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- Contents:
- 1 copy of Habib us-Siyar. Vol. III, chapters 1, 2. Incomplete at end, though ending neatly at the end of a page by Khvānd Mīr,…
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- 1 copy of Ḥaqīqat-i Rājah-hāyi mutafarriqah-i Hindūstan
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- 1 copy of Ḥaqīqat-i binā va ‘urūj-i dawlat-i Rājah-hāyi Sattārah
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- A history of the Afghans from their conquest of Persia to 1224/1809, with descriptions of towns and tribes at the end. Written…
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Mukhtaṣar Buqrāṭ al-ḥakīm fī al-ṭibb by Hippocrates, (fl. c. 450s BC)
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- 1 copy of Manhaj al-sadiqin fi ilzam al-mukhalifin. Vol. 1 by Kāshānī, Fatḥ Allāh ibn Shukr Allāh, d. 1570 or 71
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Minhāj al-ṣādiqīn fī ilzām al-mukhālifīn Vol. V (of five) by Kāshānī, Fatḥ Allāh ibn Shukr Allāh, d. 1570 or 71
- Contents:
- 1 copy of An enumeration of the times which each letter of the Alphabet occurs in the the first 30 Surahs of the Koran
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- 1 copy of al-Ṣahīfah al-Kāmilah by Zayn al-ʻĀbidīn ʻAlī ibn al-Ḥusayn, d. 710?
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Prayers for the seven days of the week by ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib, Caliph, ca. 600-661
- Contents:
- The prophet Muhammad's recommendation of seven verses of the Qur'an to 'Ali b. Abi Talib as effective against all types of harm…
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- Description of thirty-one of the powers of the prayer Qarathiyan, in Persian, followed by the text of the prayer in mumbo-jumbo…
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- 1 copy of A poem in khafif metre on the dates of birth and death and the burial places of the Fourteen Immaculates
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- 1 copy of Treatise on the Ceremonies and Religious Duties of Muhammadans by Vaḥshī Bāfqī, d. 1583
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- Dhakira-yi Guvirnir Jinral Hishtin Sahib. Vol. III [The Treasure of Governor General Hastings Sahib (Warren Hastings). ] /… by…
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- 2 works by 2 authors on the subjects of Hindustani poetry and Hinduism
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- 1 copy of Jami' i Abbasi by ʻĀmilī, Bahāʼ al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Ḥusayn, 1547-1621
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- 1 copy of Sharh-i Mathnawi by Mir Muhammad Nurallah Sad? Ahrari.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Nuzhat al-arwāḥ by Mīr Ḥusaynī Haravī, Ḥusayn ibn ʻĀlim, 1272 or 3-ca. 1317
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Nuzhat al-Arwah by Mīr Ḥusaynī Haravī, Ḥusayn ibn ʻĀlim, 1272 or 3-ca. 1317
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- 1 copy of Dabistān-i madhāhib by 2 authors
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- Pro-Shi'i polemic, in the form of a discussion supposed to have taken place at the court of Harun al-Rashid, the Shi'a argument…
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- 1 copy of Mahābhārata
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- 1 copy of Mahābhārata
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- History of the Seventh Incarnation of Vishnu??. Translated from the Sanskrit Yogavasishtha traditionaly attributed to Valmiki.…
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Tarikh-i Musawi [Life of Moses] by Muʻīn al-Dīn Farāhī, d. 1501 or 2
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawḍat al-aḥbāb fī siyar al-Nabī wa-al-āl wa-al-aṣḥāb by Dashtakī, ʻAṭāʼ Allāh ibn Faḍl Allāh, -1400 or 1401>
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawḍat al-aḥbāb fī siyar al-Nabī wa-al-āl wa-al-aṣḥāb by Dashtakī, ʻAṭāʼ Allāh ibn Faḍl Allāh, -1400 or 1401>
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Manaqib al-Murtadawi by Kashfī Tirmiz̲ī, Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ ibn ʻAbd Allāh, d. 1650 or 51
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- 1 copy of Futuh i Ibn i A'tham / Ahmad Ibn A'tham al-Kufi. Persian translation by Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Mustaufi Harawi by Ibn…
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- 1 copy of Tarjamah i Tarikh i Tabari by Ṭabarī, 838?-923
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- 1 copy of Saljuqnama by Zahir al-Din Nishapuri.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Tarjumah-i taʼrīkh-i Ṭabarī by Ṭabarī, 838?-923
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Tarjumah-i taʼrīkh-i Ṭabarī by Ṭabarī, 838?-923
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Tabaqat i Nasiri by Minhāj Sirāj Jūzjānī, b. 1193
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- 1 copy of Tarikh i Banakati. Full title: Raudat uli'l-albab fi tawarikh al-akabir wa-'l-ansab by Banākatī, Dāvūd ibn…
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Tarikh i Banakati by Banākatī, Dāvūd ibn Muḥammad, d. 1329 or 30
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Majma' al-Ansab by Shabānkārahʹī, Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī, b. 1298
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawdat al-Safa fi sirat al-anbiya' wa-'l-muluk wa-'l-khulafa' by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawdat al-safa. Vol. 1 by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawdat al-safa. Vol. 1 by 2 authors
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawdat al-Safa. Vol. II by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawdat al-Safa. Vol. II by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawdat al-Safa. Vol. II by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawdat us-Safa. Vol. III by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawdat al-Safa. Vol. III by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawdat al-Safa. Vols. I, II, III by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawdat al-Safa. Vol. IV by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawdat us-Safa. Vol. V by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawdat al-Safa. Vol. VI by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawdat al-Safa. Vol. VI by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawdat al-Safa. Vol. VI by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawdat al-safa. Vols. IV, V. and VI by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Rawz̤at al-ṣafā. Vol. VII by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Khulasat al-Akhbar fi bayan ahwal al-akhyar by Khvānd Mīr, Ghiyās̲ al-Dīn ibn Humām al-Dīn, ca. 1475-1535?
