Anonymous; G̲h̲ulām Imām Shahīd
- Untitled ∣ Anonymous; Ibn Yamīn
- Untitled ∣ Anonymous; Jāmī
- Untitled ∣ Avicenna; Anonymous
- Untitled ∣ Avicenna; Ibn al-Nafīs; Anonymous
- Untitled, talismanic designs and procedures for inducing love
- An Urdu catechism explaining the Arabic words used in an Arabic grammatical work
- An Urdu grammar with an Urdu-English vocabulary and dialogues etc.
- Urdu grammar ∣ English
- Urdu-Persian vocabulary
- Useful excerpts from commentators on the O. T.
- Utendi wa Isipani
- Utenzi wa Alii na Mudhari
- Utenzi wa Haudaji
- Utenzi wa Karneni
- Utenzi wa kiyama
- Utenzi wa Mikidadi
- Utenzi wa Zaburi
- Utenzi wa ‘Amuri
- Uṣūl al-ḥikam fī niẓām al-ʻālam
- Uṣūl al-ṣarf
- Vafātnāmah-ʼi Payghambar
- Vafātnāmah-ʼi ḥaz̤rat risālat-panāh
- Vajīzah
- Vaqāʿi-i Shujāʿī
- various astrological extracts
- Various astronomical notes [fawāʼid]
- Various astronomical tables.
- Various extracts
- Various Islamic texts in Chagatai, many incomplete and in a variety of hands
- Various magical cures and spells
- Various magical medicinal recipes
- Various notes on drugs, precious stones, etc.
- Various papyri fragments
- Various prayers arranged in 13 bābs, followed by a short work entitled al-Fāraqlīṭ [?paraklēt] consisting of readings from St. Johnʼs gospel to be read on Good Friday
- Various qaṣīdas
- Vaṣiyyat-i Imām ʻAlī
- Vaṣiyyetname-yi Mevlānā Muḥammed bin Ferāmürz eş-şehīr bi-Mevlānā Ḫusrev raḥmet Allāhu ‘aleyh
- Verses by different authors
- Verses in Arabic and Persian
- A versification of the Kitāb al-Muthallath of Quṭrub, Muḥammad ibn al-Mustanīr, d. 821 or 2
- Versified account of the achivements of the Ottoman sultan Bāyazīd II
- very short Old Anatolian Turkish mes̠nevī in praise of Muḥammad
- Verzeichniss einer kostbaren und seltenen Sammlung von 107 Handschriften in der türkischen, arabischen und persischen Sprache welche zusammen für das höchste Angebot verkauft warden sollen durch E. L. Kasprowicz in Leipzig
- Vilāyatnāmah
- A vocabulary of difficult words
- A vocabulary of Persian words with their Hindustani equivalents
- Vocabulary ∣ Persian, Bengali, English
- A vocabulary, English, Mauritanian, and Shilha in the Maghrabi character. Attached to the fly-leaf is another short English, Arabick, and Schellah
- A volume containing two texts on art and games
- Volume from the papers of Richard Johnson (1753-1807)
- A volume of papers forming part of Sandars Bequest. The papers numbered 52 to 61 are Arabic. Persian and Turkish letters are farmāns.
- Volume with combinations of Arabic letters
- Waadhi
- al-Wajīzah
- al-Waqf ʻala kallā wa-balā
- Wasīlat al-murīd al-ṣādiq li-mawlāhu al-khāliq
- Waṣīyat Ibn Sīnā
- Waṣāyā al-ḥukamā
- Waṣīyat al-ḥakīm Banādiq li-kisrá Anūshirwān
- Waẓāʼif-i nawāfil
- al-Waẓīfah al-mamzūjah bi-al-ṣīghah al-mashīshīyah
- Wedding poems
- A work in Persian verse on the career of Zarathustra and the teachings attributed to him
- A work of ethical character, urging believers to lead virtuous lives and extolling various virtues
- A work of general history
- Work of theological content
- A work on Arabic grammar and style, with copious illustrations from classical poetry
- A work on Arabic inflection
- A work on arithmetic and geometry
- A work on basic religion, with religious definitions
- Work on compound medicaments ∣ Anonymous
- A work on definitions of legal terms
- A work on divination
- A work on divination by astrology
- A work on divination by names, Adam, Abel, Noah, etc.,
- A work on divination by verses of the Quran
- A work on geography, incomplete at the beginning
- A work on jurisprudence and ritual
- A work on law, dealing with taxes and tithes, fines, the duties of judges, evidence, and debt
- A work on logic, in verse
- A work on magic and astrology
- Work on Muslim religion and ethics
- Work on pharmacology and therapeutics in 24 chapters
- A work on Shāfiʻite law
- A work on the circumstances which led to the revelation of particular parts of the Qurʼān and on those verses which abrogate or are abrogated by others
- A work on the coinage of India from Ghaznavid times to the time of Shāh ʻĀlam II.
- A work on the constellations, with diagrams
- A work on the elements of Islamic law
- A work on the five pillars of Islam [Kitāb al-Dīn ?] (lacking end.)
- A work on the interpretation of dreams ta'bir.
- A work on the lengthening and shortening of the days, the mansions of the moon, and the planets
- A work on the mystical properties of various parts of the Qurʼān , and various prayers, prescriptions, etc.
