MS. Marsh 82 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
Oriental Manuscripts Marsh Collection
Summary of Contents: 6 works by 4 authors on the subjects of Arabs, Calendars, Church festivals, Divination, and Christian saints
1. ff. 59r-79 (i)r
Title: Maʻrifat al-anghām
f. 79 (ii) is blank
Language(s): Arabic
[Uri Turc. 42 (2); Farmer 13]
2. ff. 80v-97 (i)r
Title: Replies to questions from one Saʻādah al-Qāʼiqah on various calendars in use in the East, including Chinese, Coptic, and Persian
Introductions, differing slightly, in Arabic, Persian and Syriac
ff. 97 (ii), 97 (iii) are blank
Language(s): Arabic, Persian, Syriac
Christian Appendix Calendars
[Uri Turc. 42 (3[i])]
3. ff. 98v-107 (i)v
ff. 107 (ii), 107 (iii) are blank
Language(s): Arabic
Christian Appendix Calendars
[Uri Turc. 42 (3[ii])]
4. ff. 108v-116v
Language(s): Arabic
Christian Appendix Calendars
[Uri Turc. 42 (3[iii])]
5. ff. 133-166r
Title: Fāl-nāmah
Divination by verses of the Qurʼān, here given with their magic interpretation in Turkish
Language(s): Arabic, Turkish
GAL I 67
[Uri Turk. 42 (6) superseded by Ethé 2202 [in both cases not quite all]]
6. ff. 177v-183v
f. 184 is ruled but contains no writing
Language(s): Arabic
Christian Appendix Calendars
[Uri Turc. 42 (7[ii])]
Physical Description
Form: codex
21 ff. 18 ff. 10 ff. 9 ff. 34 ff. 7 ff.
Origin: n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. c. 1578? CE n.d.
Provenance and Acquisition
The collections of Jacob Golius [see Golius Sale Catalogue, Libri Miscellanei M.S. in quarto &c, no. 36].
The Library of Archbishop Narcissus Marsh, d. 1713.
The Marsh bequest entered the Bodleian Library in 1714.
Record Sources
Manuscript description based on the Bodleian Library's public card index of Arabic manuscripts with additional enhancements by the OCIMCO project team.
Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions).
Funding of Cataloguing
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