Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Wadh.Minasian 239 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)

Oriental Manuscripts Minasian Collection


Summary of Contents: This work contains an introduction, two articles, and a conclusion. ʿAllāmah Ḥillī authored this work upon a request from his son. He has been busy writing this book in Dinavar and Gorgan in 709 AH/1310 and 712 AH/1313. The author has mentioned at the beginning of his work that there are a thousand reasons provided in the book to confirm the Imamah of Imam ʿAlī, a thousand reasons to refute the doubts cast by the opponents over Imamah, and sufficient reasons to prove the Imamah of the other Shiite Imams. However, once the book is reviewed, the topics discussed therein appear to be mainly trying to prove the concept of Imamah in the Shia faith.
Language(s): Arabic

Kalām (Islamic Scholastic Theology)

Incipit: بسمله، حمدله، [امّا بعد] فان اضعف عبادالله تعالی الحسن بن یوسف المطهر یقول اجبت سئوال ولدی العزیز محمد… کما هو بر بوالدیه و زرقه اسباب السعادات الدنیویه و الاخرویه… من املاء هذا الکتاب الموسوم بکتاب الالفین الفارق بین الصدق و المین فاوردت فیه من الادله الیقینیه و البراهین العقلیه و النقلیه الف دلیل علی امامه سید الوصیین علی بن ابی طالب امیر المومنین علیه السلام…
Explicit: … قوله تعالی للذین احسنو الحسنی الایه کل امام داع الی ذلک بالضروره و لا شیئی من غیر المعصوم بداع الی ذلک بالامکان فلا شیئی من الامام بغیر معصوم والسلام سبحان ربک رب العزه عما یصفون و سلام علی المرسلین و الحمد لله رب العالمین تم بعون الله تعالی.
Colophon: لقد تم من تسویده ثلاثه عشر من جمید الثانی یوم السبت فی سنه احدی عشرین بعد الف من الهجره…


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 80

Similar copies in other libraries:

  • MAL, 1/57
  • AQR, 4/31; 282
  • UTL, 1/455
  • SEP, 3/183
  • MAJ, 5/4

Similar manuscripts listed in other catalogues:

  • ALZ, 2/298-299
  • ARP, 83
  • DEN, 2/126

Printed editions:

  • Tehran, 1296, 1298, 1360 AH
  • Tabriz, 1298 AH
  • Najaf, 1372 AH
  • Beirut, 1402 AH/1982

On the Web:

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Oriental paper, natural buff, varying thickness (thin, regular and thick), one size, glossy. ⟨Edge mending carried out on initial folios.⟩
Extent: 159 ff.
Dimensions (leaf): 25 × 12.5 cm.
Dimensions (written): 18 × 8 cm.


23 lines per page.


Cursive Nastaʿalīq, several hands, regular hand. Titles are unwritten. The script on the first 20 folios is older. Anonymous


Rubricated titles.

Additions: Note on f. 1a: دخل فی ملکی… و انا علی بن محمد الثقفی . Price note on f. 1a. Stamp on the first folio: علی بن محمد . Stamp on the last folio: علی بن محمد . Ownership stamp on the last folio is eleminated.


Bright brown leather, 13.5 × 26 cm, front + back cover, leather + pasteboard.

Simple tooling (medallion and two half-medallion).


Back bone mending by leather.


Origin: 13 Jumada al-Thani 1021 AH; 1613 CE ; Unknown place of origin

Provenance and Acquisition

Donated to The Ferdowsi Library by Dr Caro Minasian in 1972.

Record Sources

This record was created by Dr Mohammad Emami based on the information published in the Persian catalogue by Dr Ali Mir-Ansari (Catalogue of the Persian and Arabic Manuscripts in the Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford (Minasian Collection), Tehran: Miras-e Maktoob, 2016).


Entry to the Library is permitted upon presentation of a valid university ID card (for admissions procedures, please visit Wadham College Library, Persian Studies Section). Please Contact persian.library@wadham.ox.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript.

Key to bibliographical abbreviations of alternative versions:


AQR: Central Library of Astan Quds Razavi; FAW: Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford (Minasian Collection); GIE: Great Islamic Encyclopedia Library, Manuscripts; GIP: Great Islamic Encyclopedia Library, Photographed and Microfilmed Manuscripts; GUL: Library of Ayatollah Gulpayigani; MAJ: Library, Museum and Documentation Center of the Islamic Consultative Assembly; MAL: Malek National Museum and Library; MNL: Mar'ashi Najafi Library; NLI: National Library of Iran; SEP: Sepahsalar (Shahid Motahari) Mosque and School of Tehran; TCL: Tabriz Central Public Library; UTL: Central Library of University of Tehran;


ALZ: الذریعه; ARP: فهرست کتاب‌های چاپی عربی; COM: فهرست مشترک نسخه‌های خطی فارسی; DEN: فهرستواره دست‌نوشته‌های ایران (دنا); FAM: فهرست نسخه‌های خطی فارسی; FAP: فهرست کتاب‌های چاپی فارسی; FIH: فهرستواره کتاب‌های فارسی; KAS: کشف الظنون عن اسامی الکتب و الفنون; RAY: ریحانة الادب فی تراجمِ المعروفین بالکنیة او اللّقب; TAB: طبقات اعلام الشیعه.

Funding of Cataloguing

Wadham College (University of Oxford)



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