- Work on the Persian verb, with added explanations in Turkish
- A work on the prediction of the weather for any year from the day of the week on which the 1st of Muḥarram falls
- A work on the properties of the letters of the alphabets as instruments of divination, with various astrological notes
- A work on the secret properties of the letters of the Arabic alphabet and on the signs of the zodiac
- Work on the use of bow and arrow and on horse-riding
- A work on therapeutics
- A work on three or four geometrical problems, in reply to Muḥammad Efendī Baqqāl-zādah
- World list
- Wāfīya
- Wāqiʻah-ʼi hāʼilah-ʼi Khādim abhī dar rawḍah-ʼi mubārakah-i ʻaliyā
- al-Wāridāt al-ulūhiyat al-ghaynīyah fī ṣuwar al-waqā’i‘ al-‘abdīyah al-‘aynīyah fī kashf al-ghaybīyah
- Yak hazār u yak nām-i Bārī
- Yavāqīt al-‘ulūm va darārī al-nujūm
- Yogavāsiṣtha
- Yādigār-i Ḥusaynī
- Yūsuf va-Zulaykhā ∣ Anonymous
- Zikr-i ahval-ı cezire-yi Akratiş
- Zirāʻat-nāmah
- Ziyārat al-ʻĀshūrāʼ li’l-Ḥusayn
- al-zubdah
- al-Zubdah fī ʻilm al-raml
- Zubdat al-akhbār
- Zuhd al-ṭalab fī al-kashf ʻan qawāʻid al-iʻrāb
- Zād al-murīd li-al-safar al-baʻīd
- Zād al-musāfir wa-nuzhat al-muqīm wa-al-ḥāḍir
- Al-Zīj al-mumtaḥan al-ʻarabī
- Zīnat al-qāriʼ
- Ādam Khān o Durkhānạy
- Ādamnāmah
- Ādāb al-duʻāʼ
- Ādāb al-mulūk
- Ādāb al-mutaʿallimīn va al-muḥaṣṣilīn
- al-Ādāb al-ḥanafīyah wa-ghayruhā
- Ās̲ār aḥmadī
- Āthār-i ʻiṣmat
- Āyāt al-aḥkām
- Āyīn-i Akbarī ∣ Anonymous
- Āʾīn-i Bakht (“Mirror of Fortune”)
- Īḍāḥ al-masālik wa-tadbīr al-duwal wa-al-mamālik
- al-ʻAhd wa-al-shurūt allatī sharaṭahā Muḥammad rasūl Allāh li-ahl al-millah al-naṣrānīyah
- ʻAjāʼib al-buldān wa-al-muḥāḍarāt
- ʻAjāʼib al-buldān ∣ Anonymous
- ʻAjāʼib al-makhlūqāt ∣ Qazwīnī
- ʻAjāʼib al-makhlūqāt ∣ Qazwīnī; Anonymous
- ʻAlá al-shakl al-rābiʻ min tāsiʻah [sic] al-Majisṭī.
- ʻAmal ruʼūs al-kawākib al-thābitah fī al-ʻankabūt
- ʻAqd al-taʻlīlāt
- ʻAqāʼid al-niswān
- ʻAqīdah
- ʻAyn al-janān
- ʻIlm al-suʼalāt fīmā yakhuṣṣu ṭāʼifah al-naṣīrīyah
- ʻImārah madīnat Anṭākiyah
- ʻIqd al-guhar
- ʻIshqnāmah
- al-ʻUrwah al-wuthqá wa-ʻaqāʼid al-awliyāʼ
- ʿAjāʾib al-dunyá wa-al-khalq
- ʿAjāʾib al-Makhlūqāt (Persian translation in verse)
- ʿIlm al-sīmīyā
- ʿIlm al-ṣināʿah al-ilāhīyah
- ʿIlāj al-marbūṭ
- ʿUhūd Sulaymān ʿalá jamīʿ al-jinn
- َQaṣīdah on the name of Sir William Jones.
- Ḍawʾ al-Bāb
- Ḥadāʼiq al-ʻiyān fī mukhtaṣar wafayāt al-aʻyān
- Ḥadīqat al-ṭibb
- Ḥadīth ahwāl al-qiyāmah
- Ḥadīth al-miʻrāj
- Ḥadīth al-ʻajūzayn fī Banī Isrāʼīl wa-ghayruhu
- Ḥadīth arbaʿīn
- Ḥadīth Iram dhāt al-ʿImād
- Ḥall al-rumūz fī uṣūl ṭāʼifat al-Durūz
- Ḥall Mushkilāt al-Ishārāt wa-al-Tanbīhāt
- Ḥamzanāme
- Ḥaqīqah ḥaqq al-yaqīn fī maʻrifat sirr al-asrār
- Ḥaqīqat-i Rājah-hāyi Maysūr u Nagur
- Ḥaqīqat-i Rājah-hāyi mutafarriqah-i Hindūstan
- Ḥaz̤rat-i Shaykh Junayd raḥmat Allāh ʻalayh
- Ḥifẓ al-ādāb
- Ḥikam laṭīfah min lisān al-fārisī muʻarrabah
- Ḥikāyāt al-Ṣāliḥīn
- al-Ḥikmah al-ilāhīyah min al-taṣānīf al-imāmīyah
- Ḥikmat Būlus
- Ḥikāyah mā ṣaddarahu ... Naṣīr ... al-Din ... al-Ṭūsī li-Kitāb al-Makhrūṭāt li-Abulūniyūs.
- Ḥikāyah ʻajībah marghūbah fī makr wa-khidāʻ al-nisāʼ laʻanat Allāh ʻalá mā kāna min dhālika
- Ḥikāyat al-Bundaqānī wa-huwa al-khalīfah Hārūn al-Rashīd maʻ al-jāriyah wa-hiyá ibnat al-malik Kisrá wa-maʻ al-jāriyah ukht al-ḥājib ʻAlāʼ al-Dīn
- Ḥikāyat al-dīk wa-al-thaʻlab, qiṣṣat al-ʻuṣfūr maʻ al-ṣayyād [min ḥikāyat al-malik Jālʻād], ḥikāyat al-jarad wa-sannawr, ḥikāyat al-nāsik wa-al-summun, ḥikāyat al-samak wa-alghadīr, ḥikāyat al-ghurāb wa-al-ḥayyah, ḥikāyat al-thaʻlab wa-al-ḥimār, ḥikāyat al-malik maʻal-sāʼiḥ, ḥkāyat al-bāz wa-al-ghurāb, ḥikāyat al-ḥāwī wa-mirʼātihi, ḥikayat al-ʻankabūtah maʻ al-rīḥ, ḥikāyat al-aʻmá wa-al-maqʻad, ḥikāyat al-asad wa-al-ṣayyād, ḥikāyat al-rajul wa-al-samaka, ḥikāyat al-fatá wa-al-luṣūṣ, ḥikāyat al-bustānī wa-imraʼatihi, ḥikāyat al-tājir wa-al-luṣūṣ, ḥikāyat al-thaʻlab wa-al-dhiʼb wa-al-asad, ḥikāyat al-rāʻī wa-al-luṣūṣ, ḥikāyat al-daraj wa-al-zalāḥif
- Ḥikāyat al-faras al-abnūs wa-mā jará fīhā
- Ḥikāyat al-Hayfā bint al-Mahrajān wa-mā waqaʻ lahā maʻ Yūsuf ibn al-Malik Sahl
- Ḥikāyat al-jamjamah maʻ ʻĪsá ibn Maryam
- Ḥikāyat al-khwājah Ḥasan al-Baṣrī wa-mā waqaʻa lahu maʻ al-ʻajamī
- Ḥikāyat al-maristān wa-fīhā khabar ʻAlī ibn shāh-bandar Baghdād wa-bint Jaʻfar al-Barmakī
- Ḥikāyat al-mubāhalah fī anna al-Kurʼān makhlūq, an anecdote deriving from Jamāl al-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Muḥammad ibn Ṭūlūn. [Lacking end.]
