MS. Laud Or. 147 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
Oriental Manuscripts
Laud Collection
One copy of the second volume of an anonymous book of tales.
This may be a translation of an earlier Arabic work, but note that it is different in content to the Arabic tales by Muḥammad ibn ‘Umar al-Ḥalabī محمد بن عمر الحلبی, as well as other works on ethics with the same title.
Physical Description
Single column of 15 lines per page.
Nesta‘līḳ in black ink with red ink for section headings in most of the manuscript.
Nesḫ in black ink with red ink for section headings on folios 136a-165b.
Scribes unknown, but likely two separate hands.
Provenance and Acquisition
The Library of Archbishop William Laud, d. 1645.
Donated to the Bodleian Library by Archbishop William Laud, 1635-41.
Record Sources
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