Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

ms. 381288 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)

Special Collections


Summary of Contents: 6 works by 3 authors on the subjects of Pushto poetry, Koran, Tafsir, and Pushto prose literature

The text is based on a Persian original, telling of the battles of the early Muslims against a legendary King Zaqqum of Iraq

Incipit: وار وي یار اي یارانو یو روڅ د مدینه په جمعت کښ رسول ناست و جبرایل د حق راغي پس دین داښ
Colophon: این کتاب ملا قیامدین اخن زاده نوشت است بروز سه شنبه بوقت ظهر هر کوهان کرده است

Language(s): Pashto
Title: Jangnāmah

A Pashto poem on the exploits of Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥanafīyah

Incipit: اول حمد پس ثنا درود پر مصطفی پس لدغه نرتر کورر د خبر د محمد حنیف دڅما ورور
Colophon: این کتاب جنگ نامه تمام شه یه

Language(s): Pashto
Incipit: عجبا للمحب لا يناموا قم قم يا حبيبي كم تناموا كل نوم علي المحب حس اموا قم قم يا حبيبي كم تناموا

Language(s): Arabic
Title: Munājāt

Pashto poetry

Incipit: بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم مناطق مطیع الله پیر خیل

Language(s): Pashto

Commentary on surah 93 of the Koran

Incipit: والضحي سوګند پچاتت باری ښ چهروشان د نمر پنورتس
Explicit: ای فقیره غلام محمد بوستان ...په امید ي زږ لفضل لدیدارګړه
Colophon: تمت تمام شد کار من نظام شه ا کتاب والضحي...ملا قیام الدین

Language(s): Pashto
Incipit: وادر یوارانو د قصه د فقیران هم حمت د عالانو صدرحمت شه یودبله منصور وه شور
Colophon: تمت تمام شه از دست ملا قیام دین اخن زاده پي شوري

Language(s): Pashto

Physical Description

Form: codex
23 f. 15 f. 2 f. 5 f. 48 f. 27 f.
Dimensions (leaf):
Dimensions (written):





Provenance and Acquisition



Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card for admissions procedures contact SOAS Archives and Special Collections Admissions. Contact docenquiry@soas.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript. Digital facsimile available at SOAS Digital Archive and Special Collections.

Funding of Cataloguing



  • Pushto poetry
  • Koran--Hermeneutics
  • Tafsir
  • Pushto prose literature


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