Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Delhi Persian 1182 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

India Office Library

A volume containing different works


Summary of Contents: 16 works by 3 authors on the subjects of Persian poetry, Qasidas, Sufism Doctrines Early works to 1800, Persian poetry 747-1500, Poetry Collections, Sufism, Sufi poetry, Shahada, Koranic recitations, Amulets, Magic, and Koran
1. ff. 1v-3r
Author: Unknown

A brief dissertation dealing with the nature of God and the significance of the terms ‘separation’ and ‘unity’

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
2. ff. 3r-8v

Extracts from the Anfās qudsīyah of Muḥammad Pārsā al-Bukhārī, d. 822/1420, محمد پارسا البخاری

A guide to novices on the Ṣūfī path and a book of counsel to initiates, originally compiled out of the sayings of Khvājah Baha’ al-Dīn Naqshband

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
3. ff. 8v-29v
Title: لوائح

The well known Ṣūfī miscellany of Jāmī

Filiation: Other copies in the India Office Library: Delhi Persian 1083b (British Library).
Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
5. ff. 30v-81r

The commentary Jāmī

Filiation: Other copies in the India Office Library: Delhi Persian 1068a (British Library).
Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
6. ff. 81r-102r

A commentary in Persian on the Qaṣīdah al-tāʼīyat ( قصيدة التائية of ʻUmar ibn al-Fārid

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
9. ff. 105v-110r
Title: Untitled

An essay sets out to elucidate some of the problems attaching to the concept of ‘unity’ raised in the Rubāʻīyāt and other parts of the work of Abū Saʻīd ibn Abī al-Khayr, 967-1049, ابو سعيد ابو الخير

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
10. ff. 110v-147v
Filiation: Other copies in the India Office Library: Delhi Persian 1054k (British Library).
Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
11. ff. 146r-147v
Author: Unknown
Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
12. ff. 150v-155v
Title: Nai nāmah

A commentary in mixed prose and verse on the famous opening lines of the Mas̲navī-i maʻnavī ( مثنوى معنوى ) of Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, Maulana, 1207-1273, جلال الدين رومی، مولانا

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
13. ff. 156r-158v
Title: Untitled

A commentary upon the ḥadīs̲ reported by Abū Razīn al-ʼĀqailī oncerning the place of God's presence before the creation of the universe

The answer supplied to the problem is given in terms of Ṣūfī allegory

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
14. ff. 157v-160r

A Ṣūfī commentary in prose and verse on a bayt attributed to Amīr Khusraw Dihlavī, امير حسرو دهلوى

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
15. ff. 160r-160v
Title: Untitled

An essay, in prose and verse, containing an allegorical interpretation of the letters of the Muslim credo "لا إله إلا الله"

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
16. ff. 160v-164v
Title: Untitled
Filiation: Other copies in the India Office Library: Delhi Persian 1177c (British Library)., Delhi Persian 1179c (British Library)., Delhi Persian 1180g (British Library).
Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
18. ff. 167r-173r
Author: Unknown
Title: Untitled

A work on the talismanic virtues of the different sūrahs of the Qurʼān , as related by the Imām Jaʻfar al-Ïādiq

This work is dated Zuʼl-Q 1016

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
19. ff. 173
Author: Unknown

A list of seventeen benefits resulting from the reading of Sūrah 12, followed by a tradition relating to the same subject

This work is dated circa middle of Zuʼl-Q 1016, the date of Delhi Persian 1182f (British Library). (f 101v)

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
20. ff. 173v-175v
Author: Unknown
Title: Untitled

On the talismanic virtues of certain Qurʼānic and other phrases and passages

This work is dated circa middle of Zuʼl-Q 1016, the date of Delhi Persian 1182f (British Library). (f 101v)

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 228 ff
Dimensions (leaf): 19.5 × 12.5 in.


Some works in Taʻlīq nd others in nastaʻliq

Work 1, 18, 19 and 20 copied by Khvājagī al-Ḥājī, خواحگی الحاجی


diagram on f 175r


European 20th century binding, with plain red leather


Origin: 17th century CE

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on Arberry, Levy and Storey: Catalogue of the Persian manuscripts in the Library of the India Office. Vol. 3. (Unpublished)


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