Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Or. 1011 (University Library, Cambridge University)

Oriental Manuscripts


1 copy of Ḥall Mushkilāt al-Ishārāt wa-al-Tanbīhāt by anonymous 11

Language(s): Arabic
f. 1r
Title: ownership statement
f. 1r
Title: نمط الاول
f. 34v
Title: نمط االثاني
f. 72v
Title: نمط االثالث
f. 98r
Title: نمط االرابع
f. 103r
Title: نمط االخامس
f. 114r
Title: نمط االسادس
f. 131v
Title: نمط االسابع
f. 142v
Title: نمط االثامن
f. 144r
Title: نمط االتاسع
f. 145v
Title: نمط االعاشر
f. 145v
Colophon: Colophon تم النمط العاشر والحمد لواهب الخير فى الاول والاخر | فى اواخر رمضان المعظم سنه ستين وسبعمايه | بمحروسه مصر


The description of the original catalogue has been revised by Adam Gacek no. 19

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: paper, of In various bright colours from Folio 101 onwards
Dimensions (leaf):
Dimensions (written):


21 lines to the page


A very early example of taʿlīq script

Additions: catchwords on every verso page


rebacked old full-leather Islamic binding with small central decoration (Mamlūk?)


Origin: Copied in Cairo dated end Ramadan 760 AH; 1359 CE in colophon م النمط العاشر والحمد لواهب الخير فى الاول والاخر | فى اواخر رمضان المعظم سنه ستين وسبعمايه | بمحروسه مصر f. 147 v

Record Sources

"Manuscript description based on. A. J. Arberry: A second supplementary hand-list of the Muhammadan manuscripts in the University and Colleges of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1952. ", abbreviated by the OCIMCO project team, with enhancements by Witkam, J. J. and Gacek, Adam.


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Funding of Cataloguing



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