MS. Marsh 263 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
Oriental Manuscripts Marsh Collection
Summary of Contents: 3 works by anonymous authors on the subjects of Astrolabes, Astronomical instruments, Arabic language, and Arabic poetry
1. ff. 1v-23v
Title: Risālah fī ʻilm al-asṭurlāb
*Puseyʼs conjecture that the author might be Jamāl al-Dīn Abū al-Qāsim ibn Maḥfūẓ al-Baghdādī (Brock. G1, p. 252 para. 6 (7)) is based merely on the approximation of no. of chaps. (66:64). However, cf. B. M. 10024, Or. 5734.
Language(s): Arabic
Appendix Astronomy
[UAM. 936 (1), with corrig. Nicoll p. 602*]
2. ff. 25r-39r
Title: Farhang-i Gulistān
An Arabic-Persian vocabulary
Language(s): Arabic
Appendix Lexicography
[UAM. 936 (2)]
Physical Description
Form: codex
24 ff. 15 ff. 25 ff.
Origin: n.d. n.d. n.d.
Provenance and Acquisition
The collections of Jacob Golius [see Golius Sale Catalogue, Addenda. Libri M.S. Compacti in quarto, no. 20, and Addenda. Libri M.SS. Incompacti in quarto, no. 4].
The Library of Archbishop Narcissus Marsh, d. 1713.
The Marsh bequest entered the Bodleian Library in 1714.
Record Sources
Manuscript description based on the Bodleian Library's public card index of Arabic manuscripts with additional enhancements by the OCIMCO project team.
Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions).
Funding of Cataloguing
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