- Ḥikāyat al-qāḍī wa-al-sāriq
- Ḥikāyat al-shāṭir Aḥmad al-Danaf wa-mā yaqaʻu lahu wa-al-khalīfah Hārūn al-Rashīd wa-al-ṣayyād wa-al-qumqum al-naḥās
- Ḥikāyat al-tājir wa-al-jinnī
- Ḥikāyat al-ʻasharah wuzarā wa-al-malik Āzād-bakht al-fārisī
- Ḥikāyat al-ḥakīm wa-al-ṭabbākh
- Ḥikāyat Badr
- Ḥikāyat Bishr wa-Hind wa-mā waqaʻa baynahumā min al-mursalāt wa-ashʻar
- Ḥikāyat dar qaz̤īyah-ʼi pur′ghuṣṣah-ʼi Bakhtiyār-i pasandīdah shiʻār va dah vazīr-i nāb′kār va āmadan-i Farrukh Suvār va bi-murād rasīdan ān ʻālī′miqdār va bayān-i ḥālāt-i vazīrān va khuṣumat-i īshān
- Ḥikāyat Faḍlūn al-ʻābid maʻ al-bint Nabātah bint Kinānah wa-mā jará lahu li-damʻihā
- Ḥikāyat Gul va Hurmuz
- Ḥikāyat Hārūn al-Rashīd wa-Bāsim al-Ḥaddād
- Ḥikāyat ibn al-malik wa-mā jarā lahu maʻ bint al-malik wa-tarjumānatihā
- Ḥikāyat Jardāmah ibn Shāhin Shāh
- Ḥikāyat jazīrat al-dhahab wa-bustān al-ʻajab wa-qaṣr al-laʻb
- Ḥikāyat mā waqaʻa li-al-Sulṭān Ḥasan, ḥikāyat mā waqaʻa li-baʻḍ wulāt Miṣr, ḥikāyat mā waqaʻa li-al-Barāmika, ḥikāyat mā rawá ʻan Ibn ʻAbbās
- Ḥikāyat nabī Allāh Sulaymān ibn Dāwud
- Ḥikāyat tuḥfat al-ṣudūr
- Ḥikāyat zahr al-azhār
- Ḥikāyat ʻAlī ibn Khāqān wa-mā waqaʻa lahu maʻ Anas al-jalīs
- Ḥikāyat Ḥayqār al-ḥakīm al-faylusūf wa-wazīr al-malik Sanḥārīb wa-Nādān ibn ukhtihi
- Ḥikāyat Ṣulṭān Ibrāhīm va Nūsh Āfarīn Gawhar Tāj
- Ḥikāyat Ṭawq wa-mā jará lahu maʻ ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib
- Ḥikāyat-i Ardashīr va pisar-i ū Shīrzād
- Ḥikāyat-i Ashraf Khān va sar′guzasht-i sih darvīsh
- Ḥikāyat-i dāstān-i Sayf al-Mulūk va Badī‘ al-Jamāl
- Ḥikāyat-i Fīrūzshāh
- Ḥikāyat-i Malik Muḥammad u pādishāh-i Kashmīr
- Ḥikāyat-i Mirzā aur Kallū
- Ḥikāyat-i ʻayyārī va ṭarrārī-ʼi Dallah va Mukhtār va chustī va chālāki-ʼi ān dū ḥīlah jū-yi makkār dar Baghdād
- Ḥikāyāt al-ṭarab fī akhlāq al-ʻarab
- Ḥikāyāt wa-qiṣaṣ wa-gharāʼib wa-ʻajāʼib
- Ḥikāyāt ∣ Anonymous
- Ḥikāyāt ∣ Anonymous, Ottoman Turkish
- Ḥikāyāt-i Ḳırḳ Vezīr
- Ḥishmat-i zindigānī
- Ḥizb al-barr
- Ḥukmnāmah ∣ Anonymous
- Ḥukmnāmah-i Mīr Khaīzni-i Kachahrī
- Ḥurūfāt-i Qurʼan-i Majīd
- Ḥurūfī tract
- Ḥurūfī treatise
- Ḥāfiẓ-rāst
- Ḥāshiyah ʿalā al-Kashshāf
- Ḥāshiyat al-Fanārīyah
- Ḥāshīyah
- Ṣadāʼif al-laṭāʼif
- Ṣahīfah ʻalawīyah
- Ṣanāyiʻ-i badāyiʻ
- Ṣarf al-hamm
- Ṣarf-i mīr
- Ṣarf-i Sayyid Sharīf
- al-Ṣaḥīfah al-kāmilah
- Ṣifah ʻamal ṣābūn
- Ṣifat khātim al-Iskandar
- Ṣifat ʻimārah madīnat Anṭākiyah
- Ṣiḥāḥ al-Jawharī
- Ṣufī poem
- A Ṣufī work on prayer
- Ṣuwar al-aqālīm
- Ṣuḥuf Ādam
- Ṭarīq-i Ḥaz̤rat-i Bābā Bām al-Dīn
- Ṭarīqa-yi ḫatma-yi Ġaws̠ al-a‘ẓām
- al-Ṭibb al-jadīd
- Ṭibb al-Nabī
- Ṭibb al-ʻajam
- Ṭābūr taʻlīm
- Ṭāliʻ al-mawlūd
- Ṭā’irnāmah
- ‘Ajāyib al-amṣār
- ‘Ajāyib al-dunyā
- ‘Arshnāmah
- ‘Ilm-i ʻArūẓ
- ‘Urūj va Khurūj-i Aḥmad Shāh Durrānī
- Contributed to:
- Abyāt — Compiler
- Akhbār-i ḥasīnah dar akhbār-i Madīnah — Translator
- al-Qānūnchah fī al-ṭibb — Translator
- An anthology of Persian poetry
- An Ottoman chancery manual from Istanbul — Compiler
- Anthology ∣ Anonymous — Compiler
- Anvār-i Suhaylī ∣ Kāshifī; Anonymous — Translator
- Ardāvirāfnāmah — Translator
- Aḫbār-ı mülūk — Translator
- Chihil Ḥadīs̲ — Translator
- Collection of inshās — Compiler
- Dah Majlis — Abridger
- Dāstān-i Sayyid Maḥmūd — Translator
- Dīvān-i Hilālī — Compiler
- Dīvān-i kabīr — Compiler
- Fatḥ′nāmah-ʼi Ṣāḥibqirānī — Editor
- Fragment of an anthology of Persian poetry
- Ghazalīyāt ∣ Anonymous — Compiler
- Gulshan-āray — Editor
- Intikhāb-i mas̲navī ∣ Anonymous — Compiler
- Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn — Abridger
- Jūg bashisht — Translator
- Kalīlah va Dimnah — Translator
- Kalīlah wa-Dimnah ∣ Ibn al-Muqaffaʻ; Anonymous — Translator
- Khulāṣat al-mafākhir — Translator
- Khulāṣat al-ash‘ār — Compiler
- Kitāb al-asbāh wa-al-naẓāʼir al-fiqhīyah ʻalá madhhab al-ḥanafīyah — Commentator
- Kitāb al-taṣrīf — Translator
- Kitāb al-īmān — Translator
- Kitāb Ashraf al-Munsha'āt — Compiler, Contributor
- Majmūʻah — Compiler
- Maʼdan al-shīfā — Translator
- Maṭāliʻ al-anwār fī al-manṭiq — Commentator
- Muntakhab-i Āʼīnāt-i Farhang-i Jahāngīrī — Abridger
- Persian translation of Ḥayāt al-Ḥayawān (“Book of Animals”) — Translator
- Poem with alternating strophes in Hebrew and Judaeo-Persian — Commentator
- Risālah-yi Qalamiyyah — Translator
- Risālah-ʼi ṭibb — Translator
- Rubāʻīyāt ∣ Ibn Abī al-Khayr — Contributor
- Ruqaʻāt-i ʻĀlamgīrī — Editor
- Sharḥ Tashrīḥ al-Aflāk — Commentator
- Sharḥ ḥikmat al-ʻayn ∣ Qazwīnī;Anonymous; Mīrzā Jān — Commentator
- Sharḥ-i Dīvān-i Ḥaz̤rat-i Amīr ʻalayhi al-salām — Commentator
- Tarjamah-ʼi Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī — Translator
- Tarjumah al-Shifāʼ — Translator
- Tarjumah-ʼi Risālah-ʼi Tasviyah — Translator
- Tarjumah-ʼi Tāʼīyah-ʼi kubrá — Translator
- Tarjumah-’i Makārim al-akhlāq — Translator
- Tarjumat al-Takmilah — Translator
- Tarjūmah-i al-masālik wa al-mamālik — Translator
- Taʼrīkh al-Ṭabarī — Translator
- The Four Gospels in Persian — Translator
- tārīkh al-ḥukamā — Abridger
- Unidentified Dictionary or Lexical Text — Attributed name
- Unidentified text — Translator
- Untitled Persian Verses on Knowledge of God — Contributor
- Untitled ∣ Anonymous — Commentator
- Untitled ∣ Najara; Anonymous — Translator
- ʻAjāʼib al-makhlūqāt ∣ Qazwīnī — Translator
- ʻAjāʼib al-makhlūqāt ∣ Qazwīnī; Anonymous — Translator
- Ḳırān-ı Ḥabaşī — Translator
- Ẓafarnamah ∣ Yazdī — Translator
- Manuscripts:
- A. 2 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- A. 3 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 194 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 198 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 206 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 216 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 221 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 223 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 224 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 225 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 226 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 238 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 241 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 242 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 252 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 258 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 261 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 265 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 266 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 278 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 279 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 280 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 304 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 307 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 311 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 316 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 320 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 328-329 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 328 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 407 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 414 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 417 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 422 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 423 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 427 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 443 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 453 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 454 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 456 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 457 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 566 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 588 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 590 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 746 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 758 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 761 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 772 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 778 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 782 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 783 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 788 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 789 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 792 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 798 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 832 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 838 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 887 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 922 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1065 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1066 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1070 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1074 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1080 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1084 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1085 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1086 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1089 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1092 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1094 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1095 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1096 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1097 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1098 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1099 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1882 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1884 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1886 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1887 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1890 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1892 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1895 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1896 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1897 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1898 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1901 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 1902 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 2028 (University Library, Cambridge University)
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- Add. 2622 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 2629 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 2634 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 2669 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 2772 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 2886 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 2889 (University Library, Cambridge University)
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- Add. 3264 (University Library, Cambridge University)
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- Add. 3272 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 3278 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 3288 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 3410 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 3425 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 3431 (University Library, Cambridge University) — Former owner
- Add. 3432 (University Library, Cambridge University) — Former owner
- Add. 3453 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 3476 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 3481 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 3484 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 3485 (University Library, Cambridge University)
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- Add. 3490 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 3491 (University Library, Cambridge University)
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- Add. 3653 (University Library, Cambridge University)
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- Add. 3686 (University Library, Cambridge University)
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- Add. 3747 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 3748 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 3754 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add. 4166 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Add MS 27261 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- B. 2 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- B. 10 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- B. 11 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- B. 13 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- C. 3 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- C. 9 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- C. 12 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- C. 21 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- C. 22 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- C. 23 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- CODRINGTON/READE 69 (1). BOX 33. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- CODRINGTON/READE 69 (4). BOX 33. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- CODRINGTON/READE/ NO 14. BOX 6. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- CODRINGTON/READE NO 15. BOX 7. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- CODRINGTON/READE NO 69 (2). (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- CODRINGTON/READE NO 69 (3). BOX 33. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- CODRINGTON/READE NO 69 (5). (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
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- CODRINGTON/READE NO 69 (8). (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- CODRINGTON/READE NO 80. BOX 37. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- D. 18 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- D. 20 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- D. 21 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- D. 181 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- D. 182 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 1.23 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 3.81 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 3.82 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 4.4 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 4.7 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 4.14 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 4.28 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 5.11 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd.5.34 (University Library, Cambridge University)
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- Dd.5.48 (University Library, Cambridge University)
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- Dd. 6.2 (University Library, Cambridge University)
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- Dd. 6. 32 (University Library, Cambridge University)
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- Dd. 6. 41 (University Library, Cambridge University)
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- Dd. 6.75 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 6. 91 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 9.55 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 10. 6 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 11.5 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 11.7 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 11.9 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 11.15 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 11.19 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 11.21 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 11.32 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 11.33 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 12.1 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 12.4 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 12. 5 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 12.9 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 12. 10 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 12. 11 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 12.12 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 12.71 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 15.3 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 15.7 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Dd. 15.8 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Delhi Arabic 18 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 11 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 12 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 17* (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 23 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 27 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 29* (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 32 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 32* (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
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- Delhi Persian 33 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 34 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 38* (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
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- Delhi Persian 42 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 60 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 63 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 77 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 77A* (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
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- Delhi Persian 126* (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 128 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 129B (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 130 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 138 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Delhi Persian 1182 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- E. 2 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- E. 6 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- E. 10 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- ECOM 18 (Eton College Library, Eton College)
- ECOM 22 (Eton College Library, Eton College)
- Ee. 1.17 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ee. 5.7 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ee. 6.22 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ee. 6.36 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Eton Pote 269 (Eton College Library, Eton College)
- Eton Pote 279 (Eton College Library, Eton College)
- Eton Pote 288 (Eton College Library, Eton College)
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- Eton Pote 441 (Eton College Library, Eton College)
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- Eton Pote 464 (Eton College Library, Eton College)
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- Eton Pote 902 (Eton College Library, Eton College)
- Eton Pote 904 (Eton College Library, Eton College)
- Eton Pote 905 (Eton College Library, Eton College)
