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- Contents:
- Qur'an with an interlinear Persian Translation
- Contents:
- The Arabic version of the Fables of Bidpai
- Contents:
- A copy of the Qāmūs of al-Fīrūzābādī
- Contents:
- A copy of Maqamāt al-Ḥarīrī, complete but no risālahs
- Contents:
- A beautiful copy of the famous Dīwān of al-Mutanabbī.
- Contents:
- A well-written copy of the Qur'an, with gilt and coloured rulings, broad margins, and fine Naskhi script.
- Contents:
- Composite manuscript comprising the collection of 100 sayings attributed to 'Ali bin Abi Talib with Turkish translations, bound…
- Contents:
- Talismanic Qur'an scroll in white metal case
- Contents:
- Talismanic Qur'an scroll
- Contents:
- An illuminated copy of the Burdah
- Contents:
- The Diwan of Abu Tammam
- Contents:
- The second part of the great historical work Mirʼāt al-zamān by Sibṭ ibn al-Jawzī
- Contents:
- Part of the celebrated anthology of Ibn ʻAbd Rabbih
- Contents:
- The first part of the medical encyclopedia by Dāʼūd ibn ʻUmar al-Anṭākī
- Contents:
- The twentieth volume of the history of animals and plants by Ibn Faḍl Allāh al-ʻUmarī
- Contents:
- A history of Maccah and the Ka'bah by Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Nahrawālī
- Contents:
- A continuous fragment of the fourth juz of the Qurʼān
- Contents:
- A volume treating of the history of Yaman from the time of the Prophet down to 802/1399
- Contents:
- A work, giving in each section the opinions of the different schools of jurisprudence
- Contents:
- Two volumes of the Hadith collection by al-Khaṭīb al-Tibrīzī
- Contents:
- An abriged version of Tabari's History, possibly retranslated in Arabic from Bal'ami's Persian version
- Contents:
- Collection of poems and aphorisms by al-Jilyānī
- Contents:
- Tafsir by Abū Ḥayyān al-Andalusī
- Contents:
- A general history of the world from the Creation, by al-Qaramānī
- Contents:
- A copy of the historical encyclopedia Murūj al-dhahab by al-Masʻūdī
- Contents:
- Zahr al-riyāḍāt fī dhikr awṣāf al-maqāmāt by Saʿbān Abu ’l-Barakāt b. Muṣṭafā b. Muḥammad Dūdū
- Contents:
- Volume one of the commentary on the Diwan of al-Mutanabbi (for volume two see Arabic MS 31)
- Contents:
- Volume two of the commentary on the Diwan of al-Mutanabbi (for volume one see Arabic MS 30)
- Contents:
- Collection relating to al-Ḥillī
- Contents:
- Completion of the Tadhkira al-Ḥakīm Dāwūd, by unknown author.
- Contents:
- The first volume of the historical work on Egypt by al-Maqrīzī
- Contents:
- The second volume of the historical work on Egypt by al-Maqrīzī
- Contents:
- A work containing biographies of rulers and philosophers by al-Shahrazūrī
- Contents:
- A copy of Maqamāt al-Ḥarīrī, but does not contain the risālahs
- Contents:
- A geography and natural history of the world by Ibn al-Wardi
- Contents:
- A short history of Egypt from its conquests by the early Muslims down to the governorship of Sulaiman Pasha in 933/1526
- Contents:
- Incomplete copy of the Arabian Nights
- Contents:
- A short history of the principal Muhammadan rulers
- Contents:
- A heterogeneous compilation of an ethical character basen on traditions in which only the first rawi is mentioned. Also…
- Contents:
- A history of the Muhammadan dynasties and peoples from the birth of the Prophet down to the death, in A.H. 512, of the Caliph…
- Contents:
- An abridgment of the travels of Ibn Batuta
- Contents:
- Volume one of Wafayāt al-aʻyān by Ibn Khallikān (for volume two see Arabic MS 46)
- Contents:
- Volume two of Wafayāt al-aʻyān by Ibn Khallikān (for volume one see Arabic MS 45)
- Contents:
- A collection of Arabic proverbs
- Contents:
- A history of the town of Aleppo
- Contents:
- Illustrated copy of Maqamāt al-Ḥarīrī
- Contents:
- A pocket copy of the Qurʼān