Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Islamic Arabic 706 (Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham)



1 copy of Ḥāshīyah

Commentary on ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿUmar Bayḍāwī's commentary.

The colophon (fol. 110v) states that the MS was written by Aḥmad al-Anyawī (?) احمد الانيوي , dated 806. An author of that name is apparantly unkown.

Contains sūrah 78 (al-nabāʾ سورة النبأ‎ ) to the end.

Incipit: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم رب تمم الخير سورة النبأ و التاول و المعثرات مكية بالاتفاق قوله
Explicit: قد وقع الفراغ عن كتابة هذه الحواشي على تفسير القاضي البيضاوي ... عن يد عبد الفقير الشيخ احمد الانيوي سنة 806

Language(s): Arabic


Printed catalogue no. 24

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 110 ff.
Dimensions (leaf): 20.0 × 14.0 cm.
Dimensions (written):
Foliation: Catchwords on each leaf, lower left verso
Foliation: Modern foliation in pencil, upper left recto.


Good condition. Spine repaired.



Written in Naskhi bordering on Taʿlīq of probably the 18th century. Red borderlines; words commented upon partly in red.


Words commented upon partly in red.

Red framing lines.

  • Marginalia Some glosses in the margins.


Brown leather binding with fore-edge flap, envelope flap and a central blind-tooled almond-shaped medallion on front and back cover. Ornament filled with flowers, doublures made of yellow paper. Spine repaired with light brown leather.


Origin: Undated, probably 18th century CE

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on H. L. Gottschalk et al.: Islamic Arabic Manuscripts. Catalogue of the Mingana Collection of Manuscripts. Vol. IV. Revised edition edited by Derek Hopwood. Birmingham: Selly Oak Colleges, 1985, with additional enhancements.


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Funding of Cataloguing

Cadbury Research Library


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