- F. 22 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- F. 25 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- F. 27 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- F. 55 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- F. 62 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- F. 63 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- F. 64 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ff. 1.2 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ff. 1.4 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ff. 4.36 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ff. 5.3 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ff. 5. 9 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ff. 5.11 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ff. 6.25 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ff. 6.38 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ff. 6.40 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Gaster MS Misc 1519 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Gg. 3.27 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Gg. 5. 17 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Gg. 5.28 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Gg. 6.36 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Gg. 6.39 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- H. 5 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- H. 20 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- H. 22 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- H. 23 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- I. 4 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- I. 11 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- IO Islamic 1435 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 2439 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 2484 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 2779 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 2983 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4297 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4298 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4300 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4559 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4563 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4570 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4586 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4595 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4596 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4609 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4610 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4617 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4625 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4627 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4655 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4659 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4662 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4683 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4684 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4712 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4715 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4717A (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4717B (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4720/13 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4720/25 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4720/29 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4720/37 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4720/38 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4720/39 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4720/40 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4720/56 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4720/61 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4739 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4740 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4741 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4743 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4744 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4746 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4747 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4748 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4752 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4753 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4756A (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4756B (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4756C (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4756D (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4756E (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4767 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4771 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4774 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4780 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4781 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4783 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4786 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4788 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4789 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4790 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4796 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4797 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4800 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4803 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4822 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4828 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4841 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO Islamic 4843 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- IO San 2895 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Islamic Arabic 248 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 260 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 273 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 323 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 324 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 347 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 371 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 372 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 394 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 451 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 489 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 558 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 571 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 602 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 618 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 628 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 630 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 660 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 661 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 706 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 710 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 726 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 729 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 752 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 872 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 883 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 891 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 954 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 962 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 991 i (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1023 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1049 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1063 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1081 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1095 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1107 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1110 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1170 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1183 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1191 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1290 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1307 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1320 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1401 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1418 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1427 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1496 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1510 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1529 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1554 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1607 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- Islamic Arabic 1665 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)
- J. 10 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- J. 14 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- J. 16 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- J. 19 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- J. 22 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- K. 1 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- K. 6 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- K. 8 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- K. 9 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Keble MS. 24 (Keble College Library, Keble College, University of Oxford)
- Keble MS. 73 (Keble College Library, Keble College, University of Oxford)
- Keble MS. 88 (Keble College Library, Keble College, University of Oxford)
- King's Pote 4 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 14 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 23 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 24 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 42 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 52 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 53 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 54 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 55 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 57 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 61 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 62(1) (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 62(2) (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 65(1) (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 66 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 73 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 107 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 111 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 112(1) (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 112(2) (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 128 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 130 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 136(1) (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 136(2) (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 137(1) (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 137(2) (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 142 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 157 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 185 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 190 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 195 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 196 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 197 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 203 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 204 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 208 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 227 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 247 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- King's Pote 250 (King's College Library, King's College Cambridge)
- Ll. 5. 25 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ll. 5.26 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ll. 6.8 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ll. 6.9 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ll. 6. 15 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ll. 6.16 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ll. 6. 18 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ll. 6.22 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ll. 6.32 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- MS. A. Walker 8 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. A. Walker 30 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. A. Walker 36 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. A. Walker 40 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. A. Walker 42 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. A. Walker 57 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. A. Walker 60 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. A. Walker 94 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. A. Walker 96 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. A. Walker 113 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. A. Walker 121 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. a. 1-3 (R) (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. b. 2 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 41 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 42 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 55 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 56 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 64 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 69 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 69a (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 72 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 73 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 74 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 75 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 77 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 79 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 84 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 85 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. c. 90 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 2 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 5 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 6 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 12 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 16 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 23 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 30 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 32 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 36 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 38 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 42 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 46-74 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 76 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 78 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 84 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 110 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 111 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 119 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 120 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 139 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 146 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 159 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 160 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 161 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 162 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 173 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 174 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 186 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 198 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 210 (P) (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 215 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 219 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 228 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 237 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 245 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. d. 250 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 2 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 8 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 17 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 19 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 26 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 28 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 34 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 38 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 40 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 41 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 42 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 43 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 45 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 46 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 47 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 51 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 52 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 53 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 69 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 93 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 95 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 97-99 (P) (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 102 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 105 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 106 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 108 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 109 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 110 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 111 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 114 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 116 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 119 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 120 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 125 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 126 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 127 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 130 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 131 (P) (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 134 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 142 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 149 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 152 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 153 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 180 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 182 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 184 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 185 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 187 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 188 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 189 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 190 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 197 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 202 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 203 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 206 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 209 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 218 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 225 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 234 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 243 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. e. 244 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 1 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 12 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 13 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 19 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 22 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 24 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 25 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 26 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 36 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 37 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 38 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 39 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 41 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 43 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 44 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 46 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 47 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 49 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 64 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 65 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 68 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 69 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 73 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. f. 77 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. g. 2 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. g. 4 (R) (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. g. 6 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. g. 8 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. g. 12-13 (R) (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. g. 25 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arab. g. 26 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS Arabic 8 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 71 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 183 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 235 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 238 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 249 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 256 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 257 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 258 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 259 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 260 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 273 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 274 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 281 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 286 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 289 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 297 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 298 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 305 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 311 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 347 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 348 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 361 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 371 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 385 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 418 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 441 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 442 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 448 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 454 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 456 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 457 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 458 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 465 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 469 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 479 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 481 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 482 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 483 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 484 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 485 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 486 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 487 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 489 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 490 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 497 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 508 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 515 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 529 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 533 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 534 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 558 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 560 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 569 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 573 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 578 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 585 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 592 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 618 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 622 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 624 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 628 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 630 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 633 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 637 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 653 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 660 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 662 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 664 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 668 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 673 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 678 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 680 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 682 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 689 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 690 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 693 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 694 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 697 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 709 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 714 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 716 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 723 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 725 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 728 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS. Arch. Seld. A. 57 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arch. Seld. A. 60 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arch. Seld. A. 72. 6(1) (R) (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arch. Seld. A. 73. 1 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Arch. Seld. B. 9(i) (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bod. Or. 41 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bodl. Or. 8 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bodl. Or. 68 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bodl. Or. 75 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bodl. Or. 85 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bodl. Or. 133 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bodl. Or. 137 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Bodl. Or. 175 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bodl. Or. 180 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bodl. Or. 182 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bodl. Or. 183 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bodl. Or. 185 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bodl. Or. 190 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bodl. Or. 192 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Bruce 16(ff. 17v–20v) (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Canonici Or. 113 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Caps. Or. A. 2 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Caps. Or. A. 4 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Caps. Or. C. 8 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Caps. Or. D. 7, 8 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Copt. d. 204 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Copt. g. 64 (P) (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. D'Orville 544 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Digby Or. 4 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Elliott 12 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Elliott 413 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Greaves 3 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Greaves 22 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Greaves 29 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Greaves 38 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Greaves 40 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Hatton Or. 95 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 17 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 38 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 42 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Huntington 194 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 199 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Huntington 270 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 275 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 279 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 282 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 288 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 328 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 334 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 335 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Huntington 351 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 353 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Huntington 393 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Huntington 458 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Huntington 543 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 575 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 578 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 585 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 588 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 598 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 602 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 628 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington Donat. 16 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington donat. 6 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington donat. 10 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington. donat. 12 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Huntington donat. 28 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington donat. 30 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington donat. 31 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington donat. 32 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntongton 507 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Hyde 11 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Hyde 31 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Hyde 39 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ind. Inst. Arab. 7 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ind. Inst. Arab. 11 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ind. Inst. Arab. 12 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Ind. Inst. Arab. 25 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ind. Inst. Pers. 17 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Ind. Inst. Pers. 122 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ind. Inst. Turk. 3 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ind. Inst. Turk. 8 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ind. Inst. Turk. 14 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ind. Inst. Turk. 18 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ind. Inst. Turk. 21 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Kashmiri d. 4 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Kashmiri d. 5 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Lambe 9 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud 66 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 5 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 17 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 18 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Laud Or. 28 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 30 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Laud Or. 40 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 41 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 51 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 62 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 63 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 64 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 70 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 73 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Laud Or. 108 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Laud Or. 156 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Laud Or. 198 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 201 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 202 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 203 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 205 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 206 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 209 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 211 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 213 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 219 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 288 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 299 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 307 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 309 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Lister Or. 4 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Lister Or. 5 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Marsh 35 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Marsh 37 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Marsh 83 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Marsh 84 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Marsh 348 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Marsh 379 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Marsh 380 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Marsh 457 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Marsh 473 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Marsh 543 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Marsh 583 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Marsh 598 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Marsh 602 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Marsh 669 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Marsh 686 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Marsh 720 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Marshall Or. 37 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Marshall Or. 44 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Marshall Or. 50 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Marshall Or. 71 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
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- MS. Ouseley Add. 4 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ouseley Add. 14 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ouseley Add. 31 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ouseley Add. 47 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ouseley Add. 71 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ouseley Add. 75 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ouseley Add. 82 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ouseley Add. 90 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ouseley Add. 95 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ouseley Add. 99 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ouseley Add. 115 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ouseley Add. 129 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ouseley Add. 136 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Ouseley Add. 142 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pers. c. 10 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pers. c. 26 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pers. d. 87 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pers. d. 98 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pers. e. 79 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pers. f. 10 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 4 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 9 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 13 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 19 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 21 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 22 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 26 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 28 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 35 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 37 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 39 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 48 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 58 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 79 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 130 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 142 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 143 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 152 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 153 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 155 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 195 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 228 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 240 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 245 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 258 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 264 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 270 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 275 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 279 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 283 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 288 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 325 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 360 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 361 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 383 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 437 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 441 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 452 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Rawl. Or. 31 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Rawlinson Or. 5 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Rawlinson Or. 8 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Rawlinson Or. 11 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Rawlinson Or. 22 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Rawlinson Or. 24 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Rawlinson Or. 39 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Rawlinson Or. 40 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Rawlinson Or. 54 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Rawlinson Or. 60 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. S. Digby Or. 48 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. S. Digby Or. 49 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. S. Digby Or. 75 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. S. Digby Or. 91 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. S. Digby Or. 93 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. S. Digby Or. 113 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. S. Digby Or. 127 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. S. Digby Or. 129 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. S. Digby Or. 183 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. S. Digby Or. 185 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. S. Digby Or. 188 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. S. Digby Or. 207 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Sale 12 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Sale 13 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Sale 33 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Sale 41 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Sale 43 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Sale 56 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Sale 70 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Sale 74 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Sale 77 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Sale 80 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden Superius 8 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden Superius 23 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden Superius 27 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden Superius 28 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden Superius 37 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden Superius 