- Role(s):
- Attributed name, Author, Bibliographic antecedent, Contributor
- External links:
- Author of:
- al-Aʿḍāʾ al-ālimah
- Collection of inshās
- Jawāmiʻ mā qāla Jālīnūs fī al-bawl
- Kitāb al-asābīgh
- Kitāb al-Bawl ∣ Galen
- Kitāb al-tashrīḥ li-Jālīnūs
- Kitāb ṭabīʻat al-insān
- Maqālāt Jālīnūs
- al-Nabḍ al-kabīr
- Tafsīr Jālīnūs li-kitāb Buqrāṭ fī taqdimat al-maʿrifah
- Talkhīṣ tafsīr Jālīnūs li-Fuṣūl Ibqurāṭ
- Taʻālīq kitāb al-ajinnah
- Taʻālīq kitāb al-akhlāṭ
- Taʻālīq kitāb al-amrāḍ al-ḥaddah
- Taʻālīq kitāb al-fuṣūl li-Ibuqrāṭ
- Taʻālīq kitāb al-ghidhāʼ
- Taʻālīq kitāb al-qāṭīṭrīyun li-Ibūqrāṭ
- Taʻālīq kitāb awjāʻ al-nisāʼ
- Taʻālīq kitāb ibīdīmīyah
- Taʻālīq kitāb taqdimat al-maʻrifah
- Title not given
- ʻIlāj al-masākīn wa-ṭibb al-fuqarāʼ
- Contributed to:
- "Index verborum to the Arabic translation of Galen , De anat. admin." — Bibliographic antecedent
- [Recipes, etc., attributed to Galen ] — Bibliographic antecedent
- A revision of the translation by Ḥubaysh ibn al-Ḥasan al-Aʻsam al-Dimashqī 10th cent. of Galen ʼs Anatomica in 15 books — Bibliographic antecedent
- al-Adwiyah al-mufradah ∣ ʻIbādī — Bibliographic antecedent
- al-Mughnī fī tadbīr al-amrāḍ wa-maʻrifat al-ʻilal wa-al-aʻraḍ
- An astrological work on nativities, drawn from Hermes , Abū Maʻshar , Plato , Khattān , Galen and others. — Bibliographic antecedent
- Collection of inshās — Attributed name, Contributor
- Faṣl fī al-ṭibb ṣifah sharāb mufarriḥ muʻtadil — Attributed name
- Faṣl fī tarkīb al-insān wa-mā yakhtaṣṣ bihi ʻalá mamarr al-zamān — Bibliographic antecedent
- Jawāmiʻ mā qāla Jālīnūs fī al-bawl — Bibliographic antecedent
- Kitāb fī al-suʻāl — Bibliographic antecedent
- Kitāb Maʻājīn — Attributed name
- Majmūʻ min aqwāl Jālīnūs wa-Ibuqrāṭ fī tadbīr al-nāqá wa-man shābahahu min al-mahzūlīn — Bibliographic antecedent
- Risālat shifā᾽ li-adwā᾽ al-wabā᾽
- Ḥīlat al-burʼ — Bibliographic antecedent
- Manuscripts:
- Dd. 12.1 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- MS. Arab. d. 112 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS Arabic 14 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS Arabic 62 (Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust)
- MS. Bodl. Or. 68 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bruce 45 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Bruce 50 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 359 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 600 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Huntington 602 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Laud Or. 139 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Marsh 96 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Marsh 158 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Marsh 215 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Marsh 448 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Marsh 537 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- MS. Turk. e. 33 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
- Or. 1022 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or. 1450 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Or 5862 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
- P. 1 (University Library, Cambridge University)
- Persian MS 500 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
- R.13.45 (Wren Library, Trinity College Cambridge)
The above references reflect only the current coverage of the online catalogue and may not be comprehensive.