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Khulasat al-Akhbar by Khvānd Mīr, Ghiyās̲ al-Dīn ibn Humām al-Dīn, ca. 1475-1535?
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Habib al-siyar. Vol. 1 by Khvānd Mīr, Ghiyās̲ al-Dīn ibn Humām al-Dīn, ca. 1475-1535?
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Habib al-siyar. Vol.II by Khvānd Mīr, Ghiyās̲ al-Dīn ibn Humām al-Dīn, ca. 1475-1535?
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Habib al-siyar. Vol. II by Khvānd Mīr, Ghiyās̲ al-Dīn ibn Humām al-Dīn, ca. 1475-1535?
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Habib al-siyar. Vol. II by Khvānd Mīr, Ghiyās̲ al-Dīn ibn Humām al-Dīn, ca. 1475-1535?
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Habib al-siyar. Volume II by Khvānd Mīr, Ghiyās̲ al-Dīn ibn Humām al-Dīn, ca. 1475-1535?
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Habib al-siyar. First chapter of the second volume by Khvānd Mīr, Ghiyās̲ al-Dīn ibn Humām al-Dīn, ca. 1475-1535?
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Habib al-siyar. First two and part of the third chapter of Vol. III by Khvānd Mīr, Ghiyās̲ al-Dīn ibn Humām al-Dīn,…
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Habib al-siyar. First two chapters of Vol. Ill by Khvānd Mīr, Ghiyās̲ al-Dīn ibn Humām al-Dīn, ca. 1475-1535?
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Habib al-Siyar. The fourth chapter and conclusion of Vol. III by Khvānd Mīr, Ghiyās̲ al-Dīn ibn Humām al-Dīn, ca.…
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Nigaristan by Ghaffārī, Ahmad ibn Muhammad, ca. 1495-1567 or 8
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Zubdat al-Tawarikh by Kamal Khan b. Jalal Munajjim.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Mir'at al-‘Alam by Shaikh Muhammad Baqa b. Ghulam Muhammad Saharanpuri.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Mir'at i Aftab-numa by 'Abd. al-Rahman Shahnawaz Khan Hashimi Banbani Dihlawi.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Ṭabaqāt-i Akbarshāhī by Niẓām al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad Muqīm Harawī
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Tarikh i Hakki, or Dhikr al-muluk. by ʻAbd al-Ḥaqq ibn Sayf al-Dīn Dihlavī, 1551-1642
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Tarikh i Firishtah, or Gulshan i Ibrahimi by Firishtah, Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Tarikh i Firishtah, or Gulshan-i Ibrahimi by Firishtah, Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Tarikh i Firishtah, or Gulshan i Ibrahimi by 2 authors
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Tarikh i Firishtah, or Gulshan i Ibrahimi by Firishtah, Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Tarikh i Firishtah, or Gulshan-i Ibrahimi by Firishtah, Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Khulasat al-tawarikh by Sūjan Rāʾi, fl. 1690-1698
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Khulasat al-tawarikh by Sūjan Rāʾi, fl. 1690-1698
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Khulasat al-tawarikh by Sūjan Rāʾi, fl. 1690-1698
- Contents:
- 1 copy of An account of the early Rajahs of Hastinapur by Anon.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Haqiqat i Rajah-hai Ujjain by Anon.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Haqiqat i bina wa 'uruj i daulat i Rajah-ha yi Satarah by Anon.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of An account of Madhurao Peshwa, comprising the events which took place between A.H. 1174 and 1187 by Anon.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Hakikat i bina wa 'uruj i firqah i Sikhan by Anon.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Haqiqat i bina wa 'uruj i firqah i Sikhan by Anon.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of A letter from the Emperor Shah 'Alam to George III of England
- Contents:
- Brief excerpts concerning the history of the Sikhs taken from a) the Muntakhab al-lubab of Khafi Khan, and b) a work on Mughal…
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Tārīkh-i Sind by Maʻṣūm, Mīr Muḥammad, 1538-1606
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- 1 copy of Chachnāmah by Kūfī, ʻAlī ibn Ḥāmid active 13th century
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- 1 copy of Khuṭūṭ-i Sivājī by Shivaji, Raja, 1627-1680
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Makhzan i Afghani by Niʻmat Allāh, fl. 1613-1630
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Ḥusaynī-Shāhī by Imām al-Dīn Ḥusaynī
- Contents:
- 1 copy of A short history of the Sikhs from the time of Nanak to A.D. 1806 by Bakht-Mal.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Risalah i Ansab i Afghaniah by Farid al-Din Ahmad.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Tadhkirah i Ahwal i Salatin i Bijapur by Sayyid Ghulam Muhiyy al-Din Pirzadah.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Basatin al-Salatin by Ghulam Murtada, called Sahib Hadrat.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Muntakhab i Tawarikh i Bahri by Qadi 'Abd al-Nabi.
- Contents:
- 1 copy of Taʼrīkh-i Sulṭān Muḥammad Quṭbshāhī
- Contents:
- 1 copy of al-Qurʼān
- Contents:
- 1 copy of al-Qurʼān