IO Islamic 4740 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
1 copy of Aḥvāl-i Muḥammad Shāh pādshāh-i vālājah-ʼi Hind by Unknown
A brief account of Nādir Shāh ’s defeat of the Mughal forces at Karnāl in 1739
Language(s): Persian
For a more detailed description see Sims-Williams 1986, page 16.
Physical Description
Form: codex
Extent: 1Dr-5v ff
Dimensions (leaf): 23 × 13 cm.
Seal dated seal dated 1192
Origin: seal dated 1192 AH
Record Sources
Manuscript description based on U. Sims-Williams: Handlist of Islamic manuscripts acquired by the India Office Library 1938-85. London, 1986
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