Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

MS. Marsh 663 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)

Oriental Manuscripts Marsh Collection


Summary of Contents: 22 works by 13 authors on the subjects of Astrology, Astronomy, Astrolabes, Calendars, Astronomical instruments, Celestial globes, Sundials, Music, Medicine, and Mathematics
1. ff. 2-47

* So Brock., but this is the death-date of his patron Sayf al-Dawlah the Hamdanid; Qabīṣīʼs d.-d. is unknown

Language(s): Arabic


GAL I 223
UAM. 941 (1), revised by Beeston
2. ff. 48-66
Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Astronomy
UAM. 941 (2), with corrig. Nicoll p. 602; revised by Beeston
4. ff. 115-126

*So Beeston; ? - I. 221 (S1, p. 394, para. 4b, no. 2 [B. M. Or. 54794 (DL 39)].

On the astrolabe, in 64 very short bābs

Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Astronomy
UAM. 941 (4), with corrig. Nicoll p. 602; revised by Beeston
5. ff. 127-131

*Beeston omits al-nujūmīyah

On astrology

Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Astrology
UAM. 941 (5) with corrig. Nicoll p. 602; revised by Beeston
6. ff. 132-157*

*[p. 158 contains a frag. of biography in a much later hand]

Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Astronomy
UAM. 941 (6), revised by Beeston
7. ff. 159-162
Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Astronomy
UAM. 941; (7) as revised by Beeston; not in Uri
8. ff. 164-189

In 40 short bābs with a lengthy introduction

Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Astronomy
UAM. 941 (7 [i]), with corrig. Nicoll p. 602; (8) as revised by Beeston
9. ff. 190-195

On the construction of gnomic sundials

Language(s): Arabic


GAL I 209
UAM. 941 (7 [ii, part]) with corr. Nic. p. 602; [(9) as revised by Beeston
10. ff. 196, 197
Language(s): Arabic


GAL I 209
UAM. 941 (7 [ii, part]) [(10) as revised by Beeston; not in Uri
11. ff. 197-202
Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Astronomy
UAM. 941 (7 [ii, part]); (11) as revised by Beeston; not in Uri
12. ff. 202, 207-213
Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Astronomy
UAM. 941 (7 [ii, part])]; (12) as revised by Beeston; not in Uri
13. ff. 214-222
Language(s): Arabic


GAL I 149
UAM. 941 (7 [ii] part) with corr. Nic. p. 602; (14) as revised by Beeston
14. ff. 222, 223
Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Astronomy
UAM. 941 (7 [ii, part])]; (15) as revised by Beeston; not in Uri
15. ff. 224, 225
Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Astronomy
UAM. 941 (7 [ii, part])]; (16) as revised by Beeston; not in Uri
16. ff. 236-238, 203, 204, [lacuna?], 239-247)

On stringed musical instruments

Language(s): Arabic


GAL I 209
UAM. 941 (7 [ii, part]), with corr. by Nic. p. 602; (17, 13) as revised by Beeston
17. ff. 248-265

Not, as Uri and Brock., on potions only

Language(s): Arabic


GAL I 484
UAM. 941 (8 [1]), with corrig. Nicoll p. 602; (18) as revised by Beeston
18. ff. 265-271

Extracts from Galenʼs work on the reducing diet, selected by “al-Ḥasan”

Language(s): Arabic


GAL I 206
UAM. 941 (8 [ii]); (19) as revised by Beeston
19. ff. 271-274

On diagnosis by the urine, in 17 short bābs, by “the two Alexandrians” (al-Iskandarānīyayn)

Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Medicine
UAM. 941 (8 [iii]), with corr. Nic. p. 602; (20) as revised by Beeston
20. ff. 276-307

SALJ § 154 (1), p. 196

Language(s): Arabic


GAL I 491
UAM. 941 (9), with corrig. Nicoll p. 602; (21) as revised by Beeston
21. ff. 308-337

According to authorʼs introduction, this work was composed during the reign of the Artuqid ruler Nāṣir al-Dīn Maḥmūd ibn Muḥammad ibn Qara Arslān, reigned 1201-22; author then not to be identified with al-Khāzin, author of a Kitāb al-Ṭīb, as Sezgin proposes (vol. 5, p. 355)

Unique; but MS. Aya Sofya 4857, ff. 278v - 286v (Krause p. 520) is apparently a compendium of it. f. 338 contains arithmetical table

Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Mathematics
UAM. 941 (10 [i]), with corrig. Nicoll p. 602; (22) as revised by Beeston
22. ff. 339-362

From a work dedicated to the Fāṭimid Caliph al-Ḥākim bi-Amr Allāh (reg. 996-1020)

Language(s): Arabic


Appendix Astrology
UAM. 941 (10 [ii]), with corr. Nic. p. 602; (23) as revised by Beeston

Physical Description

Form: codex
46 ff. 19 ff. 47 ff. 12 ff. 5 ff. 26 ff. 4 ff. 26 ff. 6 ff. 2 ff. 6 ff. 8 ff. [with lacuna?] 9 ff. 2 ff. 2 ff. 14 ff. 18 ff. 7 ff. 4 ff. 34 ff. 30 ff. 34 ff.


Origin: 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE 1242 CE

Provenance and Acquisition

The collections of Jacob Golius [see Golius Sale Catalogue, Libri Mathematici in folio, no. 2].

The Library of Archbishop Narcissus Marsh, d. 1713.

The Marsh bequest entered the Bodleian Library in 1714.

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on the Bodleian Library's public card index of Arabic manuscripts with additional enhancements by the OCIMCO project team.


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions).

Funding of Cataloguing



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