MS. Sale 77 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
Oriental Manuscripts
Two collections of Sufi hagiographies.
Title: مناقب الاولیا
Title: Menaḳıbü'l-evliyā
Title: Menaḳıb el-evliyā
Language(s): Ottoman Turkish
Filiation: Ethé (1930: 1173) suggests on the basis of Pertch (1864: 197) that this مناقب الاولیا Menaḳıbü'l-evliyā may be the same as the مناقب جواهر Menaḳıbü'l-cevāhir found in Ms. orient. T 236 (a.k.a. pt. 170, Seetzen: Nr. 44) at the Herzoglichen Bibliothek zu Gotha, now the Forschungsbibliothek Gotha at Universität Erfurt, though the incipit of that text, at least, is different to that of the current one. Possibly the same text as the مناقب الاولیا Menaḳıbü'l-evliyā in manuscript 06 Hk 3293, housed at the Milli Kütüphane (National Library) in Ankara.
Rubric: folio 1b, line 1 هذا رسٰالهءِ مناقب الاولیا بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحیم
Incipit: folio 1b, line 2 زمان ماضیده ایکی قرداش واریدی که زاهید کردن ایدیلر بربرینه ایتدلر
For a possible other witness of the same text, see Pertsch, Wilhelm. Die orientalischen Handschriften der Herzoglichen Bibliothek zu Gotha / Auf Befehl Sr. Hoheit des Herzogs Ernst II. von S. Coburg-Gotha, Theil 2: Die türkischen Handschriften der Herzoglichen Bibliothek zu Gotha. Wien: Kaiser Köning Hof- und Staatsdruckerei. 1864. p. 197 § 236.
Title: مفتاح الجنت
Title: Miftāḥü'l-cennet
Title: Miftāḥ el-cennet
Language(s): Ottoman Turkish
Incipit: شکر و سپاس و حمد بی قیاس اول بیر و بار تکرینک حضرتنه کی اون سکز بیک عالمی
Physical Description
Form: codex
Extent: ff. 112
Dimensions (leaf): 20.3 × 14 cm.
Single column of 23 lines per page.
Script: crude Naskh with some Shikasta-style ligatures, chiefly black ink with rubrics in red ink. Scribe unknown.
Origin: Place of origin unknown. The earliest entry by a reader on folio 112a dates to 1139 AH; 1726/1727 CE, suggesting that the main text of the manuscript (which ends on that folio) was completed by that year.
Provenance and Acquisition
The collections of George Sale, d. 1736.
Acquired by Thomas Hunt in 1760.
The Radcliffe Library.
Acquired by the Bodleian Library in 1872.
Record Sources
Manuscript description based on: Beeston, A. F. L. (Alfred Felix Landon); Ethé, Hermann, 1844-1917.; Sachau, Eduard, 1845-1930; Catalogue of the Persian, Turkish, Hindûstânî, and Pushtû manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford; at the Clarendon Press 1889-1953
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