51 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden Superius 95 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 3 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 4 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 12 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 21 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 22 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 30 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 32 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 42 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 43 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 44 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 49 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 55 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 65 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 67 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 78 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 82* (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 83 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 86 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 87 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 88 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 91 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 92 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Selden superius 97 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Syr. e. 20 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Tanner (Or.) 385 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Thurston 3 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Thurston 5 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Thurston 6 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Thurston 7 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Thurston 9 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Thurston 27 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Thurston 29 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Thurston 37 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Thurston 38 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Thurston 40 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Turk. d. 8 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Turk. d. 13 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Turk. d. 20 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Turk. e. 27 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Turk. e. 33 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Turk. e. 42 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Turk. e. 47 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Turk. e. 49 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Turk. e. 50 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Turk. e. 52 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Turk. e. 59 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Turk. e. 60 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Turk. e. 94 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Whinfield 8 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Whinfield 28 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Whinfield 36 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Whinfield 38 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Whinfield 45 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Whinfield 50 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Whinfield 72 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- Mm. 1.31 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Mm. 4.11 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Mm. 4. 15 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Mm. 5.26 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Mm. 6.1 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Mm. 6.2 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Ms. 33 (Old Library, Trinity Hall, Cambridge)
- N. 1 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- O. 3 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- O. 6 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- O. 7 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Oo. 6. 33 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Oo. 6. 36 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Oo. 6. 43 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Oo. 6. 59 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Oo. 6.72 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Oo. 6.75 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 9 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 10 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 14 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 18 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 20 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 22 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 25 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 28 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 29 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 30 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 35 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 36 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 37 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 38 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 39 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 43 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 48 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 51 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 59 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 166 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 170 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 193 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 196 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 198 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 202 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 207 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 208 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 220 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 251 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 274 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or 398 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or. 413 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 416 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 427 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 430 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 431 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 432 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 436 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 441 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 442 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 445 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 448 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 450 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 452 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 464 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 465 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 477 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 484 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 487 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 498 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 499 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 505 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 506 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 508 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 512 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 513 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 516 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 521 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 525 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 544 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 574 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 580 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 585 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 586 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 595 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 642 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 652 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 653 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 657 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 658 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 681 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 685 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 687 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 694 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 709 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 712 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 738 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 758 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 772 (University Library, Cambridge University) — Former owner
- Or. 773 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 776 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 782 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 831 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 839 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 864 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 867 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 869 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 870 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 875 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 889 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 891 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 901 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 907 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 912 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 919 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 923 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 955 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 986 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 995 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1011 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1017 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1021 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1022 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1037 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1041 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1046 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1067 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1068 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1070 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1071 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1073 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1074 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1075 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1089 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1150-51 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1164 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1248 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1255 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1258 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1277 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1285 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1326 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1355 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1367 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1391 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1405 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1429 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1450 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1472 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1480 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1487 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1492 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1509 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1510 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1511 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1521 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1532 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1544 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1548 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1552 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1553 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1554 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1555 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1565 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1596 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1597 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1618 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1620 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1627 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1629 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1631 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1632 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1633 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1666 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1681 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1686 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1715 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1722 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1723 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1726 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1727 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1762 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1763 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1768 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1769 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1924 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1925 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1930 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1942 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1949 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1950 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1998 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 2075 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 2088 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 2108 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 2135 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 2513 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or 2780 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 4110 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 4111 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 4394 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 4499 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5081 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5343 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5344 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5428 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5570 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5587 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5605 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5610 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5734 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5743 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5745 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5762 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5858 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5862 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5957* (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5959 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 5963 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 6293 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 6315 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 6379 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 6380 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 6445 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 6475 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 6573 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 6694 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 6704 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 6708 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 6882 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 7069 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 7242 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 7243 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 7246 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 7248 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 7283 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 7344 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 7345 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 7350 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 7477 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 7536 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 7577 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 7704 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 7858 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 7935 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 8105 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 8168 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 8169 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 8197 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 8377 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 8384 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 8435 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 8595 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 8599 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 8894 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 9444 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 9495 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 9496 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 9566 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 9590 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 9604 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 9700 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 9757 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 10879 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 10983 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 10984 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 11041 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 11070 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 11137 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 11153 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 11170 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 11192 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 11279 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 11310 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 11333 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 11558 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 11629 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 11918 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 11981 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 12072 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 12403 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 12640 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 12757 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 12787 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 12804 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 12812 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 12853 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13034 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13045 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13088 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13112 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13141 