Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Delhi Persian 34 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

India Office Library

A volume containing different works


Summary of Contents: 8 works by 5 authors on the subjects of Koran, Koran Recitation, Quotations, and Caliphs
1. ff. 1-22v
Author: Unknown

A work on the pronunciation of the Qurʼān. The authorʼs name is not mentioned, but the date of composition is given in the colophon as the 5 Rab I 1257

written for Muḥammad Karīm Allāh

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
2. ff. 23v-31rv

A well known poetical treatise on the pronunciation of the Qurʼān

Finished on Ramaz̤ān 1236

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
3. ff. 32v-39v

A work on the pronunciation of the Qurʼān, composed in the time of the Emperor Awrangzīb (1068-1118/1658-1707)

Filiation: Other copies in the India Office Library: Delhi Persian 34e (British Library).
Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
4. ff. 40r-45v
Author: Unknown
Title: Untitled

A work on the pronunciation of the Qurʼān

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
5. ff. 45v-50v

A work on the pronunciation of the Qurʼān

Filiation: Other copies in the India Office Library: Delhi Persian 34c (British Library).
Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
7. f. 51v-54r
Author: Unknown

A metrical work on the pronunciation of the Qurʼān in fifty-six verses composed in 1099

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .
8. f. 55
Title: Untitled

A metrical list in twenty three verses of the sūrahs of the Qurʼān

Language(s): Persian


For a more detailed description see Persian III, .

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 58 ff
Dimensions (leaf): 29.5 × 17.5 in.


Fairly legible nastaʻlīq and naskh

Copyist for work 3, apparently Muḥammad Karīm Allāh



19th century marbled board binding with leather border


Origin: after 1841 CE

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on Arberry, Levy and Storey: Catalogue of the Persian manuscripts in the Library of the India Office. Vol. 3. (Unpublished)


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Funding of Cataloguing



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