Or 14087 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Oriental Manuscripts
Summary of Contents: 2 works by Humāmī Iznīqī on the subjects of Persian poetry, Qasidas, and Turkish poetry 17th century
2. f 5r-6v
Compiler: Compiler Anonymous
Title: Abyāt
Title: أبىات
Selected verses from two ornate qaṣīdas in Persian
The first is that of Qivāmī, قوامی , who lived in the 6th century, bayts 30-44, 47-49, and 10
Title has been supplied by Waley 1998, page 39.
Language(s): Persian
For a more detailed description see Waley 1998, page 39.
3. f 7v-14v
Title: Qaṣīdah
Title: قصيده
A qaṣidah describing the poem as a nazira of Qivāmī, قوامی , who lived in the 6th century
Language(s): In Turkish with a preface in Persian
For a more detailed description see Waley 1998, page 43.
Physical Description
Form: codex
Extent: 15 ff
Dimensions (leaf): 21 × 14 cm.
Origin: 939 AH 10th or 11th century AH Ottoman Empire
Record Sources
Manuscript description based on M. I. Waley: Supplementary handlist of Persian manuscripts, 1966-1998. London, 1998
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