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- Contents:
- Qur'an with an interlinear Persian Translation
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- An anonymous Persian edition of the Muʻallaqāt (the Arabic text with explanation in Persian)
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- Original and selected poetry and prose in Arabic, Persian and Turkish
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- Arabic prayer with a Persian introduction
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- The first of fourteen large volumes of an illuminated Quʾranic manuscript with interlinear literal translations in Persian and…
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- The ninth of fourteen large volumes of an illuminated Quʿran manuscript with interlinear literal translations in Persian and…
- Contents:
- Basāwan La‘l bin Nansuk’h Rāy Kāyat’h Saksēnah Bilgrāmī , pen named S̲h̲ādān first composed the Amīr'nāmah (Book of the…
- Contents:
- This incomplete, illustrated Persian translation of the Kitāb Suwar Kawākib al-Thābitah (Book of Forms of the Fixed Stars),…
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- An incomplete copy of the Anvār-i Suhaylī by Ḥusayn Vāʻiẓ Kāshifī (d. ca. 1504). .
- Contents:
- A Persian translation of the ʻAjā’ib al-Makhlūqāt va Gharāʼib al-Mawjūdāt (Wonders of Creation and Oddities of Existence),…
- Contents:
- Persian illustrated copy of Qazwini's Wonders of Creation , an important Arabic cosmography.
- Contents:
- A Persian translation of the ʻAjā’ib al-Makhlūqāt va Gharāʼib al-Mawjūdāt (Wonders of Creation and Oddities of Existence),…
- Contents:
- This illuminated and illustrated anonymous Persian translation of the ʻAjā’ib al-Makhlūqāt va Gharāʼib al-Mawjūdāt (Wonders of…
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- Siḥr-i halāl by Ahlī Shīrāzī, Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf, 1454-1535 or 1536
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- A Safavid-era illustrated copy of the romance of Khusraw and Shirin , one of the five poems of Khamsah (Quintet) by medieval…
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- ʻIyār-i dānish by Abū al-Faz̤l ibn Mubārak, 1551-1602
- Contents:
- Shāhnāmah by Firdawsī
- Contents:
- This illustrated Persian manuscript features two different works synchronously written on the pages: a Shāhnāmah (Book of…