Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Dd. 11.32 (University Library, Cambridge University)

Oriental Manuscripts


1. ff. 1-36a
Title: A selection of Persian and Turkish Poetry

Citations from Celāle'd-dīn Rūmī, Veysī Efendi, Bihiştī, Şānī, Yaḥyā Efendi, Salmān, Bāḳī, Şeyḫī Efendi, Nefʿī, Rūḥī, Ḳabūlī, Nevāʾī, ʿAlī al-Murtaḍā, Firāḳī, Nev‘ī and etc.

Written about 1037 AH and bought by an Englishman in 1681 CE

Language(s): Ottoman Turkish
Language(s): Persian


2. ff. 36b- 45a
Title: Tevārīḫ-i ʿĀlī Efendi
Title: A treatise in Turkish on the various calendars
Language(s): Ottoman Turkish


3. ff. 45b-61
Title: Turkish and Persian poems
Language(s): Ottoman Turkish
Language(s): Persian


4. ff. 62b-140a
Title: Tevārīḫ-i Enbiyāʾ
Title: A short history of the Prophets

From Adam to Muḥammad (ff. 62b-77b) and from the time of Muḥammad to the time of Süleymān I (ff. 77b-140a)

Language(s): Ottoman Turkish


5. ff. 151-171
Title: A Number of Astronomical Tables and Magical Formules
Language(s): Ottoman Turkish


Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 171 folios
Dimensions (leaf): 20.1 × 13.5 cm.



A variable number of lines to the page


Script: In various naskh and taʻlīq hands




Origin: Undated

Provenance and Acquisition

Donated as part of the Royal library of George I (1660-1727) in 1715.

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on E. G. Browne: A hand-list of the Muhammadan manuscripts, including all those written in the Arabic character, preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1900, abbreviated by the Yunus Emre Institute project team.


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Funding of Cataloguing

Yunus Emre Institute


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