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13163 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13189 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13215 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13255 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13669 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13726 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13743 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13744 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13746 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13751 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13760 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13853 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13913 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13914 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 13953 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14040 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14044 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14045 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14087 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14105 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14106 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14257 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14299 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14306 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14316 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14322 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14323 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14341 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14352 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14357 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14385 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14398 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14399 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14400 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14468 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14562 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14594 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14596 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14640 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14748 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 14949 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- Or 15052 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- P. 10 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- P. 12 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- P. 15 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- P. 26 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- P. 28 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- P. 32 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- P. 33 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Pashto MS 4 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Pashto MS 5 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Pashto MS 7 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Pashto MS 8 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Pashto MS 9 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Pashto MS 11 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Pashto MS 13 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 2 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 3 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 4 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 10 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 13 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 22 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 25 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 37 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 45 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 49 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 51 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester) — Artist, Scribe
- Persian MS 55 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 64 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 87 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 93 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 133 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 134 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 146 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 158 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 188 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 194 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 203 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 211 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 213 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester) — Scribe
- Persian MS 282 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 298 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 330 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 331 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 345 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 347 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 348 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 350 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 352 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 354 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 364 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester) — Scribe
- Persian MS 376 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 406 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 414 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 419 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 435 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 441 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 442 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 445 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 449 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 450 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 453 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 470 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 471 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 476 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 477 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 479 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 480 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 485 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 488 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 489 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 494 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 498 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 500 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 537 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 555 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 570 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 596 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester) — Former owner
- Persian MS 598 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 600 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 608 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 612 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 628 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 631 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 632 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 634 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 636 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 638 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 639 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 643 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 647 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 656 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 657 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 659 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 660 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 662 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 663 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 664 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 667 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 699 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 701 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 710 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 717 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 735 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 745 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 762 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 770 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 773 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 776 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 778 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 781 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 784 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 787 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 833 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 841 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 843 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 865 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 873 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 878 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 881 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 882 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 912 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 930 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 939 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 942 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 948 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 952 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 957 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 960 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 964 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 968 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 976 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 990 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 991 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 993 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 995 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Persian MS 1013 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- Q. 1 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Q. 2 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Q. 4 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 7 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 14a (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 15 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 28 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 44 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 52 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 64 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 65 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 66 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 67 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 73 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 75 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 81 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 89 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 90 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 91 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 94 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 95 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 96 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 97 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 98 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 99 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 100 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 101 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 102 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 103 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 104 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 105 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 106 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 107 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 108 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 109 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 113 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 119 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 121 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 123 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 124 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 128 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 133 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 143 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 144 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 147 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 149 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 151 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 162 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 164 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 165 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 173 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 174 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 177 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 182 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 183 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 187 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 196 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 197 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 200 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 210 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 211 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 219 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 225 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 233 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 235 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 236 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 244 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 245 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 246 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 247 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 248 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 249 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 250 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 251 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 252 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 253 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 254 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 255 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 256 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 257 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 258 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 259 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 260 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 261 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 262 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 263 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 264 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 265 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 266 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 267 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 268 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 269 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 270 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 271 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 272 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 273 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 274 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 284 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 292 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Qq. 294 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Queens' College MS 9 (Old Library, Queens' College, Cambridge)
- Queens' College MS 12 (Old Library, Queens' College, Cambridge)
- Queens' College MS 13 (Old Library, Queens' College, Cambridge)
- R. 1 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- R.13.16 (Wren Library, Trinity College Cambridge)
- R.13.68 (Wren Library, Trinity College Cambridge)
- R.13.94 (Wren Library, Trinity College Cambridge)
- RAS Arabic 13 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Arabic 16 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Arabic 17 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Arabic 34 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Arabic 40 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Arabic 43 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Arabic 44 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Arabic 47 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Arabic 49a (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Arabic 57 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Arabic 75 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Ellis Arabic 13 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Ellis Persian 13 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Ellis Persian 26 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Ellis Persian 41 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 86. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 88 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 92 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 93. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 137. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 168. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 171. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 172. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 175. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 184. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 193. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 204. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 210 (3). (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 210 (4). (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 210 (6). (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 213. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 218. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 219. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 222. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 223 (1). (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 223 (2). (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 224. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 235. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 243a. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 320. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 321. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 324. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 333. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 334. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 335. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 336. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 338. