MS. Ind. Inst. Turk. 18 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
Oriental Manuscripts
Shaw Collection
Physical Description
Single column of 11-13 lines per page for most pages on folios 1a-35b.
Single column of 7 highly irregular lines on folio 36b.
Single column of 9 highly irregular lines on separate leaf.
Script: Naskh in black ink with purple ink for some proper names and section headings. Scribe(s)unknown, but the scribes of the separate leaf and the excerpts from کتاب المخلاة Kitāb al-Mikhlāh on folio 36b may be the same, given the similarity in both hand and subject matter.
Provenance and Acquisition
From the collection of Shaw, Robert, 1839-1879.
Given to the Library by a certain "Gen. Younghusband" in December 1880, probably Major General John William Younghusband, brother-in-law to explorer Shaw, Robert, 1839-1879. (Explorer Younghusband, Francis Edward, Sir, 1863-1942, John William's son, was never a General, and in any case was too young to have donated this manuscript to the library, having only been born in 1863.)
Record Sources
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