Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

MS. Ind. Inst. Turk. 18 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)

Oriental Manuscripts

Shaw Collection


Summary of Contents: Contains one larger yet incomplete work, one page of excerpts, and one separate leaf of notes. The main text is a Chaghatay copy of the fictional story of two lovers, همراه Hamrāh (sometimes known as همراه‌جان Hamrāh-jān) and حورلقا Ḥūr-liqā, a popular subject for literature and theatre in late 19th and early 20th c. Eastern Turkistan. Missing part of the story at the end. There is also a one-page excerpt in poor Arabic based on شیخ بهاٸي Shaykh Bahā'ī's کتاب المخلاة Kitāb al-Mikhlāh on traditional medicine and alimentation. Contains many misspellings and misquotations; likely written from memory.. Also contains one loose leaf in Chaghatay on the same type of paper listing a number of spices, seeds, and vegetables for cooking and traditional medicine.
folios 1a-35b
Language(s): Late Eastern Chaghatay, sometimes referred to as "Eastern Turki", showing some characteristics of the transition of the language to modern Uyghur.


Kut, Günay. Supplementary catalogue of Turkish manuscripts in the Bodleian Library with reprint of the 1930 catalogue by H. Ethé. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2003. p. 158 § 223
folio 36b
Language(s): Poorly written Arabic.


Kut, Günay. Supplementary catalogue of Turkish manuscripts in the Bodleian Library with reprint of the 1930 catalogue by H. Ethé. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2003. p. 158 § 223
separate leaf
Author: anonymous
Language(s): Late Eastern Chaghatay, sometimes referred to as "Eastern Turki", showing some characteristics of the transition of the language to modern Uyghur.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Mulberry paper, possibly Khotanese in origin. Some leaves are pasted together from smaller bits to form folios of uniform size.
Extent: ff. 38
Dimensions (leaf): 19.8 × 12.8 cm.


Single column of 11-13 lines per page for most pages on folios 1a-35b.

Single column of 7 highly irregular lines on folio 36b.

Single column of 9 highly irregular lines on separate leaf.


Script: Naskh in black ink with purple ink for some proper names and section headings. Scribe(s)unknown, but the scribes of the separate leaf and the excerpts from کتاب المخلاة Kitāb al-Mikhlāh on folio 36b may be the same, given the similarity in both hand and subject matter.


Origin: Date and place of origin unknown, but probably Kashgaria; 19th or early 20th centuries CE.

Provenance and Acquisition

From the collection of Shaw, Robert, 1839-1879.

Given to the Library by a certain "Gen. Younghusband" in December 1880, probably Major General John William Younghusband, brother-in-law to explorer Shaw, Robert, 1839-1879. (Explorer Younghusband, Francis Edward, Sir, 1863-1942, John William's son, was never a General, and in any case was too young to have donated this manuscript to the library, having only been born in 1863.)

Record Sources

Kut, Günay. Supplementary catalogue of Turkish manuscripts in the Bodleian Library with reprint of the 1930 catalogue by H. Ethé. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2003.


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