Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

MS. Rawlinson Or. 22 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)

Oriental Manuscripts

Rawlinson Collection


Miscellanies split into two different parts separated from one another by at least 100 blank leaves.

Language(s): Ottoman Turkish

Author: anonymous

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İnşā'-i marġūb ve maṭlūb انشاء مرغوب و مطلوب, on fol. 1b, containing specimens of elegant letters, especially of those exchanged between high officials. It is probably identical with or at least similar to the انشاء مرغوب of ʿAbdüllāh Şākir (see G. Flügel i. p. 256, and Krafft, No. 94); other İnşās انشاء of the same title, all more or less compiled on the same principle, are noticed in Rieu, p. 100 (by Seyyid Vaḥdetī Çelebī, about AH 1114-1116=AD 1702-1704); W. Pertsch, Berlin Cat., p. 469; Krafft, Nos. 100-113; C. J. Tornberg, No. 70; Cat. des MSS. et Xylographes, Nos. 585-589, and G. Flügel i. p. 257 (the last named is of very recent date, viz. AH 1252=AD 1836). The present collection contains, like ʿAbdüllāh Şākir's İnşā انشاء, in the Vienna copies, the usual counting tables in ciphers, as officially used, with their equivalents in common numerical figures.

Language(s): Ottoman Turkish


Title: İnşā | AH 1073
Title: انشاء

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Fragment of an İnşā انشاء without a beginning, on fol. 29. At the end, as date, AH 1073 AD 1662/1663.

Language(s): Ottoman Turkish



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Ta'rīḫāt تأریخات or chronograms, on ff. 51b and 52a, relating to AH 1075-1077, and 1091=AD 1664-1667, and 1680.

Language(s): Ottoman Turkish



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Incoherent pieces. This portion, on ff. 53b-82a, contains incoherent pieces of prose and poetry, letters, ta'rīḫāt (for instance, on fol. 53b, some for AH 1073=AD 1662/1663, and AH 1075 AD 1664/1665), a list of the Turkish Sulṭāns with the dates of their accession (تواریخ نسل آل عثمان), on fol. 72b, etc.

Language(s): Ottoman Turkish


Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 82 folios
Dimensions (leaf): approximately 20.32 × approximately 10.16 cm.


1 column of varying number of lines per page


Script: Dīvānī


Origin: unknown

Provenance and Acquisition

The collections of Richard Rawlinson, d. 1755.

The Rawlinson bequest entered the Bodleian Library in 1756.

Record Sources


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions). Contact specialcollections.enquiries@bodleian.ox.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript.

Funding of Cataloguing



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