Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Persian MS 484 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)

Persian Manuscripts


Summary of Contents: the Manāqib-i Murtaz̤avī (ٍExploits of Murtaz̤ā) a panegyric account of the life and sayings of the Imam ‘Alī ibn abī Ṭālib, composed by Muhammad Salih Husain Tirmiz̲ī, known as Kashfī (d. 1650), a descendant of famed Sufi master Niʻmat Allāh Valī (ca. 1330–1431) and son of Mīr ‘Abdullah Tirmizī Mushkīn Qalam. Written mainly in a mixture of prose and verse, including lines quoted from other poets, it features a relatively lengthy preface followed by twelve bāb (chapters). The author extensively redacts works of prior writers and even incorporates pre-Islamic elements, such as a story on folio 288bof a man punished in hell for his sins by being repeatedly devoured and spat out by a bird then brought back to life again, clearly drawn from the Zoroastrian tradition.
Incipit: (beginning) برگ ۱پ (folio 1b): سبحان الله العلی العظیم خداوند اعطا کن نشاۀ ذوق که آغازم بنامت نامۀ سوق چنان ماه , ضمیرم کن منور.
Explicit: برگ ۲۹۱ر (folio 291a): ان شاه الله العزیز بعد از اختتام, اعجاز مصطفی کتابی جداگانه در مناقب اصحاب مستطاب رضی الله عنهم اجمعین که مکنون خاطر است بمقتضای الهی در خبر (کذا) تحریر آورده بر صحیفه ظهور جلوه گر خواهد گردانید...ختم شد این نامه در قرب سه سال.
Colophon: No colophon.

For a hagiography of the author's father, see an untitled treatise appended to Persian MS 94, folios 145b-188a. The author previously completed another well-known Sufi poem, entitledMajmu‘ah-yi Rāz (Secret Collections) in 1030 AH (1621 CE). At the end, the author explains that it took him three years to compose this work, after which he intended to author another similar style of an account of the life of the Prophet Muḥammad; however, he did not live to accomplish that task.

Language(s): Persian
Title: الجزء الاول من المناقب المرتضویه
Title: Bāb 1
Title: در بیان آیات با برکات قرآنی که در شان امیرالمؤمنین ... علی بن ابی طالب کرم الله وجهه نازل شده
Title: Bāb 2
Title: در بیان احادیث که سیدالمرسلین صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم در مناقب امیرالمونین کرم الله وجهه فرموده
Title: Bāb 3
Title: در بیان بعضی از فضائل ... امیرالمومنین
Title: Bāb 4
Title: در بیان عقد نکاح سلطان الاولیا علی مرتضی با سید النسا فاطمه الزهرا
Title: Bāb 5
Title: در بیان علم کشف امیرالمومنین
Title: Bāb 6
Title: دربیان خوارق کرامات ... امیرالمومنین
Title: Bāb 7
Title: در بیان زهد و ورع امیرالمومنین علی
Title: Bāb 8
Title: در بیان سخاوت امیرالمومنین
Title: Bāb 9
Title: در بیان شجاعت و قوت اسداللاه الغالب امیرالمعمنین
Title: Bāb 10
Title: در بیان فراست و کیاست امیرالمومنین
Title: Bāb 11
Title: در بیان انتقال امیرالمونین ... از عالم فنا بعالم بقا و یمن حصول شهادت و واصا شدن بذات خداوند

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Textblock of cross-grained, ivory-coloured paper probably handmade in the Indian subcontinent with ~8 laid lines per cm and no discernible chain lines.
Extent: 291 folios, 4 flyleaves (ff. ii + 291 + ii).
Dimensions (leaf): 264 × 156 mm.
Dimensions (written):
Foliation: Unfoliated.


Undetermined. Catchwords throughout most of the lower-left corners of the b sides, albeit sometimes incorporated within the text.


Handle text with caution. In fair condition with insect damaged areas and historical repairs.


Written in 1 colume with 17 to 19 lines to the page. Ruled with a misṭarah hand guide.


Black ink, rubrics in red; various inconsistent hands, from coarse Indian handwriting approaching a mixture of nasta‘līq and shikastah to relatively refined shikastah.


Unfinished Headers: Blank spaces on folios 27b to 84b intended for headings left unfilled.

Additions: Table of Contents: Folio 16a lists the contents of the volume.
Marginalia Occasional notes in various hands in the margins.
Inscriptions: The first right flyleaf a side (f. ia) bears the title and author's name, likely written in the hand of :
‘مناقب مرتضوی تالیف محمد صالح حسین ترمذی در فضایل علی بن ابی صالب ۴ الخ.’ Bookplates: The left pastedown: ‘Bibliotheca Lindesiana’ with pencilled shelfmark ‘’, and ‘Hamilton MSS No. 401’.


× × mm.

Seal impressions on folios 1b and 291b:

A rectangular, black seal impression intaglio-carved in three stacked lines of nasta‘līq with the name of royal physician to the Kings of Awadh, ‘Alī Ḥasan Khān Bahādur Masīh al-Dawlah Hakīm Mīrzā, dated 1216 AH (1801–02 CE) (also impressed in Persian MS 646).

‘ شاه علی حسن خان
مسیح الدوله حکیم میرزا
۱۲۱۶ ’

(Masīḥ al-Dawlah Ḥakīm Mīrzā Shāh ‘Alī Ḥasan Khān Bahādur, 1216).

26 × 14 mm.


Origin: Probably completed in the Indian subcontinent; undated, but probably 18th century.

Provenance and Acquisition

Formerly owned by royal physician to the Kings of Awadh, ‘Alī Ḥasan Khān Bahādur Masīh al-Dawlah Hakīm Mīrzā, as per his seal impressions dated 1216 AH (1801–02 CE) on folios 1b and and 291b.

Subsequently acquired by Colonel George William Hamilton (1807-1868) who served in India from 1823 to 1867, latterly as Commissioner in Delhi. He acquired over a thousand Indian and Persian manuscripts, from which the British Museum selected 352, now held in the British Library.

Alexander Lindsay, 25th Earl of Crawford (1812–1880) purchased the remainder of Hamilton's collection in 1868.

Purchased by Enriqueta Rylands (1843–1908) in 1901 from James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford (1847–1913).

Bequeathed by Enriqueta Rylands (1843–1908) in 1908 to the John Rylands Library.

Record Sources

Bibliographical description based on an index created by Reza Navabpour circa 1993, derived from a manuscript catalogue by Michael Kerney, circa 1890s, concisely published as Bibliotheca Lindesiana, Hand-list of Oriental Manuscripts: Arabic, Persian, Turkish, 1898.

Manuscript description by Jake Benson in 2022 with reference to the volume in hand.


To book an in-person or online appointment to consult the manuscript, visit Using the Special Collections Reading Rooms. For any other enquiries please email uml.special-collections@manchester.ac.uk.


    For lithographed editions in Bombay dated 1269 and 1321 AH, and Tehran, 1273 AH see Mushar, pp. 3130-31.

Funding of Cataloguing

Iran Heritage Foundation

The John Rylands Research Institute


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