Hypsicles, of Alexandria
- Role(s):
- Attributed name, Author, Bibliographic antecedent
- External links:
- Author of:
- Contributed to:
- Daʿāwā Iqlīdis — Bibliographic antecedent
- Elements — Attributed name
- Kitāb al-Maṭāliʻ — Bibliographic antecedent
- Taḥrīr uṣūl al-handasah li-Uqlīdīs — Bibliographic antecedent
- Manuscripts:
- MS. Arch. Seld. A. 45 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 435 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 608 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Pococke 369 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Thurston 11 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- RAS Arabic 33 (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
- ms. 44735 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)
The above references reflect only the current coverage of the online catalogue and may not be comprehensive.