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- Contents:
- 1 copy of al-Qurʼān
- Contents:
- 1 copy of al-Qurʼān
- Contents:
- 2 works by anonymous authors on the subject of Koran
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Jāmiʻ al-tawārīkh by Rashīd al-Dīn Ṭabīb, 1247?-1318
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Daʿāwā Iqlīdis by Euclid
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Muntakhab al-lughāt by ʻAbd al-Rashīd ibn ʻAbd al-Ghafūr Tattavī, fl. 1653
- Contents:
- 2 works by 2 authors on the subjects of Astronomy, Islamic astrology, and Islamic astronomy
- Contents:
- 5 works by 5 authors on the subjects of Islamic law, Natural religion, Islam, Sufism, and Arabic poetry
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Muntakhab al-lughāt by ʻAbd al-Rashīd ibn ʻAbd al-Ghafūr Tattavī, fl. 1653
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rishi-namah (?)
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Shigarf nāmah-ʼi vilāyah by I’tesamuddin, Mirza Sheikh, ca. 1730-ca. 1800
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Ḥukmnāmah-i Tipu Sultan by Tipu Sultan, Fath ʻAli, Nawab of Mysore, 1753-1799
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Inscriptions from Agra, the Taj Mahall, the Moti Masjid, the Diwan-i Khass and the Great Gun
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Kitab-i Haqiqat-i Chihrah-i Raudah-i Muqaddasah-i Mutahharah. (So at end) by Anon.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Kitāb-i intiẓām-i ḥayāt by Dodsley, Robert, 1704-1764
- Contents:
- 1 copy of A Pashto-Persian dictionary
- Contents:
- 1 copy of The Arabic sentences which occur in the Gulistan, with Persian translations by Anon.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Shajarat al-Muluk by 3 authors
- Contents:
- 2 works by anonymous authors on the subjects of Koran and Islam
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Sharḥ-i Būstān by Şemi Şemullah, Prizrenli, 16th cent.