Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Wadh.Minasian 325 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)

Oriental Manuscripts Minasian Collection

Collection 39

A collection of 8 books on different subjects

Physical Description

Extent: 148 ff.


Black leather, 12 × 18 cm, front + back cover, single layer of leather only


Provenance and Acquisition

Donated to The Ferdowsi Library by Dr Caro Minasian in 1972.

1) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 188


Summary of Contents: This is a well-known text on the morphology of Arabic language, known also as "Sharḥ-i Taṣrīf", "al-ʿIzzá fī al-Taṣrīf" and "al-Taṣrīf al-ʿIzzá". The work has received attention and respect from scholars and scientists throughout centuries, and has been used as a textbook for the students of Islamic sciences. Several commentaries, appendices, and translations have been written for or about this work. There would be few, if any, libraries in the world which lack a copy of "al-Taṣrīf" or "Sharḥ-i Taṣrīf" of Zanjānī.
ff. 1b-35b

Arabic language--Morphology

Language(s): Arabic
Incipit: بسمله، حمد له، اعلم ان التصریف فی اللغه التغییر و فی الصناعة تحویل الاصل الواحد الی امثلة مختلفة لمعان مقصودة لا تحصل الا بها…‏
Explicit: ‏… من الفعل کقول حسن الطعمة و الجلسة و الرکبة.‏
Colophon: تمت بالخیر فی سنة الف و مائتان و ست و خمسون بعد الهجرة النبویه المصطفویه سنة ۱۲۵۶.‏


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 188

Similar Copies in Other Libraries:

  • MAL 1/139-140
  • NLI 12/21
  • UTL 17/463

Similar Copies listed in Other Catalogues:

  • ALZ 12/47
  • DEN 3/7

Printed editions:

  • Tehran, 1343 AH/1925

On the Web:

Physical Description

Support: Blue, mixed thickness (regular, thick), glossy
Dimensions (leaf): 17 × 11 cm.
Dimensions (written): 10 × 6 cm.


ff. 1b-35b


8 lines per page


Graceful Naskh, large hand, one hand Mīrzā Muḥammad ibn Mīrzā Iskandar میرزا محمد بن میرزا اسکندر The scribe's name is given in the second work within the same manuscript which is written with the same handwriting.

Additions: Miscellaneous notes on end leaves 1 and 2.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 1256 AH; 1840 CE

2) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 620


Summary of Contents: In the Minasian collection, there are a number of manuscripts under the generic title of [Ṣarf va Naḥv]. The subject of all of these copies is the grammar of Arabic language, but their titles and authors are unknown due to various reasons, including the missing of their opening or ending folios.
ff. 37b-51a
Language(s): Persian

Arabic language--Grammar

Incipit: بسمله، حمدله، بدان که اسدک الله تعالی فی دارین که جمله…
Explicit: … بالف قلب کردند مران شد التقاء ساکنین شد میان یا و نون تنوین یا را حذف کردند مرا شد.


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 620

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), blue, mixed thickness (regular, thick)
Dimensions (leaf): 17 × 11 cm.
Dimensions (written): 12.5 × 7 cm.


ff. 37b-51a


12 lines per page

Additions: Explanatory notes in marginalia.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 1256 AH; 1840 CE

3) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 559


A treatise.

ff. 52b-73a
Language(s): Arabic

Arabic language--Syntax

Author: Unknown.
Incipit: بسمله نحمدک یا علیم علیما الهمتنا علیه من الطریق المستقیم و نشکرک یا کریم… و بعد قال المؤلف رحمة‌الله علیه و رضی عنه العوامل جمع العامل و العوامل ما یرفع او ینصب…‏
Explicit: فهذا الذی ذکرناه علی فهم المبتدی فاطلب المام فی جامع الکلام والله تعالی هم و الملک العلام و الصلوه و السلام علی سید الانام محمد علیه التحیه و السلام.‏
Colophon: تمه الکتاب… فی سادس عشر شهر ذیقعده الحرام بجهه فرزند گرام میرزا محمد ولد میرزا ابوالقاسم بن میرزا عبدالرضا قزوینی تحریر یافته شد سنه ۱۲۵۱.‏


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 559

Similar Copies in Other Libraries:

  • MAJ 34/20, 42/58

On the Web:

Physical Description

Support: Blue, mixed thickness (regular, thick), one size
Dimensions (leaf): 17 × 11 cm.
Dimensions (written): 11 × 6 cm.


ff. 52b-73a


13 lines per page


Graceful Naskh, regular hand, one hand


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 1251 AH; 1836 CE

4) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 142


Summary of Contents: This is a brief treatise on the rules of Arabic orthoepy (Tajweed), compiled in several chapters.
ff. 74b-108b
Language(s): Persian

Arabic orthoepy (Tajweed)

Incipit: بسمله، حمدله، صلوه، امّا بعد یقول اقلّ خلق الله… ابن حاجی محمد طاهر محمد زمان تبریزی… بفرمایش یکی از صاحبان صادق… چند کلمهٔ در علم تجوید… که دانستن آن بر کافّهٔ اهل ایمان لازم است… بقلم آورده که مبتدی را تبصره و منتهی را تذکره حاصل شود… فصل بدانکه عمدهٔ ارکان ایمان نمازست که الصلوه عمود الدین…‏
Explicit: … و در یازده سوره تهلیل را علاوه بر تکبیر کرده‌اند و آن یازده سوره این است زلزله… ناس و بعضی تحمید را اضافه نموده‌اند باین نحو ادا نمایند الله اکبر… و لله الحمد.‏
Colophon: تمت الکتاب التجوید بجهه فرزندی امر میرزا محمد بن ابوالقاسم بن عبدالرضا بن میرزا کاظم قزوینی تحریر یافته شد. سنه ۱۲۵۵.‏


