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- Collection of poems and aphorisms by al-Jilyānī
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- The first volume of the literary-biographical work by Ibn Khāqān (an early copy)
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- A voluminous work on legal decisions
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- A prayer book by Ibn al-Jazarī, dated 791AH
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- Volume containing Juzʿ 4 of the Qurʾān (Sūrah 3:92-4:23). It is written in large golden letters, in a Maghribi or African hand,…
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- The first of fourteen large volumes of an illuminated Quʾranic manuscript with interlinear literal translations in Persian and…
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- The ninth of fourteen large volumes of an illuminated Quʿran manuscript with interlinear literal translations in Persian and…
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- This late 14th-century Kulliyāt (Collected Works) of Jalayirid-era panegyric poet Salmān Sāvajī (d. 1376) contains not only the…
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- This 14th-century volume of the Mas̲navī-i Ma‘navī (Spiritual Couplets) by Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī (1207–1273), contains all six…
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- Apocalypse of pseudo-Gregorius in Karshuni
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- Weekday offices
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- Bar Hebraeus , Lamp of the sanctuary
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- Theological treatises in Syriac and Hymns