Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

MS. Ind. Inst. Turk. 3 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)

Oriental Manuscripts

Shaw Collection


Summary of Contents: One copy of a hagiography of the Khojas of Kashgaria by محمد صادق کاشغری Muḥammad Ṣādiq Kāšġarī, most commonly known as تذکرهٔ عزیزان Taz̲kira-yi ʻazīzān, followed by a single half page (folio 124a) of miscellaneous notes in a later hand. Additionally, the recto of a loose leaf designated folio 10A by a modern foliator contains unidentified fragments in Chaghatay and Persian. Front and back paste-downs consist of 4 leaves of unidentified Chaghatay prose taken from an unknown source.
folios 1a-123b
Incipit: ... فلک ٭ یراتیب بار اشیا پیمادین سمک قاتیب مشت تغراقغه بادنی ٭ ... (folio 2b)
Explicit: کیل ای صادق تمام ایت بو سوزونکنی ٭ کتور قالغان سوزونکا هم یوزونکنی (folio 123b)
Language(s): Late Eastern Chaghatay, sometimes known as "Eastern Turki", showing some influence from the spoken language in its evolution to Modern Uyghur.
Filiation: For other witnesses to the same work, see Oxford Bodleian Libraries MS. Turk. d 20 (complete) and MS. Ind. Inst. Turk. 10 (partial).


Kut, Günay. Supplementary catalogue of Turkish manuscripts in the Bodleian Library with reprint of the 1930 catalogue by H. Ethé. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2003. p. 87 § 127
folio 124a
Author: anonymous
Language(s): Chaghatay


Kut, Günay. Supplementary catalogue of Turkish manuscripts in the Bodleian Library with reprint of the 1930 catalogue by H. Ethé. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2003. p. 87 § 127
folio 10A (separate folio)
Author: anonymous
Language(s): Chaghatay


Kut, Günay. Supplementary catalogue of Turkish manuscripts in the Bodleian Library with reprint of the 1930 catalogue by H. Ethé. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2003. p. 87 § 127
(front and back paste-downs)
Author: anonymous
Language(s): Chaghatay


Kut, Günay. Supplementary catalogue of Turkish manuscripts in the Bodleian Library with reprint of the 1930 catalogue by H. Ethé. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2003. p. 87 § 127

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: ff. 124
Dimensions (leaf): 35 × 23.3 cm.


Single column of 19 lines per page.


Script: Nasta‘līq in black ink. Scribe(s) unknown, but has left some remarks on folio 1a.

Additions: Notes in Chaghatay and English on folio 1a.


Origin: Place and date of origin unknown, but likely 19th c. AD Kashgar.

Provenance and Acquisition

From the collection of Shaw, Robert, 1839-1879.

Given to the Library by a certain "Gen. Younghusband" in 1880, probably Major General John William Younghusband, brother-in-law to explorer Shaw, Robert, 1839-1879. (Explorer Younghusband, Francis Edward, Sir, 1863-1942, John William's son, was never a General, and in any case was too young to have donated this manuscript to the library, having only been born in 1863.)

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on: Kut, Günay. Supplementary catalogue of Turkish manuscripts in the Bodleian Library with reprint of the 1930 catalogue by H. Ethé. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2003.


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions). Contact specialcollections.enquiries@bodleian.ox.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile) -- Digitised with funding from the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Division, Widener Library at Harvard University

Funding of Cataloguing


the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Division, Widener Library at Harvard University


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