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 142

Similar Copies in Other Libraries:

  • MNL 15/255, 22/250

Similar Copies listed in Other Catalogues:

  • ALZ 3/367
  • DEN 2/828
  • FAP 1/1191

On the Web:

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), blue, mixed thickness (regular, thick), one size
Dimensions (leaf): 17 × 11 cm.
Dimensions (written): 12 × 6 cm.


ff. 74b-108b


11 lines per page


Calligraphic Naskh, fairly large hand, one hand Ordered by Mīrzā Muḥammad Qazvīnī.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 1255 AH; 1840 CE

5) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 609


Summary of Contents: This is a treatise on the questions around ritual purity (Ṭahārah) and prayer (Ṣalāh) in Islam, extracted by the author from "Maṣābīḥ al-Qulūb" of Mīr Muḥammad Ḥusayn Iṣfahanī.
ff. 110b-125a
Language(s): Persian

Islamic jurisprudence and rituals

Incipit: بسمله، حمدله، چنین گوید محمد ابراهیم ابن محمد علی اصفهانی که این رساله‌ایست در بیان بعضی از مسائل اصول و فروع و آنرا مسمی نمودیم بصراط المستقیم و بدانکه آنچه در این رساله نوشته‌ام از مسائل طهارت و صلاة از مصابیح القلوب مولانا حاج میر محمد حسین اصفهانی بیرون آورده‌ام…‏
Explicit: ‏… بعد از آن سر بر می‌دارد و مینشیند و بار دیگر… باین طریق که اشهد ان لا اله… رحمة الله و برکاته.‏

There is no sign of this work in any of the available catalogues. It appears to be unique.


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 609

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (plain and watermark), blue, mixed thickness (regular, thick)
Dimensions (leaf): 17 × 11 cm.
Dimensions (written): 10 × 6 cm.


ff. 110b-125a


15 lines per page


Shikastah Nastaʿalīq, regular hand, one hand


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 13th century AH; 19th Century CE

6) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 32


Summary of Contents: In Minasian collection, there are 19 manuscripts under the generic title of Adʿīyah [Prayers]. The reason is that their individual titles have remained unknown for different reasons, including defective incipits and explicits.
ff. 126b-133b
Language(s): Persian


Incipit: الهی و سیدی و مولایی ببرکت و عظمت تو و جلال تو…‏
Explicit: ‏… یا حسین مشکلی دار از برای خدا / یا حسین مشکل مرا بگشا


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 32

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), blue, thick, one size
Dimensions (leaf): 17 × 11 cm.
Dimensions (written): 12.5 × 6.5 cm.


ff. 126b-133b


12 lines per page


Naskh, regular hand, one hand


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 13th century AH; 19th Century CE

7) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 339


Summary of Contents: This is a brief treatise on some various medical topics, including nutrition.
ff. 134b-142a
Language(s): Persian


Incipit: بسمله، حکمت از گفتار جالینوس و جاماسب میباشد. اما باید آدم از چهار چیز نکند اول از بسیار خوردن دویم از…
Explicit: … بعد دانهٔ فلفل پنج دانه صبح و پنج دانه عصر.


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 339

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), blue, mixed thickness (regular, thick), one size
Dimensions (leaf): 17 × 11 cm.
Dimensions (written): 12 × 6.5 cm.


ff. 134b-142a


12 lines per page


Shikastah Nastaʿalīq, regular hand, one hand


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 13th century AH; 19th Century CE

8) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 895


Summary of Contents: This is a versified liturgy composed on the basis of Shiite thoughts. This liturgy has about one hundred and twenty couplets and is attributed to Ghazālī Mashhadī.
ff. 143b-148b
Language(s): Persian


Incipit: بسمله، خدایا بزرگی سزاوار تست/که لوح و قلم نقش پرگار تست…‏
Explicit: ‏… هزاران درود و هزاران سلام/ز ما بر محمد علیه‌السلام.‏
Colophon: بجهه نورچشمی میرزا محمد ابن میرزا اسکندر تحریر شد سنه ۱۲۵۶.‏


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 895

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), blue, mixed thickness (regular, thick), glossy
Dimensions (leaf): 17 × 11 cm.
Dimensions (written): 10 × 6 cm.


ff. 143b-148b


12 lines per page


Shikastah Nastaʿalīq, regular hand, one hand


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 1256 AH; 1840 CE

Additional Information

Record Sources

This record was created by Dr Mohammad Emami based on the information published in the Persian catalogue by Dr Ali Mir-Ansari (Catalogue of the Persian and Arabic Manuscripts in the Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford (Minasian Collection), Tehran: Miras-e Maktoob, 2016).


Entry to the Library is permitted upon presentation of a valid university ID card (for admissions procedures, please visit Wadham College Library, Persian Studies Section). Please Contact persian.library@wadham.ox.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript.

Funding of Cataloguing

Wadham College (University of Oxford)

Key to Abbreviations

  • ALZ: (الذریعه)
  • DEN: (فهرستواره دست‌نوشته‌های ایران - دنا)
  • FAP: (فهرست کتاب‌های چاپی فارسی)
  • FAW: (Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford - Minasian Collection)
  • MAJ: (Library, Museum and Documentation Center of the Islamic Consultative Assembly)
  • MAL: (Malek National Museum and Library)
  • MNL: (Mar'ashi Najafi Library)
  • NLI: (National Library of Iran)
  • UTL: (Central Library of University of Tehran)


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