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 342 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 345 (3) (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 345 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 353 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian 367 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian Uncat 1 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Persian Uncat 7 (B) (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Turkish 4 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Turkish 16 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Turkish 18 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Turkish 26 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Turkish 27 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Turkish 29 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Turkish 30 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Turkish 31 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Turkish 40 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Turkish 41 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- RAS Turkish 49 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- S. 6 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- S. 7 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- S. 8 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Supp. 3 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Supp. 4 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Supp. 5 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Supp. 7 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- T. 5 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- U. 11 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- V. 14 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- V. 21 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- V. 35 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- V. 58 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- V. 59 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- V. 62 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- V. 65 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- V. 66 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- V. 67 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- V. 69 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Wadh.Minasian 1 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 8 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 14 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 18 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 114 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 115 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 116 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 131 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 135 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 142 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 160 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 239 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 254 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 291 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 325 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 358 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 377 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 378 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 387 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 396 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 416 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 421 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 422 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 424 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 428 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 453 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 457 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 464 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 484 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 488 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 500 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 504 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 506 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 508 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 509 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 510 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 513 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 514 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 521 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 528 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 530 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 558 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 579 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 592 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 621 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 631 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 635 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 645 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 646 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 654 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 687 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 691 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 698 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 704 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 705 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 709 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 713 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 716 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 717 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 720 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 726 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)
- Wadh.Minasian 734 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 735 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 742 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 745 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 752 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- Wadh.Minasian 753 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford) — Scribe
- X. 2 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- X. 5 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- X. 14 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Y. 3 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Y. 4 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Y. 5 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Y. 6 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Y. 11 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Z. 10 (Old Library, Jesus College, Cambridge)
- Z. 14 (Old Library, Jesus College, Cambridge)
- Z. 17 (Old Library, Jesus College, Cambridge)
- ms. 9517 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 10978 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 10979 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 11573 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 11593 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 11660 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 12095 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 12152 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 12163 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 12188 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 12214 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 12273 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 12274 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 13017 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 13235 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 13236 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 13239 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 13247 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 13249 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 13255 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 13655 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 13996 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 13997 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 14449 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 15768 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 15769 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 18738 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 18784 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 18785 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 18820 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 18914 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 18969 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 21758 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 25142 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 26386 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 26408 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 29125 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 34803 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 34847 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 35342 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 35514 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 40306 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 40512 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 40912 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 41154 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 41156 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 41157 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 41332 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 41339 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 41378 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 41384 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 41385 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 41691 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 41811 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 41879 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 43361 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44082 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44492 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44523 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44524 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44525 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44526 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44527 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44529 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44530 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44531 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44538 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44539 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44544 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44547 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44575 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44577 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44596 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44656 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44735 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44740 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44741 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44745 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44746 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44750 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44752 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44753 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44761 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44762 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44763 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 44764 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 45811 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46339 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46341 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46345 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46349 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46425 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46433 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46438 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46446 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46453 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46459 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46460 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46481 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46484 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46485 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46522 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46613 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46618 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46630 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46680 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46688 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46698 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46704 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46718a (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46725 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46834 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46835 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46973 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46974 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 46980 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47277 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47282 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47284 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47285 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47286 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47287 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47510 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47511 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47513 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47516 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47644 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47647 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47648 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47650 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47707 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47759 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47769 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47779 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47780 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47781 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47782 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47836 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 47844 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 48059 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 48135 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 48136 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 50688 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 50690 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 51018 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 52338 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 53497 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 53501 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 53507 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 53508 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 53825 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 54446 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 61747 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 61824 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 77176 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 79238 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 103850 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 118272 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 138150 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 142621 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 142622 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 149414 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 149963 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 149964 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 166794 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 168181 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 174235 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 191486 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 191653 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 191669 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 193290 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 204477 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 210002 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 255733 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 283116 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 347896 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 380282 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 380286 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 380367 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 380458 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 380460 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 380464 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 380522 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 380530 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 380547 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 380548 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 380554 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 380839 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 380843 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 380849 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 380921 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 381027 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 381102 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 381278 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 381287 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 381288 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 381294 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 381295 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms. 381306 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms5(o) (University of St Andrews Library, Special Collections, University of St Andrews)
- ms21(o) (University of St Andrews Library, Special Collections, University of St Andrews)
- ms_16451 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_25031 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_25032 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_36497 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_37071 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_40322 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_40333 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_40505 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_41960 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_41961 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_43265 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_44754 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_44755 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_44757 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_46198 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_47755 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_54343 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_65472 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_250069 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_380059 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_380271 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_380535 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_380557 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_380559 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms_381289 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
- ms22a(o) (University of St Andrews Library, Special Collections, University of St Andrews)
- ms32L(o) (University of St Andrews Library, Special Collections, University of St Andrews)
- ms32b(o) (University of St Andrews Library, Special Collections, University of St Andrews)
- ms32c(o) (University of St Andrews Library, Special Collections, University of St Andrews)
- ms32d(o) (University of St Andrews Library, Special Collections, University of St Andrews)
- ms32e(o) (University of St Andrews Library, Special Collections, University of St Andrews)
- ms32i(o) (University of St Andrews Library, Special Collections, University of St Andrews)
The above references reflect only the current coverage of the online catalogue and may not be comprehensive.